blob: 42501f9c3159a936f17dd661e1a1fd849ca368d5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Utilities for the `str` primitive type.
//! *[See also the `str` primitive type](str).*
#![stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
// Many of the usings in this module are only used in the test configuration.
// It's cleaner to just turn off the unused_imports warning than to fix them.
use core::borrow::{Borrow, BorrowMut};
use core::iter::FusedIterator;
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
#[stable(feature = "encode_utf16", since = "1.8.0")]
pub use core::str::EncodeUtf16;
#[stable(feature = "split_ascii_whitespace", since = "1.34.0")]
pub use core::str::SplitAsciiWhitespace;
#[stable(feature = "split_inclusive", since = "1.51.0")]
pub use core::str::SplitInclusive;
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::SplitWhitespace;
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::pattern;
use core::str::pattern::{DoubleEndedSearcher, Pattern, ReverseSearcher, Searcher};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{Bytes, CharIndices, Chars, from_utf8, from_utf8_mut};
#[stable(feature = "str_escape", since = "1.34.0")]
pub use core::str::{EscapeDebug, EscapeDefault, EscapeUnicode};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{FromStr, Utf8Error};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{Lines, LinesAny};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{MatchIndices, RMatchIndices};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{Matches, RMatches};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{ParseBoolError, from_utf8_unchecked, from_utf8_unchecked_mut};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{RSplit, Split};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{RSplitN, SplitN};
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub use core::str::{RSplitTerminator, SplitTerminator};
#[stable(feature = "utf8_chunks", since = "1.79.0")]
pub use core::str::{Utf8Chunk, Utf8Chunks};
#[unstable(feature = "str_from_raw_parts", issue = "119206")]
pub use core::str::{from_raw_parts, from_raw_parts_mut};
use core::unicode::conversions;
use core::{mem, ptr};
use crate::borrow::ToOwned;
use crate::boxed::Box;
use crate::slice::{Concat, Join, SliceIndex};
use crate::string::String;
use crate::vec::Vec;
/// Note: `str` in `Concat<str>` is not meaningful here.
/// This type parameter of the trait only exists to enable another impl.
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_ext", issue = "27747")]
impl<S: Borrow<str>> Concat<str> for [S] {
type Output = String;
fn concat(slice: &Self) -> String {
Join::join(slice, "")
#[unstable(feature = "slice_concat_ext", issue = "27747")]
impl<S: Borrow<str>> Join<&str> for [S] {
type Output = String;
fn join(slice: &Self, sep: &str) -> String {
unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(join_generic_copy(slice, sep.as_bytes())) }
macro_rules! specialize_for_lengths {
($separator:expr, $target:expr, $iter:expr; $($num:expr),*) => {{
let mut target = $target;
let iter = $iter;
let sep_bytes = $separator;
match $separator.len() {
// loops with hardcoded sizes run much faster
// specialize the cases with small separator lengths
$num => {
for s in iter {
copy_slice_and_advance!(target, sep_bytes);
let content_bytes = s.borrow().as_ref();
copy_slice_and_advance!(target, content_bytes);
_ => {
// arbitrary non-zero size fallback
for s in iter {
copy_slice_and_advance!(target, sep_bytes);
let content_bytes = s.borrow().as_ref();
copy_slice_and_advance!(target, content_bytes);
macro_rules! copy_slice_and_advance {
($target:expr, $bytes:expr) => {
let len = $bytes.len();
let (head, tail) = { $target }.split_at_mut(len);
$target = tail;
// Optimized join implementation that works for both Vec<T> (T: Copy) and String's inner vec
// Currently (2018-05-13) there is a bug with type inference and specialization (see issue #36262)
// For this reason SliceConcat<T> is not specialized for T: Copy and SliceConcat<str> is the
// only user of this function. It is left in place for the time when that is fixed.
