blob: dcd6b4e42a9eda7f71199dfc72bc311229c9657e [file] [log] [blame]
pub extern crate object;
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use gimli::{EndianSlice, Reader};
use object::{write::Object as WritableObject, FileKind, Object, ObjectSection};
use tracing::{debug, trace};
use crate::{
package::{dwo_identifier_of_unit, DwarfObject, InProgressDwarfPackage},
relocate::{add_relocations, Relocate, RelocationMap},
mod error;
mod ext;
mod index;
mod package;
mod relocate;
mod strings;
pub use crate::error::Error;
/// `Session` is expected to be implemented by users of `thorin`, allowing users of `thorin` to
/// decide how to manage data, rather than `thorin` having arenas internally.
pub trait Session<Relocations> {
/// Returns a reference to `data`'s contents with lifetime `'session`.
fn alloc_data<'session>(&'session self, data: Vec<u8>) -> &'session [u8];
/// Returns a reference to `data`'s contents with lifetime `'input`.
/// If `Cow` is borrowed, then return the contained reference (`'input`). If `Cow` is owned,
/// then calls `alloc_data` to return a reference of lifetime `'session`, which is guaranteed
/// to be longer than `'input`, so can be returned.
fn alloc_owned_cow<'input, 'session: 'input>(
&'session self,
data: Cow<'input, [u8]>,
) -> &'input [u8] {
match data {
Cow::Borrowed(data) => data,
Cow::Owned(data) => self.alloc_data(data),
/// Returns a reference to `relocation` with lifetime `'session`.
fn alloc_relocation<'session>(&'session self, data: Relocations) -> &'session Relocations;
/// Returns a reference to contents of file at `path` with lifetime `'session`.
fn read_input<'session>(&'session self, path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<&'session [u8]>;
/// Should missing DWARF objects referenced by executables be skipped or result in an error?
/// Referenced objects that are still missing when the DWARF package is finished will result in
/// an error.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub enum MissingReferencedObjectBehaviour {
/// Skip missing referenced DWARF objects - useful if this is expected, i.e. the path in the
/// executable is wrong, but the referenced object will be found because it is an input.
/// Error when encountering missing referenced DWARF objects.
impl MissingReferencedObjectBehaviour {
/// Should missing referenced objects be skipped?
pub fn skip_missing(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
MissingReferencedObjectBehaviour::Skip => true,
MissingReferencedObjectBehaviour::Error => false,
/// Builder for DWARF packages, add input objects/packages with `add_input_object` or input objects
/// referenced by an executable with `add_executable` before accessing the completed object with
/// `finish`.
pub struct DwarfPackage<'output, 'session: 'output, Sess: Session<RelocationMap>> {
sess: &'session Sess,
maybe_in_progress: Option<InProgressDwarfPackage<'output>>,
targets: HashSet<DwarfObject>,
impl<'output, 'session: 'output, Sess> fmt::Debug for DwarfPackage<'output, 'session, Sess>
Sess: Session<RelocationMap>,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
.field("in_progress", &self.maybe_in_progress)
.field("target_count", &self.targets.len())
impl<'output, 'session: 'output, Sess> DwarfPackage<'output, 'session, Sess>
Sess: Session<RelocationMap>,
/// Create a new `DwarfPackage` with the provided `Session` implementation.
pub fn new(sess: &'session Sess) -> Self {
Self { sess, maybe_in_progress: None, targets: HashSet::new() }
/// Add an input object to the in-progress package.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(obj))]
fn process_input_object<'input>(&mut self, obj: &'input object::File<'input>) -> Result<()> {
if self.maybe_in_progress.is_none() {
self.maybe_in_progress =
Some(InProgressDwarfPackage::new(obj.architecture(), obj.endianness()));
let encoding = if let Some(section) = obj.section_by_name(".debug_info.dwo") {
let data = section.compressed_data()?.decompress()?;
let data_ref = self.sess.alloc_owned_cow(data);
let debug_info = gimli::DebugInfo::new(data_ref, obj.endianness().as_runtime_endian());
.map(|root_header| root_header.encoding())
} else {
debug!("no `.debug_info.dwo` in input dwarf object");
return Ok(());
let sess = self.sess;
.expect("`process_input_object` is broken")
.add_input_object(sess, obj, encoding)
/// Add input objects referenced by executable to the DWARF package.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace")]
pub fn add_executable(
&mut self,
path: &Path,
missing_behaviour: MissingReferencedObjectBehaviour,
) -> Result<()> {
let data = self.sess.read_input(path).map_err(Error::ReadInput)?;
let obj = object::File::parse(data).map_err(Error::ParseObjectFile)?;
let mut load_section = |id: gimli::SectionId| -> Result<_> {
let mut relocations = RelocationMap::default();
let data = match obj.section_by_name(& {
Some(ref section) => {
add_relocations(&mut relocations, &obj, section)?;
// Use a non-zero capacity so that `ReaderOffsetId`s are unique.
