blob: 9d6b0dccf4621c80a21d23aab7ab36695cff725c [file] [log] [blame]
//! Offers an easy way to build a rustc sysroot from source.
use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
use std::env;
use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use std::fs;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::ops::Not;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
use tempfile::TempDir;
/// Returns where the given rustc stores its sysroot source code.
pub fn rustc_sysroot_src(mut rustc: Command) -> Result<PathBuf> {
let output = rustc
.args(["--print", "sysroot"])
.context("failed to determine sysroot")?;
if !output.status.success() {
"failed to determine sysroot; rustc said:\n{}",
let sysroot =
std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).context("sysroot folder is not valid UTF-8")?;
let sysroot = Path::new(sysroot.trim_end_matches('\n'));
let rustc_src = sysroot
// There could be symlinks here, so better canonicalize to avoid busting the cache due to path
// changes.
let rustc_src = rustc_src.canonicalize().unwrap_or(rustc_src);
/// Encode a list of rustflags for use in CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS.
pub fn encode_rustflags(flags: &[OsString]) -> OsString {
let mut res = OsString::new();
for flag in flags {
if !res.is_empty() {
// Cargo ignores this env var if it's not UTF-8.
let flag = flag.to_str().expect("rustflags must be valid UTF-8");
if flag.contains('\x1f') {
panic!("rustflags must not contain `\\x1f` separator");
/// Make a file writeable.
fn make_writeable(p: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let mut perms = fs::metadata(p)?.permissions();
fs::set_permissions(p, perms).context("cannot set permissions")?;
/// The build mode to use for this sysroot.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum BuildMode {
/// Do a full sysroot build. Suited for all purposes (like the regular sysroot), but only works
/// for the host or for targets that have suitable development tools installed.
/// Do a check-only sysroot build. This is only suited for check-only builds of crates, but on
/// the plus side it works for *arbitrary* targets without having any special tools installed.
impl BuildMode {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
use BuildMode::*;
match self {
Build => "build",
Check => "check",
/// Settings controlling how the sysroot will be built.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum SysrootConfig {
/// Build a no-std (only core and alloc) sysroot.
/// Build a full sysroot with the `std` and `test` crates.
WithStd {
/// Features to enable for the `std` crate.
std_features: Vec<String>,
/// Information about a to-be-created sysroot.
pub struct SysrootBuilder {
sysroot_dir: PathBuf,
target: OsString,
config: SysrootConfig,
mode: BuildMode,
rustflags: Vec<OsString>,
cargo: Option<Command>,
rustc_version: Option<rustc_version::VersionMeta>,
/// Hash file name (in target/lib directory).
const HASH_FILE_NAME: &str = ".rustc-build-sysroot-hash";
impl SysrootBuilder {
/// Prepare to create a new sysroot in the given folder (that folder should later be passed to
/// rustc via `--sysroot`), for the given target.
pub fn new(sysroot_dir: &Path, target: impl Into<OsString>) -> Self {
SysrootBuilder {
sysroot_dir: sysroot_dir.to_owned(),
target: target.into(),
config: SysrootConfig::WithStd {
std_features: vec![],
mode: BuildMode::Build,
rustflags: vec![],
cargo: None,
rustc_version: None,
/// Sets the build mode (regular build vs check-only build).
pub fn build_mode(mut self, build_mode: BuildMode) -> Self {
self.mode = build_mode;
/// Sets the sysroot configuration (which parts of the sysroot to build and with which features).
pub fn sysroot_config(mut self, sysroot_config: SysrootConfig) -> Self {
self.config = sysroot_config;
/// Appends the given flag.
pub fn rustflag(mut self, rustflag: impl Into<OsString>) -> Self {
/// Appends the given flags.
pub fn rustflags(mut self, rustflags: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<OsString>>) -> Self {
/// Sets the cargo command to call.
pub fn cargo(mut self, cargo: Command) -> Self {
self.cargo = Some(cargo);
/// Sets the rustc version information (in case the user has that available).
pub fn rustc_version(mut self, rustc_version: rustc_version::VersionMeta) -> Self {
self.rustc_version = Some(rustc_version);
fn target_name(&self) -> &OsStr {
let path = Path::new(&;
// If this is a filename, the name is obtained by stripping directory and extension.
// That will also work fine for built-in target names.
.expect("target name must contain a file name")
fn target_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {
/// Computes the hash for the sysroot, so that we know whether we have to rebuild.
fn sysroot_compute_hash(
src_dir: &Path,
rustc_version: &rustc_version::VersionMeta,
) -> u64 {
let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new();
// For now, we just hash in the information we have in `self`.
// Ideally we'd recursively hash the entire folder but that sounds slow?
src_dir.hash(&mut hasher);
self.config.hash(&mut hasher);
self.mode.hash(&mut hasher);
self.rustflags.hash(&mut hasher);
rustc_version.hash(&mut hasher);
fn sysroot_read_hash(&self) -> Option<u64> {
let hash_file = self.target_dir().join("lib").join(HASH_FILE_NAME);
let hash = fs::read_to_string(&hash_file).ok()?;
/// Build the `self` sysroot from the given sources.
