blob: fc5aa7753b0dd4a606a78f25f77ce32e89a14d78 [file] [log] [blame]
use core::fmt::Debug;
use core::mem;
use crate::elf;
use crate::endian::{self, U32};
use crate::pod::Pod;
use crate::read::util;
use crate::read::{self, Bytes, Error, ReadError};
use super::FileHeader;
/// An iterator over the notes in an ELF section or segment.
pub struct NoteIterator<'data, Elf>
Elf: FileHeader,
endian: Elf::Endian,
align: usize,
data: Bytes<'data>,
impl<'data, Elf> NoteIterator<'data, Elf>
Elf: FileHeader,
/// An iterator over the notes in an ELF section or segment.
/// `align` should be from the `p_align` field of the segment,
/// or the `sh_addralign` field of the section. Supported values are
/// either 4 or 8, but values less than 4 are treated as 4.
/// This matches the behaviour of binutils.
/// Returns `Err` if `align` is invalid.
pub fn new(endian: Elf::Endian, align: Elf::Word, data: &'data [u8]) -> read::Result<Self> {
let align = match align.into() {
0u64..=4 => 4,
8 => 8,
_ => return Err(Error("Invalid ELF note alignment")),
// TODO: check data alignment?
Ok(NoteIterator {
data: Bytes(data),
/// Returns the next note.
pub fn next(&mut self) -> read::Result<Option<Note<'data, Elf>>> {
let mut data =;
if data.is_empty() {
return Ok(None);
let header = data
.read_error("ELF note is too short")?;
// The name has no alignment requirement.
let offset = mem::size_of::<Elf::NoteHeader>();
let namesz = header.n_namesz(self.endian) as usize;
let name = data
.read_bytes_at(offset, namesz)
.read_error("Invalid ELF note namesz")?
// The descriptor must be aligned.
let offset = util::align(offset + namesz, self.align);
let descsz = header.n_descsz(self.endian) as usize;
let desc = data
.read_bytes_at(offset, descsz)
.read_error("Invalid ELF note descsz")?
// The next note (if any) must be aligned.
let offset = util::align(offset + descsz, self.align);
if data.skip(offset).is_err() {
data = Bytes(&[]);
} = data;
Ok(Some(Note { header, name, desc }))
/// A parsed `NoteHeader`.
pub struct Note<'data, Elf>
Elf: FileHeader,
header: &'data Elf::NoteHeader,
name: &'data [u8],
desc: &'data [u8],
impl<'data, Elf: FileHeader> Note<'data, Elf> {
/// Return the `n_type` field of the `NoteHeader`.
/// The meaning of this field is determined by `name`.
pub fn n_type(&self, endian: Elf::Endian) -> u32 {
/// Return the `n_namesz` field of the `NoteHeader`.
pub fn n_namesz(&self, endian: Elf::Endian) -> u32 {
/// Return the `n_descsz` field of the `NoteHeader`.
pub fn n_descsz(&self, endian: Elf::Endian) -> u32 {
/// Return the bytes for the name field following the `NoteHeader`,
/// excluding any null terminator.
/// This field is usually a string including a null terminator
/// (but it is not required to be).
/// The length of this field (including any null terminator) is given by
/// `n_namesz`.
pub fn name(&self) -> &'data [u8] {
if let Some((last, name)) = {
if *last == 0 {
return name;
/// Return the bytes for the desc field following the `NoteHeader`.
/// The length of this field is given by `n_descsz`. The meaning
/// of this field is determined by `name` and `n_type`.
pub fn desc(&self) -> &'data [u8] {
/// Return an iterator for properties if this note's type is `NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0`.
pub fn gnu_properties(
endian: Elf::Endian,
) -> Option<GnuPropertyIterator<'data, Elf::Endian>> {
if != elf::ELF_NOTE_GNU || self.n_type(endian) != elf::NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0 {
return None;
// Use the ELF class instead of the section alignment.
// This matches what other parsers do.
let align = if Elf::is_type_64_sized() { 8 } else { 4 };
Some(GnuPropertyIterator {
data: Bytes(self.desc),
/// A trait for generic access to `NoteHeader32` and `NoteHeader64`.
pub trait NoteHeader: Debug + Pod {
type Endian: endian::Endian;
fn n_namesz(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32;
fn n_descsz(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32;
fn n_type(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32;
impl<Endian: endian::Endian> NoteHeader for elf::NoteHeader32<Endian> {
type Endian = Endian;
fn n_namesz(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32 {
fn n_descsz(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32 {
fn n_type(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32 {
impl<Endian: endian::Endian> NoteHeader for elf::NoteHeader64<Endian> {
type Endian = Endian;
fn n_namesz(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32 {
fn n_descsz(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32 {
fn n_type(&self, endian: Self::Endian) -> u32 {
/// An iterator over the properties in a `NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0` note.
pub struct GnuPropertyIterator<'data, Endian: endian::Endian> {
endian: Endian,
align: usize,
data: Bytes<'data>,
impl<'data, Endian: endian::Endian> GnuPropertyIterator<'data, Endian> {
/// Returns the next property.
pub fn next(&mut self) -> read::Result<Option<GnuProperty<'data>>> {
let mut data =;
if data.is_empty() {
return Ok(None);
(|| -> Result<_, ()> {
let pr_type = data.read_at::<U32<Endian>>(0)?.get(self.endian);
let pr_datasz = data.read_at::<U32<Endian>>(4)?.get(self.endian) as usize;
let pr_data = data.read_bytes_at(8, pr_datasz)?.0;
data.skip(util::align(8 + pr_datasz, self.align))?; = data;
Ok(Some(GnuProperty { pr_type, pr_data }))
.read_error("Invalid ELF GNU property")
/// A property in a `NT_GNU_PROPERTY_TYPE_0` note.
pub struct GnuProperty<'data> {
pr_type: u32,
pr_data: &'data [u8],
impl<'data> GnuProperty<'data> {
/// Return the property type.
/// This is one of the `GNU_PROPERTY_*` constants.
pub fn pr_type(&self) -> u32 {
/// Return the property data.
pub fn pr_data(&self) -> &'data [u8] {
/// Parse the property data as an unsigned 32-bit integer.
pub fn data_u32<E: endian::Endian>(&self, endian: E) -> read::Result<u32> {
.read_error("Invalid ELF GNU property data")
.map(|val| val.get(endian))