// the bounds for String-join are S: Borrow<str> and for Vec-join Borrow<[T]>
// [T] and str both impl AsRef<[T]> for some T
// => s.borrow().as_ref() and we always have slices
fn join_generic_copy<B, T, S>(slice: &[S], sep: &[T]) -> Vec<T>
T: Copy,
B: AsRef<[T]> + ?Sized,
S: Borrow<B>,
let sep_len = sep.len();
let mut iter = slice.iter();
// the first slice is the only one without a separator preceding it
let first = match {
Some(first) => first,
None => return vec![],
// compute the exact total length of the joined Vec
// if the `len` calculation overflows, we'll panic
// we would have run out of memory anyway and the rest of the function requires
// the entire Vec pre-allocated for safety
let reserved_len = sep_len
.and_then(|n| {
slice.iter().map(|s| s.borrow().as_ref().len()).try_fold(n, usize::checked_add)
.expect("attempt to join into collection with len > usize::MAX");
// prepare an uninitialized buffer
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(reserved_len);
debug_assert!(result.capacity() >= reserved_len);
unsafe {
let pos = result.len();
let target = result.spare_capacity_mut().get_unchecked_mut(..reserved_len - pos);
// Convert the separator and slices to slices of MaybeUninit
// to simplify implementation in specialize_for_lengths
let sep_uninit = core::slice::from_raw_parts(sep.as_ptr().cast(), sep.len());
let iter_uninit =|it| {
let it = it.borrow().as_ref();
core::slice::from_raw_parts(it.as_ptr().cast(), it.len())
// copy separator and slices over without bounds checks
// generate loops with hardcoded offsets for small separators
// massive improvements possible (~ x2)
let remain = specialize_for_lengths!(sep_uninit, target, iter_uninit; 0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
// A weird borrow implementation may return different
// slices for the length calculation and the actual copy.
// Make sure we don't expose uninitialized bytes to the caller.
let result_len = reserved_len - remain.len();
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Borrow<str> for String {
fn borrow(&self) -> &str {
#[stable(feature = "string_borrow_mut", since = "1.36.0")]
impl BorrowMut<str> for String {
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut str {
&mut self[..]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl ToOwned for str {
type Owned = String;
fn to_owned(&self) -> String {
unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(self.as_bytes().to_owned()) }
fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut String) {
/// Methods for string slices.
impl str {
/// Converts a `Box<str>` into a `Box<[u8]>` without copying or allocating.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = "this is a string";
/// let boxed_str = s.to_owned().into_boxed_str();
/// let boxed_bytes = boxed_str.into_boxed_bytes();
/// assert_eq!(*boxed_bytes, *s.as_bytes());
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "str_box_extras", since = "1.20.0")]
#[must_use = "`self` will be dropped if the result is not used"]
pub fn into_boxed_bytes(self: Box<str>) -> Box<[u8]> {
/// Replaces all matches of a pattern with another string.
/// `replace` creates a new [`String`], and copies the data from this string slice into it.
/// While doing so, it attempts to find matches of a pattern. If it finds any, it
/// replaces them with the replacement string slice.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// let s = "this is old";
/// assert_eq!("this is new", s.replace("old", "new"));
/// assert_eq!("than an old", s.replace("is", "an"));
/// ```
/// When the pattern doesn't match, it returns this string slice as [`String`]:
/// ```
/// let s = "this is old";
/// assert_eq!(s, s.replace("cookie monster", "little lamb"));
/// ```
#[must_use = "this returns the replaced string as a new allocation, \
without modifying the original"]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn replace<P: Pattern>(&self, from: P, to: &str) -> String {
let mut result = String::new();
let mut last_end = 0;
for (start, part) in self.match_indices(from) {
result.push_str(unsafe { self.get_unchecked(last_end..start) });
last_end = start + part.len();
result.push_str(unsafe { self.get_unchecked(last_end..self.len()) });
/// Replaces first N matches of a pattern with another string.
/// `replacen` creates a new [`String`], and copies the data from this string slice into it.
/// While doing so, it attempts to find matches of a pattern. If it finds any, it
/// replaces them with the replacement string slice at most `count` times.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// let s = "foo foo 123 foo";
/// assert_eq!("new new 123 foo", s.replacen("foo", "new", 2));
/// assert_eq!("faa fao 123 foo", s.replacen('o', "a", 3));
/// assert_eq!("foo foo new23 foo", s.replacen(char::is_numeric, "new", 1));
/// ```
/// When the pattern doesn't match, it returns this string slice as [`String`]:
/// ```
/// let s = "this is old";
/// assert_eq!(s, s.replacen("cookie monster", "little lamb", 10));
/// ```
#[must_use = "this returns the replaced string as a new allocation, \
without modifying the original"]
#[stable(feature = "str_replacen", since = "1.16.0")]
pub fn replacen<P: Pattern>(&self, pat: P, to: &str, count: usize) -> String {
// Hope to reduce the times of re-allocation
let mut result = String::with_capacity(32);
let mut last_end = 0;
for (start, part) in self.match_indices(pat).take(count) {
result.push_str(unsafe { self.get_unchecked(last_end..start) });
last_end = start + part.len();
result.push_str(unsafe { self.get_unchecked(last_end..self.len()) });
/// Returns the lowercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`].
/// 'Lowercase' is defined according to the terms of the Unicode Derived Core Property
/// `Lowercase`.
