blob: a5531d1ce084810c27747419e4985986988879fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018, 2020 Jason Lingle
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Support code for the `rusty_fork_test!` macro and similar.
//! Some functionality in this module is useful to other implementors and
//! unlikely to change. This subset is documented and considered stable.
use std::process::Command;
use crate::child_wrapper::ChildWrapper;
/// Run Rust tests in subprocesses.
/// The basic usage is to simply put this macro around your `#[test]`
/// functions.
/// ```
/// use rusty_fork::rusty_fork_test;
/// rusty_fork_test! {
/// # /*
/// #[test]
/// # */
/// fn my_test() {
/// assert_eq!(2, 1 + 1);
/// }
/// // more tests...
/// }
/// #
/// # fn main() { my_test(); }
/// ```
/// Each test will be run in its own process. If the subprocess exits
/// unsuccessfully for any reason, including due to signals, the test fails.
/// It is also possible to specify a timeout which is applied to all tests in
/// the block, like so:
/// ```
/// use rusty_fork::rusty_fork_test;
/// rusty_fork_test! {
/// #![rusty_fork(timeout_ms = 1000)]
/// # /*
/// #[test]
/// # */
/// fn my_test() {
/// do_some_expensive_computation();
/// }
/// // more tests...
/// }
/// # fn do_some_expensive_computation() { }
/// # fn main() { my_test(); }
/// ```
/// If any individual test takes more than the given timeout, the child is
/// terminated and the test panics.
/// Using the timeout feature requires the `timeout` feature for this crate to
/// be enabled (which it is by default).
macro_rules! rusty_fork_test {
(#![rusty_fork(timeout_ms = $timeout:expr)]
fn $test_name:ident() $body:block
)*) => { $(
fn $test_name() {
// Eagerly convert everything to function pointers so that all
// tests use the same instantiation of `fork`.
fn body_fn() $body
let body: fn () = body_fn;
fn supervise_fn(child: &mut $crate::ChildWrapper,
_file: &mut ::std::fs::File) {
$crate::fork_test::supervise_child(child, $timeout)
let supervise:
fn (&mut $crate::ChildWrapper, &mut ::std::fs::File) =
supervise, body).expect("forking test failed")
)* };
fn $test_name:ident() $body:block
)*) => {
rusty_fork_test! {
#![rusty_fork(timeout_ms = 0)]
$($(#[$meta])* fn $test_name() $body)*
/// Given the unqualified name of a `#[test]` function, produce a
/// `&'static str` corresponding to the name of the test as filtered by the
/// standard test harness.
/// This is internally used by `rusty_fork_test!` but is made available since
/// other test wrapping implementations will likely need it too.
/// This does not currently produce a constant expression.
macro_rules! rusty_fork_test_name {
($function_name:ident) => {
concat!(module_path!(), "::", stringify!($function_name)))
pub fn supervise_child(child: &mut ChildWrapper, timeout_ms: u64) {
if timeout_ms > 0 {
wait_timeout(child, timeout_ms)
} else {
let status = child.wait().expect("failed to wait for child");
"child exited unsuccessfully with {}", status);
pub fn no_configure_child(_child: &mut Command) { }
/// Transform a string representing a qualified path as generated via
/// `module_path!()` into a qualified path as expected by the standard Rust
/// test harness.
pub fn fix_module_path(path: &str) -> &str {
path.find("::").map(|ix| &path[ix+2..]).unwrap_or(path)
#[cfg(feature = "timeout")]
fn wait_timeout(child: &mut ChildWrapper, timeout_ms: u64) {
use std::time::Duration;
let timeout = Duration::from_millis(timeout_ms);
let status = child.wait_timeout(timeout).expect("failed to wait for child");
if let Some(status) = status {
"child exited unsuccessfully with {}", status);
} else {
panic!("child process exceeded {} ms timeout", timeout_ms);
#[cfg(not(feature = "timeout"))]
fn wait_timeout(_: &mut ChildWrapper, _: u64) {
panic!("Using the timeout feature of rusty_fork_test! requires \
enabling the `timeout` feature on the rusty-fork crate.");
mod test {
rusty_fork_test! {
fn trivial() { }
fn panicking_child() {
panic!("just testing a panic, nothing to see here");
fn aborting_child() {
rusty_fork_test! {
#![rusty_fork(timeout_ms = 1000)]
#[cfg(feature = "timeout")]
fn timeout_passes() { }
#[cfg(feature = "timeout")]
fn timeout_fails() {
println!("hello from child");
println!("goodbye from child");