blob: d2082ab87e738c6acd1ebdbbd27ed17b6781a970 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::ty::query::QueryDescription;
use crate::ty::query::queries;
use crate::ty::{self, ParamEnvAnd, Ty, TyCtxt};
use crate::ty::subst::SubstsRef;
use crate::dep_graph::{RecoverKey,DepKind, DepNode, SerializedDepNodeIndex};
use crate::hir::def_id::{CrateNum, DefId, DefIndex};
use crate::mir;
use crate::mir::interpret::GlobalId;
use crate::traits;
use crate::traits::query::{
CanonicalPredicateGoal, CanonicalProjectionGoal,
CanonicalTyGoal, CanonicalTypeOpAscribeUserTypeGoal,
CanonicalTypeOpEqGoal, CanonicalTypeOpSubtypeGoal, CanonicalTypeOpProvePredicateGoal,
use std::borrow::Cow;
use syntax_pos::symbol::InternedString;
// Each of these queries corresponds to a function pointer field in the
// `Providers` struct for requesting a value of that type, and a method
// on `tcx: TyCtxt` (and ``) for doing that request in a way
// which memoizes and does dep-graph tracking, wrapping around the actual
// `Providers` that the driver creates (using several `rustc_*` crates).
// The result type of each query must implement `Clone`, and additionally
// `ty::query::values::Value`, which produces an appropriate placeholder
// (error) value if the query resulted in a query cycle.
// Queries marked with `fatal_cycle` do not need the latter implementation,
// as they will raise an fatal error on query cycles instead.
rustc_queries! {
Other {
/// Records the type of every item.
query type_of(key: DefId) -> Ty<'tcx> {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
/// Maps from the `DefId` of an item (trait/struct/enum/fn) to its
/// associated generics.
query generics_of(key: DefId) -> &'tcx ty::Generics {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
load_cached(tcx, id) {
let generics: Option<ty::Generics> = tcx.queries.on_disk_cache
.try_load_query_result(tcx, id);|x| &*tcx.arena.alloc(x))
/// Maps from the `DefId` of an item (trait/struct/enum/fn) to the
/// predicates (where-clauses) that must be proven true in order
/// to reference it. This is almost always the "predicates query"
/// that you want.
/// `predicates_of` builds on `predicates_defined_on` -- in fact,
/// it is almost always the same as that query, except for the
/// case of traits. For traits, `predicates_of` contains
/// an additional `Self: Trait<...>` predicate that users don't
/// actually write. This reflects the fact that to invoke the
/// trait (e.g., via `Default::default`) you must supply types
/// that actually implement the trait. (However, this extra
/// predicate gets in the way of some checks, which are intended
/// to operate over only the actual where-clauses written by the
/// user.)
query predicates_of(key: DefId) -> &'tcx ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx> {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
query native_libraries(_: CrateNum) -> Lrc<Vec<NativeLibrary>> {
desc { "looking up the native libraries of a linked crate" }
query lint_levels(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx lint::LintLevelMap {
desc { "computing the lint levels for items in this crate" }
Codegen {
query is_panic_runtime(_: CrateNum) -> bool {
desc { "checking if the crate is_panic_runtime" }
Codegen {
/// Set of all the `DefId`s in this crate that have MIR associated with
/// them. This includes all the body owners, but also things like struct
/// constructors.
query mir_keys(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx DefIdSet {
desc { "getting a list of all mir_keys" }
/// Maps DefId's that have an associated `mir::Body` to the result
/// of the MIR qualify_consts pass. The actual meaning of
/// the value isn't known except to the pass itself.
query mir_const_qualif(key: DefId) -> (u8, &'tcx BitSet<mir::Local>) {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
/// Fetch the MIR for a given `DefId` right after it's built - this includes
/// unreachable code.
query mir_built(_: DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Body<'tcx>> {}
/// Fetch the MIR for a given `DefId` up till the point where it is
/// ready for const evaluation.
