blob: 6281549e07429049081e29e1b1d11961568af63d [file] [log] [blame]
//! exclude information
use crate::{config, Repository};
impl Repository {
/// Configure a file-system cache checking if files below the repository are excluded, reading `.gitignore` files from
/// the specified `source`.
/// Note that no worktree is required for this to work, even though access to in-tree `.gitignore` files would require
/// a non-empty `index` that represents a tree with `.gitignore` files.
/// This takes into consideration all the usual repository configuration, namely:
/// * `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/…/ignore` if `core.excludesFile` is *not* set, otherwise use the configured file.
/// * `$GIT_DIR/info/exclude` if present.
/// When only excludes are desired, this is the most efficient way to obtain them. Otherwise use
/// [`Repository::attributes()`] for accessing both attributes and excludes.
// TODO: test, provide higher-level custom Cache wrapper that is much easier to use and doesn't panic when accessing entries
// by non-relative path.
pub fn excludes(
index: &gix_index::State,
overrides: Option<gix_ignore::Search>,
source: gix_worktree::cache::state::ignore::Source,
) -> Result<gix_worktree::Cache, config::exclude_stack::Error> {
let case = if self.config.ignore_case {
} else {
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(512);
let ignore = self
.assemble_exclude_globals(self.git_dir(), overrides, source, &mut buf)?;
let state = gix_worktree::cache::State::IgnoreStack(ignore);
let attribute_list = state.id_mappings_from_index(index, index.path_backing(), source, case);
// this is alright as we don't cause mutation of that directory, it's virtual.