/// Since some characters can expand into multiple characters when changing
/// the case, this function returns a [`String`] instead of modifying the
/// parameter in-place.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// let s = "HELLO";
/// assert_eq!("hello", s.to_lowercase());
/// ```
/// A tricky example, with sigma:
/// ```
/// let sigma = "Σ";
/// assert_eq!("σ", sigma.to_lowercase());
/// // but at the end of a word, it's ς, not σ:
/// let odysseus = "ὈΔΥΣΣΕΎΣ";
/// assert_eq!("ὀδυσσεύς", odysseus.to_lowercase());
/// ```
/// Languages without case are not changed:
/// ```
/// let new_year = "农历新年";
/// assert_eq!(new_year, new_year.to_lowercase());
/// ```
#[must_use = "this returns the lowercase string as a new String, \
without modifying the original"]
#[stable(feature = "unicode_case_mapping", since = "1.2.0")]
pub fn to_lowercase(&self) -> String {
let (mut s, rest) = convert_while_ascii(self, u8::to_ascii_lowercase);
let prefix_len = s.len();
for (i, c) in rest.char_indices() {
if c == 'Σ' {
// Σ maps to σ, except at the end of a word where it maps to ς.
// This is the only conditional (contextual) but language-independent mapping
// in `SpecialCasing.txt`,
// so hard-code it rather than have a generic "condition" mechanism.
// See
let sigma_lowercase = map_uppercase_sigma(self, prefix_len + i);
} else {
match conversions::to_lower(c) {
[a, '\0', _] => s.push(a),
[a, b, '\0'] => {
[a, b, c] => {
return s;
fn map_uppercase_sigma(from: &str, i: usize) -> char {
// See
// for the definition of `Final_Sigma`.
debug_assert!('Σ'.len_utf8() == 2);
let is_word_final = case_ignorable_then_cased(from[..i].chars().rev())
&& !case_ignorable_then_cased(from[i + 2..].chars());
if is_word_final { 'ς' } else { 'σ' }
fn case_ignorable_then_cased<I: Iterator<Item = char>>(iter: I) -> bool {
use core::unicode::{Case_Ignorable, Cased};
match iter.skip_while(|&c| Case_Ignorable(c)).next() {
Some(c) => Cased(c),
None => false,
/// Returns the uppercase equivalent of this string slice, as a new [`String`].
/// 'Uppercase' is defined according to the terms of the Unicode Derived Core Property
/// `Uppercase`.
/// Since some characters can expand into multiple characters when changing
/// the case, this function returns a [`String`] instead of modifying the
/// parameter in-place.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// let s = "hello";
/// assert_eq!("HELLO", s.to_uppercase());
/// ```
/// Scripts without case are not changed:
/// ```
/// let new_year = "农历新年";
/// assert_eq!(new_year, new_year.to_uppercase());
/// ```
/// One character can become multiple:
/// ```
/// let s = "tschüß";
/// assert_eq!("TSCHÜSS", s.to_uppercase());
/// ```
#[must_use = "this returns the uppercase string as a new String, \
without modifying the original"]
#[stable(feature = "unicode_case_mapping", since = "1.2.0")]
pub fn to_uppercase(&self) -> String {
let (mut s, rest) = convert_while_ascii(self, u8::to_ascii_uppercase);
for c in rest.chars() {
match conversions::to_upper(c) {
[a, '\0', _] => s.push(a),
[a, b, '\0'] => {
[a, b, c] => {
/// Converts a [`Box<str>`] into a [`String`] without copying or allocating.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let string = String::from("birthday gift");
/// let boxed_str = string.clone().into_boxed_str();
/// assert_eq!(boxed_str.into_string(), string);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "box_str", since = "1.4.0")]
#[must_use = "`self` will be dropped if the result is not used"]
pub fn into_string(self: Box<str>) -> String {
let slice = Box::<[u8]>::from(self);
unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(slice.into_vec()) }
/// Creates a new [`String`] by repeating a string `n` times.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if the capacity would overflow.
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// assert_eq!("abc".repeat(4), String::from("abcabcabcabc"));
/// ```
/// A panic upon overflow:
/// ```should_panic
/// // this will panic at runtime
/// let huge = "0123456789abcdef".repeat(usize::MAX);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "repeat_str", since = "1.16.0")]
pub fn repeat(&self, n: usize) -> String {
unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(self.as_bytes().repeat(n)) }
/// Returns a copy of this string where each character is mapped to its
/// ASCII upper case equivalent.
/// ASCII letters 'a' to 'z' are mapped to 'A' to 'Z',
/// but non-ASCII letters are unchanged.
/// To uppercase the value in-place, use [`make_ascii_uppercase`].