/// See the README for the `mir` module for details.
query mir_const(_: DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Body<'tcx>> {
query mir_validated(_: DefId) -> &'tcx Steal<mir::Body<'tcx>> {
/// MIR after our optimization passes have run. This is MIR that is ready
/// for codegen. This is also the only query that can fetch non-local MIR, at present.
query optimized_mir(key: DefId) -> &'tcx mir::Body<'tcx> {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
load_cached(tcx, id) {
let mir: Option<crate::mir::Body<'tcx>> = tcx.queries.on_disk_cache
.try_load_query_result(tcx, id);|x| &*tcx.arena.alloc(x))
TypeChecking {
// Erases regions from `ty` to yield a new type.
// Normally you would just use `tcx.erase_regions(&value)`,
// however, which uses this query as a kind of cache.
query erase_regions_ty(ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> {
// This query is not expected to have input -- as a result, it
// is not a good candidates for "replay" because it is essentially a
// pure function of its input (and hence the expectation is that
// no caller would be green **apart** from just these
// queries). Making it anonymous avoids hashing the result, which
// may save a bit of time.
desc { "erasing regions from `{:?}`", ty }
query program_clauses_for(_: DefId) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
desc { "generating chalk-style clauses" }
query program_clauses_for_env(_: traits::Environment<'tcx>) -> Clauses<'tcx> {
desc { "generating chalk-style clauses for environment" }
// Get the chalk-style environment of the given item.
query environment(_: DefId) -> traits::Environment<'tcx> {
desc { "return a chalk-style environment" }
Linking {
query wasm_import_module_map(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx FxHashMap<DefId, String> {
desc { "wasm import module map" }
Other {
/// Maps from the `DefId` of an item (trait/struct/enum/fn) to the
/// predicates (where-clauses) directly defined on it. This is
/// equal to the `explicit_predicates_of` predicates plus the
/// `inferred_outlives_of` predicates.
query predicates_defined_on(_: DefId)
-> &'tcx ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx> {}
/// Returns the predicates written explicitly by the user.
query explicit_predicates_of(_: DefId)
-> &'tcx ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx> {}
/// Returns the inferred outlives predicates (e.g., for `struct
/// Foo<'a, T> { x: &'a T }`, this would return `T: 'a`).
query inferred_outlives_of(_: DefId) -> &'tcx [ty::Predicate<'tcx>] {}
/// Maps from the `DefId` of a trait to the list of
/// super-predicates. This is a subset of the full list of
/// predicates. We store these in a separate map because we must
/// evaluate them even during type conversion, often before the
/// full predicates are available (note that supertraits have
/// additional acyclicity requirements).
query super_predicates_of(key: DefId) -> &'tcx ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx> {
desc { |tcx| "computing the supertraits of `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(key) }
/// To avoid cycles within the predicates of a single item we compute
/// per-type-parameter predicates for resolving `T::AssocTy`.
query type_param_predicates(key: (DefId, DefId))
-> &'tcx ty::GenericPredicates<'tcx> {
desc { |tcx| "computing the bounds for type parameter `{}`", {
let id = tcx.hir().as_local_hir_id(key.1).unwrap();
query trait_def(_: DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TraitDef {}
query adt_def(_: DefId) -> &'tcx ty::AdtDef {}
query adt_destructor(_: DefId) -> Option<ty::Destructor> {}
// The cycle error here should be reported as an error by `check_representable`.
// We consider the type as Sized in the meanwhile to avoid
// further errors (done in impl Value for AdtSizedConstraint).
// Use `cycle_delay_bug` to delay the cycle error here to be emitted later
// in case we accidentally otherwise don't emit an error.
query adt_sized_constraint(
_: DefId
) -> AdtSizedConstraint<'tcx> {
query adt_dtorck_constraint(
_: DefId
) -> Result<DtorckConstraint<'tcx>, NoSolution> {}
/// Returns `true` if this is a const fn, use the `is_const_fn` to know whether your crate
/// actually sees it as const fn (e.g., the const-fn-ness might be unstable and you might
/// not have the feature gate active).
