blob: 11f39b1b2b9365232819542f842624fb67c2c550 [file] [log] [blame]
use bstr::BString;
use gix_index::entry::stat;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Collision {
/// the path that collided with something already present on disk.
pub path: BString,
/// The io error we encountered when checking out `path`.
pub error_kind: std::io::ErrorKind,
pub struct ErrorRecord {
/// the path that encountered the error.
pub path: BString,
/// The error
pub error: Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>,
pub struct Outcome {
/// The amount of files updated, or created.
pub files_updated: usize,
/// The amount of bytes written to disk,
pub bytes_written: u64,
pub collisions: Vec<Collision>,
pub errors: Vec<ErrorRecord>,
#[derive(Clone, Default)]
pub struct Options {
/// capabilities of the file system
pub fs: gix_fs::Capabilities,
/// If set, don't use more than this amount of threads.
/// Otherwise, usually use as many threads as there are logical cores.
/// A value of 0 is interpreted as no-limit
pub thread_limit: Option<usize>,
/// If true, we assume no file to exist in the target directory, and want exclusive access to it.
/// This should be enabled when cloning to avoid checks for freshness of files. This also enables
/// detection of collisions based on whether or not exclusive file creation succeeds or fails.
pub destination_is_initially_empty: bool,
/// If true, default false, worktree entries on disk will be overwritten with content from the index
/// even if they appear to be changed. When creating directories that clash with existing worktree entries,
/// these will try to delete the existing entry.
/// This is similar in behaviour as `git checkout --force`.
pub overwrite_existing: bool,
/// If true, default false, try to checkout as much as possible and don't abort on first error which isn't
/// due to a conflict.
/// The checkout operation will never fail, but count the encountered errors instead along with their paths.
pub keep_going: bool,
/// Control how stat comparisons are made when checking if a file is fresh.
pub stat_options: stat::Options,
/// A stack of attributes to use with the filesystem cache to use as driver for filters.
pub attributes: crate::cache::state::Attributes,
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error<E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static> {
#[error("Could not convert path to UTF8: {}", .path)]
IllformedUtf8 { path: BString },
#[error("The clock was off when reading file related metadata after updating a file on disk")]
Time(#[from] std::time::SystemTimeError),
#[error("IO error while writing blob or reading file metadata or changing filetype")]
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
#[error("object {} for checkout at {} could not be retrieved from object database", .oid.to_hex(), .path.display())]
Find {
err: E,
oid: gix_hash::ObjectId,
path: std::path::PathBuf,
mod chunk;
mod entry;
pub(crate) mod function;