/// To uppercase ASCII characters in addition to non-ASCII characters, use
/// [`to_uppercase`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = "Grüße, Jürgen ❤";
/// assert_eq!("GRüßE, JüRGEN ❤", s.to_ascii_uppercase());
/// ```
/// [`make_ascii_uppercase`]: str::make_ascii_uppercase
/// [`to_uppercase`]: #method.to_uppercase
#[must_use = "to uppercase the value in-place, use `make_ascii_uppercase()`"]
#[stable(feature = "ascii_methods_on_intrinsics", since = "1.23.0")]
pub fn to_ascii_uppercase(&self) -> String {
let mut s = self.to_owned();
/// Returns a copy of this string where each character is mapped to its
/// ASCII lower case equivalent.
/// ASCII letters 'A' to 'Z' are mapped to 'a' to 'z',
/// but non-ASCII letters are unchanged.
/// To lowercase the value in-place, use [`make_ascii_lowercase`].
/// To lowercase ASCII characters in addition to non-ASCII characters, use
/// [`to_lowercase`].
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let s = "Grüße, Jürgen ❤";
/// assert_eq!("grüße, jürgen ❤", s.to_ascii_lowercase());
/// ```
/// [`make_ascii_lowercase`]: str::make_ascii_lowercase
/// [`to_lowercase`]: #method.to_lowercase
#[must_use = "to lowercase the value in-place, use `make_ascii_lowercase()`"]
#[stable(feature = "ascii_methods_on_intrinsics", since = "1.23.0")]
pub fn to_ascii_lowercase(&self) -> String {
let mut s = self.to_owned();
/// Converts a boxed slice of bytes to a boxed string slice without checking
/// that the string contains valid UTF-8.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let smile_utf8 = Box::new([226, 152, 186]);
/// let smile = unsafe { std::str::from_boxed_utf8_unchecked(smile_utf8) };
/// assert_eq!("☺", &*smile);
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "str_box_extras", since = "1.20.0")]
pub unsafe fn from_boxed_utf8_unchecked(v: Box<[u8]>) -> Box<str> {
unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(v) as *mut str) }
/// Converts leading ascii bytes in `s` by calling the `convert` function.
/// For better average performance, this happens in chunks of `2*size_of::<usize>()`.
/// Returns a tuple of the converted prefix and the remainder starting from
/// the first non-ascii character.
/// This function is only public so that it can be verified in a codegen test,
/// see ``.
#[unstable(feature = "str_internals", issue = "none")]
pub fn convert_while_ascii(s: &str, convert: fn(&u8) -> u8) -> (String, &str) {
// Process the input in chunks of 16 bytes to enable auto-vectorization.
// Previously the chunk size depended on the size of `usize`,
// but on 32-bit platforms with sse or neon is also the better choice.
// The only downside on other platforms would be a bit more loop-unrolling.
const N: usize = 16;
let mut slice = s.as_bytes();
let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(slice.len());
let mut out_slice = out.spare_capacity_mut();
let mut ascii_prefix_len = 0_usize;
let mut is_ascii = [false; N];
while slice.len() >= N {
// SAFETY: checked in loop condition
let chunk = unsafe { slice.get_unchecked(..N) };
// SAFETY: out_slice has at least same length as input slice and gets sliced with the same offsets
let out_chunk = unsafe { out_slice.get_unchecked_mut(..N) };
for j in 0..N {
is_ascii[j] = chunk[j] <= 127;
// Auto-vectorization for this check is a bit fragile, sum and comparing against the chunk
// size gives the best result, specifically a pmovmsk instruction on x86.
// See for why llvm currently does not
// currently recognize other similar idioms.
if is_ascii.iter().map(|x| *x as u8).sum::<u8>() as usize != N {
for j in 0..N {
out_chunk[j] = MaybeUninit::new(convert(&chunk[j]));
ascii_prefix_len += N;
slice = unsafe { slice.get_unchecked(N..) };
out_slice = unsafe { out_slice.get_unchecked_mut(N..) };
// handle the remainder as individual bytes
while slice.len() > 0 {
let byte = slice[0];
if byte > 127 {
// SAFETY: out_slice has at least same length as input slice
unsafe {
*out_slice.get_unchecked_mut(0) = MaybeUninit::new(convert(&byte));
ascii_prefix_len += 1;
slice = unsafe { slice.get_unchecked(1..) };
out_slice = unsafe { out_slice.get_unchecked_mut(1..) };
unsafe {
// SAFETY: ascii_prefix_len bytes have been initialized above
// SAFETY: We have written only valid ascii to the output vec
let ascii_string = String::from_utf8_unchecked(out);
// SAFETY: we know this is a valid char boundary
// since we only skipped over leading ascii bytes
let rest = core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(slice);
(ascii_string, rest)