/// **Do not call this function manually.** It is only meant to cache the base data for the
/// `is_const_fn` function.
query is_const_fn_raw(key: DefId) -> bool {
desc { |tcx| "checking if item is const fn: `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(key) }
/// Returns `true` if calls to the function may be promoted.
/// This is either because the function is e.g., a tuple-struct or tuple-variant
/// constructor, or because it has the `#[rustc_promotable]` attribute. The attribute should
/// be removed in the future in favour of some form of check which figures out whether the
/// function does not inspect the bits of any of its arguments (so is essentially just a
/// constructor function).
query is_promotable_const_fn(_: DefId) -> bool {}
query const_fn_is_allowed_fn_ptr(_: DefId) -> bool {}
/// Returns `true` if this is a foreign item (i.e., linked via `extern { ... }`).
query is_foreign_item(_: DefId) -> bool {}
/// Returns `Some(mutability)` if the node pointed to by `def_id` is a static item.
query static_mutability(_: DefId) -> Option<hir::Mutability> {}
/// Gets a map with the variance of every item; use `item_variance` instead.
query crate_variances(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx ty::CrateVariancesMap<'tcx> {
desc { "computing the variances for items in this crate" }
/// Maps from the `DefId` of a type or region parameter to its (inferred) variance.
query variances_of(_: DefId) -> &'tcx [ty::Variance] {}
TypeChecking {
/// Maps from thee `DefId` of a type to its (inferred) outlives.
query inferred_outlives_crate(_: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx ty::CratePredicatesMap<'tcx> {
desc { "computing the inferred outlives predicates for items in this crate" }
Other {
/// Maps from an impl/trait `DefId to a list of the `DefId`s of its items.
query associated_item_def_ids(_: DefId) -> &'tcx [DefId] {}
/// Maps from a trait item to the trait item "descriptor".
query associated_item(_: DefId) -> ty::AssocItem {}
query impl_trait_ref(_: DefId) -> Option<ty::TraitRef<'tcx>> {}
query impl_polarity(_: DefId) -> hir::ImplPolarity {}
query issue33140_self_ty(_: DefId) -> Option<ty::Ty<'tcx>> {}
TypeChecking {
/// Maps a `DefId` of a type to a list of its inherent impls.
/// Contains implementations of methods that are inherent to a type.
/// Methods in these implementations don't need to be exported.
query inherent_impls(_: DefId) -> &'tcx [DefId] {
TypeChecking {
/// The result of unsafety-checking this `DefId`.
query unsafety_check_result(key: DefId) -> mir::UnsafetyCheckResult {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
/// HACK: when evaluated, this reports a "unsafe derive on repr(packed)" error
query unsafe_derive_on_repr_packed(_: DefId) -> () {}
/// The signature of functions and closures.
query fn_sig(_: DefId) -> ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx> {}
Other {
query lint_mod(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "linting {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
/// Checks the attributes in the module.
query check_mod_attrs(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "checking attributes in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
query check_mod_unstable_api_usage(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "checking for unstable API usage in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
/// Checks the loops in the module.
query check_mod_loops(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "checking loops in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
query check_mod_item_types(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "checking item types in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
query check_mod_privacy(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "checking privacy in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
query check_mod_intrinsics(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "checking intrinsics in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
query check_mod_liveness(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "checking liveness of variables in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
query check_mod_impl_wf(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "checking that impls are well-formed in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
query collect_mod_item_types(key: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "collecting item types in {}", key.describe_as_module(tcx) }
/// Caches `CoerceUnsized` kinds for impls on custom types.
query coerce_unsized_info(_: DefId)
-> ty::adjustment::CoerceUnsizedInfo {}
TypeChecking {
query typeck_item_bodies(_: CrateNum) -> () {
desc { "type-checking all item bodies" }
query typeck_tables_of(key: DefId) -> &'tcx ty::TypeckTables<'tcx> {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
load_cached(tcx, id) {
let typeck_tables: Option<ty::TypeckTables<'tcx>> = tcx
.try_load_query_result(tcx, id);|tables| &*tcx.arena.alloc(tables))
Other {
query used_trait_imports(key: DefId) -> &'tcx DefIdSet {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
TypeChecking {
query has_typeck_tables(_: DefId) -> bool {}
query coherent_trait(def_id: DefId) -> () {
desc { |tcx| "coherence checking all impls of trait `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(def_id) }
BorrowChecking {
query borrowck(key: DefId) -> &'tcx BorrowCheckResult {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
/// Borrow-checks the function body. If this is a closure, returns
/// additional requirements that the closure's creator must verify.