/// `src_dir` must be the `library` source folder, i.e., the one that contains `std/Cargo.toml`.
pub fn build_from_source(mut self, src_dir: &Path) -> Result<()> {
// A bit of preparation.
if !src_dir.join("std").join("Cargo.toml").exists() {
"{:?} does not seem to be a rust library source folder: `src/Cargo.toml` not found",
let target_lib_dir = self.target_dir().join("lib");
let target_name = self.target_name().to_owned();
let cargo = self.cargo.take().unwrap_or_else(|| {
Command::new(env::var_os("CARGO").unwrap_or_else(|| OsString::from("cargo")))
let rustc_version = match self.rustc_version.take() {
Some(v) => v,
None => rustc_version::version_meta()?,
// Check if we even need to do anything.
let cur_hash = self.sysroot_compute_hash(src_dir, &rustc_version);
if self.sysroot_read_hash() == Some(cur_hash) {
// Already done!
return Ok(());
// Prepare a workspace for cargo
let build_dir = TempDir::new().context("failed to create tempdir")?;
let lock_file = build_dir.path().join("Cargo.lock");
let manifest_file = build_dir.path().join("Cargo.toml");
let lib_file = build_dir.path().join("");
.expect("src_dir must have a parent")
.context("failed to copy lockfile from sysroot source")?;
make_writeable(&lock_file).context("failed to make lockfile writeable")?;
let have_sysroot_crate = src_dir.join("sysroot").exists();
let crates = match &self.config {
SysrootConfig::NoStd => format!(
path = {src_dir_core:?}
path = {src_dir_alloc:?}
features = ["rustc-dep-of-std", "mem"]
version = "*"
src_dir_core = src_dir.join("core"),
src_dir_alloc = src_dir.join("alloc"),
SysrootConfig::WithStd { std_features } if have_sysroot_crate => format!(
features = {std_features:?}
path = {src_dir_std:?}
path = {src_dir_sysroot:?}
std_features = std_features,
src_dir_std = src_dir.join("std"),
src_dir_sysroot = src_dir.join("sysroot"),
// Fallback for old rustc where the main crate was `test`, not `sysroot`
SysrootConfig::WithStd { std_features } => format!(
features = {std_features:?}
path = {src_dir_std:?}
path = {src_dir_test:?}
std_features = std_features,
src_dir_std = src_dir.join("std"),
src_dir_test = src_dir.join("test"),
let manifest = format!(
authors = ["rustc-build-sysroot"]
name = "custom-local-sysroot"
version = "0.0.0"
# empty dummy, just so that things are being built
path = ""
path = {src_dir_workspace_core:?}
path = {src_dir_workspace_alloc:?}
path = {src_dir_workspace_std:?}
crates = crates,
src_dir_workspace_core = src_dir.join("rustc-std-workspace-core"),
src_dir_workspace_alloc = src_dir.join("rustc-std-workspace-alloc"),
src_dir_workspace_std = src_dir.join("rustc-std-workspace-std"),
fs::write(&manifest_file, manifest.as_bytes()).context("failed to write manifest file")?;
let lib = match self.config {
SysrootConfig::NoStd => r#"#![no_std]"#,
SysrootConfig::WithStd { .. } => "",
fs::write(&lib_file, lib.as_bytes()).context("failed to write lib file")?;
// Run cargo.
let mut cmd = cargo;
// Set rustflags.
let mut flags = self.rustflags;
cmd.env("CARGO_ENCODED_RUSTFLAGS", encode_rustflags(&flags));
// Make sure the results end up where we expect them.
let build_target_dir = build_dir.path().join("target");
cmd.env("CARGO_TARGET_DIR", &build_target_dir);
// To avoid metadata conflicts, we need to inject some custom data into the crate hash.
// bootstrap does the same at
// <>.
cmd.env("__CARGO_DEFAULT_LIB_METADATA", "rustc-build-sysroot");
if cmd
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to execute cargo for sysroot build"))
bail!("sysroot build failed");
// Copy the output to a staging dir (so that we can do the final installation atomically.)
fs::create_dir_all(&self.sysroot_dir).context("failed to create sysroot dir")?; // TempDir expects the parent to already exist
let staging_dir =
TempDir::new_in(&self.sysroot_dir).context("failed to create staging dir")?;
let out_dir = build_target_dir
for entry in fs::read_dir(&out_dir).context("failed to read cargo out dir")? {
let entry = entry.context("failed to read cargo out dir entry")?;
"cargo out dir must not contain directories"
let entry = entry.path();
fs::copy(&entry, staging_dir.path().join(entry.file_name().unwrap()))
.context("failed to copy cargo out file")?;
// Write the hash file (into the staging dir).
.context("failed to write hash file")?;
// Atomic copy to final destination via rename.
if target_lib_dir.exists() {
// Remove potentially outdated files.
fs::remove_dir_all(&target_lib_dir).context("failed to clean sysroot target dir")?;
.expect("target/lib dir must have a parent"),
.context("failed to create target directory")?;
fs::rename(staging_dir.path(), target_lib_dir).context("failed installing sysroot")?;