None => Cow::Owned(Vec::with_capacity(1)),
let data_ref = self.sess.alloc_owned_cow(data);
let reader = EndianSlice::new(data_ref, obj.endianness().as_runtime_endian());
let section = reader;
let relocations = self.sess.alloc_relocation(relocations);
Ok(Relocate { relocations, section, reader })
let dwarf = gimli::Dwarf::load(&mut load_section)?;
let mut iter = dwarf.units();
while let Some(header) = {
let unit = dwarf.unit(header).map_err(Error::ParseUnit)?;
let target = match dwo_identifier_of_unit(&dwarf.debug_abbrev, &unit.header)? {
Some(target) => target,
None => {
debug!("no target");
let dwo_name = {
let mut cursor = unit.header.entries(&unit.abbreviations);
let root = cursor.current().expect("unit w/out root debugging information entry");
let dwo_name = if let Some(val) = root.attr_value(gimli::DW_AT_dwo_name)? {
// DWARF 5
} else if let Some(val) = root.attr_value(gimli::DW_AT_GNU_dwo_name)? {
// GNU Extension
} else {
return Err(Error::MissingDwoName(target.index()));
dwarf.attr_string(&unit, dwo_name)?.to_string()?.into_owned()
// Prepend the compilation directory if it exists.
let mut path = if let Some(comp_dir) = &unit.comp_dir {
} else {
// Only add `DwoId`s to the targets, not `DebugTypeSignature`s. There doesn't
// appear to be a "skeleton type unit" to find the corresponding unit of (there are
// normal type units in an executable, but should we expect to find a corresponding
// split type unit for those?).
if matches!(target, DwarfObject::Compilation(_)) {
// Input objects are processed first, if a DWARF object referenced by this
// executable was already found then don't add it to the target and try to add it
// again.
if let Some(package) = &self.maybe_in_progress {
if package.contained_units().contains(&target) {
debug!(?target, "adding target");
match self.add_input_object(&path) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(Error::ReadInput(..)) if missing_behaviour.skip_missing() => (),
Err(e) => return Err(e),
/// Add an input object to the DWARF package.
/// Input object must be an archive or an elf object.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace")]
pub fn add_input_object(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<()> {
let data = self.sess.read_input(&path).map_err(Error::ReadInput)?;
let kind = FileKind::parse(data).map_err(Error::ParseFileKind)?;
match kind {
FileKind::Archive => {
let archive = object::read::archive::ArchiveFile::parse(data)
for member in archive.members() {
let member = member.map_err(Error::ParseArchiveMember)?;
let data =;
let kind = if let Ok(kind) = FileKind::parse(data) {
} else {
trace!("skipping non-elf archive member");
trace!(?kind, "archive member");
match kind {
FileKind::Elf32 | FileKind::Elf64 => {
let obj = object::File::parse(data).map_err(Error::ParseObjectFile)?;
_ => {
trace!("skipping non-elf archive member");
FileKind::Elf32 | FileKind::Elf64 => {
let obj = object::File::parse(data).map_err(Error::ParseObjectFile)?;
_ => Err(Error::InvalidInputKind),
/// Returns the `object::write::Object` containing the created DWARF package.
/// Returns an `Error::MissingReferencedUnit` if DWARF objects referenced by executables were
/// not subsequently found.
/// Returns an `Error::NoOutputObjectCreated` if no input objects or executables were provided.
#[tracing::instrument(level = "trace")]
pub fn finish(self) -> Result<WritableObject<'output>> {
match self.maybe_in_progress {
Some(package) => {
if let Some(missing) = self.targets.difference(package.contained_units()).next() {
return Err(Error::MissingReferencedUnit(missing.index()));
None if !self.targets.is_empty() => {
let first_missing_unit = self
.expect("non-empty map doesn't have first element");
None => Err(Error::NoOutputObjectCreated),