query mir_borrowck(key: DefId) -> mir::BorrowCheckResult<'tcx> {
cache_on_disk_if(tcx, _) { key.is_local() && tcx.is_closure(key) }
TypeChecking {
/// Gets a complete map from all types to their inherent impls.
/// Not meant to be used directly outside of coherence.
/// (Defined only for `LOCAL_CRATE`.)
query crate_inherent_impls(k: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx CrateInherentImpls {
desc { "all inherent impls defined in crate `{:?}`", k }
/// Checks all types in the crate for overlap in their inherent impls. Reports errors.
/// Not meant to be used directly outside of coherence.
/// (Defined only for `LOCAL_CRATE`.)
query crate_inherent_impls_overlap_check(_: CrateNum)
-> () {
desc { "check for overlap between inherent impls defined in this crate" }
Other {
/// Evaluates a constant without running sanity checks.
/// **Do not use this** outside const eval. Const eval uses this to break query cycles
/// during validation. Please add a comment to every use site explaining why using
/// `const_eval` isn't sufficient.
query const_eval_raw(key: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, GlobalId<'tcx>>)
-> ConstEvalRawResult<'tcx> {
desc { |tcx|
"const-evaluating `{}`",
cache_on_disk_if(_, opt_result) {
// Only store results without errors
// FIXME: We never store these
opt_result.map_or(true, |r| r.is_ok())
/// Results of evaluating const items or constants embedded in
/// other items (such as enum variant explicit discriminants).
query const_eval(key: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, GlobalId<'tcx>>)
-> ConstEvalResult<'tcx> {
desc { |tcx|
"const-evaluating + checking `{}`",
cache_on_disk_if(_, opt_result) {
// Only store results without errors
opt_result.map_or(true, |r| r.is_ok())
/// Extracts a field of a (variant of a) const.
query const_field(
key: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, (&'tcx ty::Const<'tcx>, mir::Field)>
) -> &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx> {
desc { "extract field of const" }
/// Produces an absolute path representation of the given type. See also the documentation
/// on `std::any::type_name`.
query type_name(key: Ty<'tcx>) -> &'tcx ty::Const<'tcx> {
desc { "get absolute path of type" }
TypeChecking {
query check_match(key: DefId) -> () {
cache_on_disk_if { key.is_local() }
/// Performs part of the privacy check and computes "access levels".
query privacy_access_levels(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx AccessLevels {
desc { "privacy access levels" }
query check_private_in_public(_: CrateNum) -> () {
desc { "checking for private elements in public interfaces" }
Other {
query reachable_set(_: CrateNum) -> ReachableSet {
desc { "reachability" }
/// Per-body `region::ScopeTree`. The `DefId` should be the owner `DefId` for the body;
/// in the case of closures, this will be redirected to the enclosing function.
query region_scope_tree(_: DefId) -> &'tcx region::ScopeTree {}
query mir_shims(key: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>) -> &'tcx mir::Body<'tcx> {
desc { |tcx| "generating MIR shim for `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(key.def_id()) }
query symbol_name(key: ty::Instance<'tcx>) -> ty::SymbolName {
desc { "computing the symbol for `{}`", key }
cache_on_disk_if { true }
query def_kind(_: DefId) -> Option<DefKind> {}
query def_span(_: DefId) -> Span {
// FIXME(mw): DefSpans are not really inputs since they are derived from
// HIR. But at the moment HIR hashing still contains some hacks that allow
// to make type debuginfo to be source location independent. Declaring
// DefSpan an input makes sure that changes to these are always detected
// regardless of HIR hashing.
query lookup_stability(_: DefId) -> Option<&'tcx attr::Stability> {}
query lookup_deprecation_entry(_: DefId) -> Option<DeprecationEntry> {}
query item_attrs(_: DefId) -> Lrc<[ast::Attribute]> {}
Codegen {
query codegen_fn_attrs(_: DefId) -> CodegenFnAttrs {
cache_on_disk_if { true }
Other {
query fn_arg_names(_: DefId) -> Vec<ast::Name> {}
/// Gets the rendered value of the specified constant or associated constant.
