blob: 748c1616d1d32304a42e74e20489ffff1f8c657f [file] [log] [blame]
//! A "compatibility layer" for spanning XP and Windows 7
//! The standard library currently binds many functions that are not available
//! on Windows XP, but we would also like to support building executables that
//! run on XP. To do this we specify all non-XP APIs as having a fallback
//! implementation to do something reasonable.
//! This dynamic runtime detection of whether a function is available is
//! implemented with `GetModuleHandle` and `GetProcAddress` paired with a
//! static-per-function which caches the result of the first check. In this
//! manner we pay a semi-large one-time cost up front for detecting whether a
//! function is available but afterwards it's just a load and a jump.
use crate::ffi::CString;
use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use crate::sys::c;
pub fn lookup(module: &str, symbol: &str) -> Option<usize> {
let mut module: Vec<u16> = module.encode_utf16().collect();
let symbol = CString::new(symbol).unwrap();
unsafe {
let handle = c::GetModuleHandleW(module.as_ptr());
match c::GetProcAddress(handle, symbol.as_ptr()) as usize {
0 => None,
n => Some(n),
pub fn store_func(ptr: &AtomicUsize, module: &str, symbol: &str,
fallback: usize) -> usize {
let value = lookup(module, symbol).unwrap_or(fallback);, Ordering::SeqCst);
macro_rules! compat_fn {
($module:ident: $(
pub fn $symbol:ident($($argname:ident: $argtype:ty),*)
-> $rettype:ty {
)*) => ($(
pub unsafe fn $symbol($($argname: $argtype),*) -> $rettype {
use crate::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use crate::mem;
type F = unsafe extern "system" fn($($argtype),*) -> $rettype;
static PTR: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
fn load() -> usize {
fallback as usize)
unsafe extern "system" fn fallback($($argname: $argtype),*)
-> $rettype {
let addr = match PTR.load(Ordering::SeqCst) {
0 => load(),
n => n,
mem::transmute::<usize, F>(addr)($($argname),*)