blob: 2557b8d1627c0a4a8f37688713f135a1d374cbe7 [file] [log] [blame]
//! This module is used to store stuff from Rust's AST in a more convenient
//! manner (and with prettier names) before cleaning.
pub use self::StructType::*;
use syntax::ast;
use syntax::ast::{Name, NodeId};
use syntax::attr;
use syntax::ext::base::MacroKind;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax_pos::{self, Span};
use rustc::hir;
use rustc::hir::def_id::CrateNum;
pub struct Module<'hir> {
pub name: Option<Name>,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub where_outer: Span,
pub where_inner: Span,
pub extern_crates: Vec<ExternCrate<'hir>>,
pub imports: Vec<Import<'hir>>,
pub structs: Vec<Struct<'hir>>,
pub unions: Vec<Union<'hir>>,
pub enums: Vec<Enum<'hir>>,
pub fns: Vec<Function<'hir>>,
pub mods: Vec<Module<'hir>>,
pub id: NodeId,
pub typedefs: Vec<Typedef<'hir>>,
pub existentials: Vec<Existential<'hir>>,
pub statics: Vec<Static<'hir>>,
pub constants: Vec<Constant<'hir>>,
pub traits: Vec<Trait<'hir>>,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub impls: Vec<Impl<'hir>>,
pub foreigns: Vec<ForeignItem<'hir>>,
pub macros: Vec<Macro<'hir>>,
pub proc_macros: Vec<ProcMacro<'hir>>,
pub trait_aliases: Vec<TraitAlias<'hir>>,
pub is_crate: bool,
impl Module<'hir> {
pub fn new(
name: Option<Name>,
attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
) -> Module<'hir> {
Module {
name : name,
id: ast::CRATE_NODE_ID,
stab: None,
depr: None,
where_outer: syntax_pos::DUMMY_SP,
where_inner: syntax_pos::DUMMY_SP,
extern_crates: Vec::new(),
imports : Vec::new(),
structs : Vec::new(),
unions : Vec::new(),
enums : Vec::new(),
fns : Vec::new(),
mods : Vec::new(),
typedefs : Vec::new(),
existentials: Vec::new(),
statics : Vec::new(),
constants : Vec::new(),
traits : Vec::new(),
impls : Vec::new(),
foreigns : Vec::new(),
macros : Vec::new(),
proc_macros: Vec::new(),
trait_aliases: Vec::new(),
is_crate : false,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum StructType {
/// A braced struct
/// A tuple struct
/// A unit struct
pub struct Struct<'hir> {
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub struct_type: StructType,
pub name: Name,
pub generics: &'hir hir::Generics,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub fields: &'hir [hir::StructField],
pub whence: Span,
pub struct Union<'hir> {
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub struct_type: StructType,
pub name: Name,
pub generics: &'hir hir::Generics,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub fields: &'hir [hir::StructField],
pub whence: Span,
pub struct Enum<'hir> {
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub variants: Vec<Variant<'hir>>,
pub generics: &'hir hir::Generics,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub whence: Span,
pub name: Name,
pub struct Variant<'hir> {
pub name: Name,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub def: &'hir hir::VariantData,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub whence: Span,
pub struct Function<'hir> {
pub decl: &'hir hir::FnDecl,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub name: Name,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub header: hir::FnHeader,
pub whence: Span,
pub generics: &'hir hir::Generics,
pub body: hir::BodyId,
pub struct Typedef<'hir> {
pub ty: &'hir P<hir::Ty>,
pub gen: &'hir hir::Generics,
pub name: Name,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub whence: Span,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub struct Existential<'hir> {
pub exist_ty: &'hir hir::ExistTy,
pub name: Name,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub whence: Span,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub struct Static<'hir> {
pub type_: &'hir P<hir::Ty>,
pub mutability: hir::Mutability,
pub expr: hir::BodyId,
pub name: Name,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub whence: Span,
pub struct Constant<'hir> {
pub type_: &'hir P<hir::Ty>,
pub expr: hir::BodyId,
pub name: Name,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub whence: Span,
pub struct Trait<'hir> {
pub is_auto: hir::IsAuto,
pub unsafety: hir::Unsafety,
pub name: Name,
pub items: Vec<&'hir hir::TraitItem>,
pub generics: &'hir hir::Generics,
pub bounds: &'hir hir::HirVec<hir::GenericBound>,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub whence: Span,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub struct TraitAlias<'hir> {
pub name: Name,
pub generics: &'hir hir::Generics,
pub bounds: &'hir hir::HirVec<hir::GenericBound>,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub whence: Span,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub struct Impl<'hir> {
pub unsafety: hir::Unsafety,
pub polarity: hir::ImplPolarity,
pub defaultness: hir::Defaultness,
pub generics: &'hir hir::Generics,
pub trait_: &'hir Option<hir::TraitRef>,
pub for_: &'hir P<hir::Ty>,
pub items: Vec<&'hir hir::ImplItem>,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub whence: Span,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub struct ForeignItem<'hir> {
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub name: Name,
pub kind: &'hir hir::ForeignItemKind,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub whence: Span,
// For Macro we store the DefId instead of the NodeId, since we also create
// these imported macro_rules (which only have a DUMMY_NODE_ID).
pub struct Macro<'hir> {
pub name: Name,
pub def_id: hir::def_id::DefId,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub whence: Span,
pub matchers: hir::HirVec<Span>,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub imported_from: Option<Name>,
pub struct ExternCrate<'hir> {
pub name: Name,
pub cnum: CrateNum,
pub path: Option<String>,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub whence: Span,
pub struct Import<'hir> {
pub name: Name,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub vis: &'hir hir::Visibility,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub path: &'hir hir::Path,
pub glob: bool,
pub whence: Span,
pub struct ProcMacro<'hir> {
pub name: Name,
pub id: hir::HirId,
pub kind: MacroKind,
pub helpers: Vec<Name>,
pub attrs: &'hir hir::HirVec<ast::Attribute>,
pub whence: Span,
pub stab: Option<attr::Stability>,
pub depr: Option<attr::Deprecation>,
pub fn struct_type_from_def(vdata: &hir::VariantData) -> StructType {
match *vdata {
hir::VariantData::Struct(..) => Plain,
hir::VariantData::Tuple(..) => Tuple,
hir::VariantData::Unit(..) => Unit,