/// Used by rustdoc.
query rendered_const(_: DefId) -> String {}
query impl_parent(_: DefId) -> Option<DefId> {}
TypeChecking {
query trait_of_item(_: DefId) -> Option<DefId> {}
query const_is_rvalue_promotable_to_static(key: DefId) -> bool {
desc { |tcx|
"const checking if rvalue is promotable to static `{}`",
cache_on_disk_if { true }
query rvalue_promotable_map(key: DefId) -> &'tcx ItemLocalSet {
desc { |tcx|
"checking which parts of `{}` are promotable to static",
Codegen {
query is_mir_available(key: DefId) -> bool {
desc { |tcx| "checking if item has mir available: `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(key) }
Other {
query vtable_methods(key: ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>)
-> &'tcx [Option<(DefId, SubstsRef<'tcx>)>] {
desc { |tcx| "finding all methods for trait {}", tcx.def_path_str(key.def_id()) }
Codegen {
query codegen_fulfill_obligation(
key: (ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>, ty::PolyTraitRef<'tcx>)
) -> Vtable<'tcx, ()> {
cache_on_disk_if { true }
desc { |tcx|
"checking if `{}` fulfills its obligations",
TypeChecking {
query trait_impls_of(key: DefId) -> &'tcx ty::trait_def::TraitImpls {
desc { |tcx| "trait impls of `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(key) }
query specialization_graph_of(_: DefId) -> &'tcx specialization_graph::Graph {
cache_on_disk_if { true }
query is_object_safe(key: DefId) -> bool {
desc { |tcx| "determine object safety of trait `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(key) }
/// Gets the ParameterEnvironment for a given item; this environment
/// will be in "user-facing" mode, meaning that it is suitabe for
/// type-checking etc, and it does not normalize specializable
/// associated types. This is almost always what you want,
/// unless you are doing MIR optimizations, in which case you
/// might want to use `reveal_all()` method to change modes.
query param_env(_: DefId) -> ty::ParamEnv<'tcx> {}
/// Trait selection queries. These are best used by invoking `ty.is_copy_modulo_regions()`,
/// `ty.is_copy()`, etc, since that will prune the environment where possible.
query is_copy_raw(env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool {
desc { "computing whether `{}` is `Copy`", env.value }
query is_sized_raw(env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool {
desc { "computing whether `{}` is `Sized`", env.value }
query is_freeze_raw(env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> bool {
desc { "computing whether `{}` is freeze", env.value }
// The cycle error here should be reported as an error by `check_representable`.
// We consider the type as not needing drop in the meanwhile to avoid
// further errors (done in impl Value for NeedsDrop).
// Use `cycle_delay_bug` to delay the cycle error here to be emitted later
// in case we accidentally otherwise don't emit an error.
query needs_drop_raw(env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>) -> NeedsDrop {
desc { "computing whether `{}` needs drop", env.value }
query layout_raw(
env: ty::ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
) -> Result<&'tcx ty::layout::LayoutDetails, ty::layout::LayoutError<'tcx>> {
desc { "computing layout of `{}`", env.value }
Other {
query dylib_dependency_formats(_: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx [(CrateNum, LinkagePreference)] {
desc { "dylib dependency formats of crate" }
Codegen {
query is_compiler_builtins(_: CrateNum) -> bool {
desc { "checking if the crate is_compiler_builtins" }
query has_global_allocator(_: CrateNum) -> bool {
desc { "checking if the crate has_global_allocator" }
query has_panic_handler(_: CrateNum) -> bool {
desc { "checking if the crate has_panic_handler" }
query is_sanitizer_runtime(_: CrateNum) -> bool {
desc { "query a crate is #![sanitizer_runtime]" }
query is_profiler_runtime(_: CrateNum) -> bool {
desc { "query a crate is #![profiler_runtime]" }
query panic_strategy(_: CrateNum) -> PanicStrategy {
desc { "query a crate's configured panic strategy" }
query is_no_builtins(_: CrateNum) -> bool {
desc { "test whether a crate has #![no_builtins]" }
query symbol_mangling_version(_: CrateNum) -> SymbolManglingVersion {
desc { "query a crate's symbol mangling version" }
query extern_crate(_: DefId) -> Option<&'tcx ExternCrate> {
desc { "getting crate's ExternCrateData" }
TypeChecking {
query specializes(_: (DefId, DefId)) -> bool {
desc { "computing whether impls specialize one another" }
query in_scope_traits_map(_: DefIndex)
-> Option<&'tcx FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, StableVec<TraitCandidate>>> {
desc { "traits in scope at a block" }
Other {
query module_exports(_: DefId) -> Option<&'tcx [Export<hir::HirId>]> {
TypeChecking {
query impl_defaultness(_: DefId) -> hir::Defaultness {}
query check_item_well_formed(_: DefId) -> () {}
query check_trait_item_well_formed(_: DefId) -> () {}
query check_impl_item_well_formed(_: DefId) -> () {}
Linking {
// The `DefId`s of all non-generic functions and statics in the given crate
// that can be reached from outside the crate.
// We expect this items to be available for being linked to.
// This query can also be called for `LOCAL_CRATE`. In this case it will
// compute which items will be reachable to other crates, taking into account
// the kind of crate that is currently compiled. Crates with only a
// C interface have fewer reachable things.
// Does not include external symbols that don't have a corresponding DefId,
// like the compiler-generated `main` function and so on.
query reachable_non_generics(_: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx DefIdMap<SymbolExportLevel> {
desc { "looking up the exported symbols of a crate" }
query is_reachable_non_generic(_: DefId) -> bool {}
query is_unreachable_local_definition(_: DefId) -> bool {}
Codegen {
query upstream_monomorphizations(
k: CrateNum
) -> &'tcx DefIdMap<FxHashMap<SubstsRef<'tcx>, CrateNum>> {
desc { "collecting available upstream monomorphizations `{:?}`", k }
query upstream_monomorphizations_for(_: DefId)
-> Option<&'tcx FxHashMap<SubstsRef<'tcx>, CrateNum>> {}
Other {
query foreign_modules(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx [ForeignModule] {
desc { "looking up the foreign modules of a linked crate" }
/// Identifies the entry-point (e.g., the `main` function) for a given
/// crate, returning `None` if there is no entry point (such as for library crates).
query entry_fn(_: CrateNum) -> Option<(DefId, EntryFnType)> {
desc { "looking up the entry function of a crate" }
query plugin_registrar_fn(_: CrateNum) -> Option<DefId> {
desc { "looking up the plugin registrar for a crate" }
query proc_macro_decls_static(_: CrateNum) -> Option<DefId> {
desc { "looking up the derive registrar for a crate" }
query crate_disambiguator(_: CrateNum) -> CrateDisambiguator {
desc { "looking up the disambiguator a crate" }
query crate_hash(_: CrateNum) -> Svh {
desc { "looking up the hash a crate" }
query original_crate_name(_: CrateNum) -> Symbol {
desc { "looking up the original name a crate" }
query extra_filename(_: CrateNum) -> String {
desc { "looking up the extra filename for a crate" }
TypeChecking {
query implementations_of_trait(_: (CrateNum, DefId))
-> &'tcx [DefId] {
desc { "looking up implementations of a trait in a crate" }
query all_trait_implementations(_: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx [DefId] {
desc { "looking up all (?) trait implementations" }
Other {
query dllimport_foreign_items(_: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx FxHashSet<DefId> {
desc { "dllimport_foreign_items" }
query is_dllimport_foreign_item(_: DefId) -> bool {}
query is_statically_included_foreign_item(_: DefId) -> bool {}
query native_library_kind(_: DefId)
-> Option<NativeLibraryKind> {}
Linking {
query link_args(_: CrateNum) -> Lrc<Vec<String>> {
desc { "looking up link arguments for a crate" }
BorrowChecking {
// Lifetime resolution. See `middle::resolve_lifetimes`.
query resolve_lifetimes(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx ResolveLifetimes {
desc { "resolving lifetimes" }
query named_region_map(_: DefIndex) ->
Option<&'tcx FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Region>> {
desc { "looking up a named region" }
query is_late_bound_map(_: DefIndex) ->
Option<&'tcx FxHashSet<ItemLocalId>> {
desc { "testing if a region is late bound" }
query object_lifetime_defaults_map(_: DefIndex)
-> Option<&'tcx FxHashMap<ItemLocalId, Vec<ObjectLifetimeDefault>>> {
desc { "looking up lifetime defaults for a region" }
TypeChecking {
query visibility(_: DefId) -> ty::Visibility {}
Other {
query dep_kind(_: CrateNum) -> DepKind {
desc { "fetching what a dependency looks like" }
query crate_name(_: CrateNum) -> Symbol {
desc { "fetching what a crate is named" }
query item_children(_: DefId) -> &'tcx [Export<hir::HirId>] {}
query extern_mod_stmt_cnum(_: DefId) -> Option<CrateNum> {}
query get_lib_features(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx LibFeatures {
desc { "calculating the lib features map" }
query defined_lib_features(_: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx [(Symbol, Option<Symbol>)] {
desc { "calculating the lib features defined in a crate" }
query get_lang_items(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx LanguageItems {
desc { "calculating the lang items map" }
query defined_lang_items(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx [(DefId, usize)] {
desc { "calculating the lang items defined in a crate" }
query missing_lang_items(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx [LangItem] {
desc { "calculating the missing lang items in a crate" }
query visible_parent_map(_: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx DefIdMap<DefId> {
desc { "calculating the visible parent map" }
query missing_extern_crate_item(_: CrateNum) -> bool {
desc { "seeing if we're missing an `extern crate` item for this crate" }
query used_crate_source(_: CrateNum) -> Lrc<CrateSource> {
desc { "looking at the source for a crate" }
query postorder_cnums(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx [CrateNum] {
desc { "generating a postorder list of CrateNums" }
query upvars(_: DefId) -> Option<&'tcx FxIndexMap<hir::HirId, hir::Upvar>> {
query maybe_unused_trait_import(_: DefId) -> bool {
query maybe_unused_extern_crates(_: CrateNum)
-> &'tcx [(DefId, Span)] {
desc { "looking up all possibly unused extern crates" }
query names_imported_by_glob_use(_: DefId)
-> Lrc<FxHashSet<ast::Name>> {
query stability_index(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx stability::Index<'tcx> {
desc { "calculating the stability index for the local crate" }
query all_crate_nums(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx [CrateNum] {
desc { "fetching all foreign CrateNum instances" }
/// A vector of every trait accessible in the whole crate
/// (i.e., including those from subcrates). This is used only for
/// error reporting.
query all_traits(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx [DefId] {
desc { "fetching all foreign and local traits" }
Linking {
query exported_symbols(_: CrateNum)
-> Arc<Vec<(ExportedSymbol<'tcx>, SymbolExportLevel)>> {
desc { "exported_symbols" }
Codegen {
query collect_and_partition_mono_items(_: CrateNum)
-> (Arc<DefIdSet>, Arc<Vec<Arc<CodegenUnit<'tcx>>>>) {
desc { "collect_and_partition_mono_items" }
query is_codegened_item(_: DefId) -> bool {}
query codegen_unit(_: InternedString) -> Arc<CodegenUnit<'tcx>> {
desc { "codegen_unit" }
query backend_optimization_level(_: CrateNum) -> OptLevel {
desc { "optimization level used by backend" }
Other {
query output_filenames(_: CrateNum) -> Arc<OutputFilenames> {
desc { "output_filenames" }
TypeChecking {
/// Do not call this query directly: invoke `normalize` instead.
query normalize_projection_ty(
goal: CanonicalProjectionGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, NormalizationResult<'tcx>>>,
> {
desc { "normalizing `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: invoke `normalize_erasing_regions` instead.
query normalize_ty_after_erasing_regions(
goal: ParamEnvAnd<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
) -> Ty<'tcx> {
desc { "normalizing `{:?}`", goal }
query implied_outlives_bounds(
goal: CanonicalTyGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, Vec<OutlivesBound<'tcx>>>>,
> {
desc { "computing implied outlives bounds for `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: invoke `` instead.
query dropck_outlives(
goal: CanonicalTyGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, DropckOutlivesResult<'tcx>>>,
> {
desc { "computing dropck types for `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: invoke `infcx.predicate_may_hold()` or
/// `infcx.predicate_must_hold()` instead.
query evaluate_obligation(
goal: CanonicalPredicateGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<traits::EvaluationResult, traits::OverflowError> {
desc { "evaluating trait selection obligation `{}`", goal.value.value }
query evaluate_goal(
goal: traits::ChalkCanonicalGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, ()>>,
> {
desc { "evaluating trait selection obligation `{}`", goal.value.goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: part of the `Eq` type-op
query type_op_ascribe_user_type(
goal: CanonicalTypeOpAscribeUserTypeGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, ()>>,
> {
desc { "evaluating `type_op_ascribe_user_type` `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: part of the `Eq` type-op
query type_op_eq(
goal: CanonicalTypeOpEqGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, ()>>,
> {
desc { "evaluating `type_op_eq` `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: part of the `Subtype` type-op
query type_op_subtype(
goal: CanonicalTypeOpSubtypeGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, ()>>,
> {
desc { "evaluating `type_op_subtype` `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: part of the `ProvePredicate` type-op
query type_op_prove_predicate(
goal: CanonicalTypeOpProvePredicateGoal<'tcx>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, ()>>,
> {
desc { "evaluating `type_op_prove_predicate` `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: part of the `Normalize` type-op
query type_op_normalize_ty(
goal: CanonicalTypeOpNormalizeGoal<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>>,
> {
desc { "normalizing `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: part of the `Normalize` type-op
query type_op_normalize_predicate(
goal: CanonicalTypeOpNormalizeGoal<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>>,
> {
desc { "normalizing `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: part of the `Normalize` type-op
query type_op_normalize_poly_fn_sig(
goal: CanonicalTypeOpNormalizeGoal<'tcx, ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, ty::PolyFnSig<'tcx>>>,
> {
desc { "normalizing `{:?}`", goal }
/// Do not call this query directly: part of the `Normalize` type-op
query type_op_normalize_fn_sig(
goal: CanonicalTypeOpNormalizeGoal<'tcx, ty::FnSig<'tcx>>
) -> Result<
&'tcx Canonical<'tcx, canonical::QueryResponse<'tcx, ty::FnSig<'tcx>>>,
> {
desc { "normalizing `{:?}`", goal }
query substitute_normalize_and_test_predicates(key: (DefId, SubstsRef<'tcx>)) -> bool {
desc { |tcx|
"testing substituted normalized predicates:`{}`",
query method_autoderef_steps(
goal: CanonicalTyGoal<'tcx>
) -> MethodAutoderefStepsResult<'tcx> {
desc { "computing autoderef types for `{:?}`", goal }
Other {
query target_features_whitelist(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx FxHashMap<String, Option<Symbol>> {
desc { "looking up the whitelist of target features" }
// Get an estimate of the size of an InstanceDef based on its MIR for CGU partitioning.
query instance_def_size_estimate(def: ty::InstanceDef<'tcx>)
-> usize {
desc { |tcx| "estimating size for `{}`", tcx.def_path_str(def.def_id()) }
query features_query(_: CrateNum) -> &'tcx feature_gate::Features {
desc { "looking up enabled feature gates" }