blob: 0b9bb56ae7f9a28e4b20a36cddc1aa356d6e5496 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! A library for acquiring a backtrace at runtime
//! This library is meant to supplement the `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` support of the
//! standard library by allowing an acquisition of a backtrace at runtime
//! programmatically. The backtraces generated by this library do not need to be
//! parsed, for example, and expose the functionality of multiple backend
//! implementations.
//! # Usage
//! First, add this to your Cargo.toml
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! backtrace = "0.3"
//! ```
//! Next:
//! ```
//! fn main() {
//! # // Unsafe here so test passes on no_std.
//! # #[cfg(feature = "std")] {
//! backtrace::trace(|frame| {
//! let ip = frame.ip();
//! let symbol_address = frame.symbol_address();
//! // Resolve this instruction pointer to a symbol name
//! backtrace::resolve_frame(frame, |symbol| {
//! if let Some(name) = {
//! // ...
//! }
//! if let Some(filename) = symbol.filename() {
//! // ...
//! }
//! });
//! true // keep going to the next frame
//! });
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Backtrace accuracy
//! This crate implements best-effort attempts to get the native backtrace. This
//! is not always guaranteed to work, and some platforms don't return any
//! backtrace at all. If your application requires accurate backtraces then it's
//! recommended to closely evaluate this crate to see whether it's suitable
//! for your use case on your target platforms.
//! Even on supported platforms, there's a number of reasons that backtraces may
//! be less-than-accurate, including but not limited to:
//! * Unwind information may not be available. This crate primarily implements
//! backtraces by unwinding the stack, but not all functions may have
//! unwinding information (e.g. DWARF unwinding information).
//! * Rust code may be compiled without unwinding information for some
//! functions. This can also happen for Rust code compiled with
//! `-Cpanic=abort`. You can remedy this, however, with
//! `-Cforce-unwind-tables` as a compiler option.
//! * Unwind information may be inaccurate or corrupt. In the worst case
//! inaccurate unwind information can lead this library to segfault. In the
//! best case inaccurate information will result in a truncated stack trace.
//! * Backtraces may not report filenames/line numbers correctly due to missing
//! or corrupt debug information. This won't lead to segfaults unlike corrupt
//! unwinding information, but missing or malformed debug information will
//! mean that filenames and line numbers will not be available. This may be
//! because debug information wasn't generated by the compiler, or it's just
//! missing on the filesystem.
//! * Not all platforms are supported. For example there's no way to get a
//! backtrace on WebAssembly at the moment.
//! * Crate features may be disabled. Currently this crate supports using Gimli
//! libbacktrace on non-Windows platforms for reading debuginfo for
//! backtraces. If both crate features are disabled, however, then these
//! platforms will generate a backtrace but be unable to generate symbols for
//! it.
//! In most standard workflows for most standard platforms you generally don't
//! need to worry about these caveats. We'll try to fix ones where we can over
//! time, but otherwise it's important to be aware of the limitations of
//! unwinding-based backtraces!
all(feature = "std", target_env = "sgx", target_vendor = "fortanix"),
// When we're building as part of libstd, silence all warnings since they're
// irrelevant as this crate is developed out-of-tree.
#![cfg_attr(backtrace_in_libstd, allow(warnings))]
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), allow(dead_code))]
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
extern crate std;
// This is only used for gimli right now, which is only used on some platforms, and miri
// so don't worry if it's unused in other configurations.
extern crate alloc;
pub use self::backtrace::{trace_unsynchronized, Frame};
mod backtrace;
pub use self::symbolize::resolve_frame_unsynchronized;
pub use self::symbolize::{resolve_unsynchronized, Symbol, SymbolName};
mod symbolize;
pub use self::types::BytesOrWideString;
mod types;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
pub use self::symbolize::clear_symbol_cache;
mod print;
pub use print::{BacktraceFmt, BacktraceFrameFmt, PrintFmt};
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(feature = "std")] {
pub use self::backtrace::trace;
pub use self::symbolize::{resolve, resolve_frame};
pub use self::capture::{Backtrace, BacktraceFrame, BacktraceSymbol};
mod capture;
cfg_if::cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(all(target_env = "sgx", target_vendor = "fortanix", not(feature = "std")))] {
pub use self::backtrace::set_image_base;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
mod lock {
use std::boxed::Box;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::ptr;
use std::sync::{Mutex, MutexGuard, Once};
/// A "Maybe" LockGuard
pub struct LockGuard(Option<MutexGuard<'static, ()>>);
/// The global lock, lazily allocated on first use
static mut LOCK: *mut Mutex<()> = ptr::null_mut();
static INIT: Once = Once::new();
// Whether this thread is the one that holds the lock
thread_local!(static LOCK_HELD: Cell<bool> = Cell::new(false));
impl Drop for LockGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Don't do anything if we're a LockGuard(None)
if self.0.is_some() {
LOCK_HELD.with(|slot| {
// Immediately crash if we somehow aren't the thread holding this lock
// We are no longer the thread holding this lock
// lock implicitly released here, if we're a LockGuard(Some(..))
/// Acquire a partially unsound(!!!) global re-entrant lock over
/// backtrace's internals.
/// That is, this lock can be acquired as many times as you want
/// on a single thread without deadlocking, allowing one thread
/// to acquire exclusive access to the ability to make backtraces.
/// Calls to this locking function are freely sprinkled in every place
/// where that needs to be enforced.
/// # Why
/// This was first introduced to guard uses of Windows' dbghelp API,
/// which isn't threadsafe. It's unclear if other things now rely on
/// this locking.
/// # How
/// The basic idea is to have a single global mutex, and a thread_local
/// boolean saying "yep this is the thread that acquired the mutex".
/// The first time a thread acquires the lock, it is handed a
/// `LockGuard(Some(..))` that will actually release the lock on Drop.
/// All subsequence attempts to lock on the same thread will see
/// that their thread acquired the lock, and get `LockGuard(None)`
/// which will do nothing when dropped.
/// # Safety
/// As long as you only ever assign the returned LockGuard to a freshly
/// declared local variable, it will do its job correctly, as the "first"
/// LockGuard will strictly outlive all subsequent LockGuards and
/// properly release the lock when the thread is done with backtracing.
/// However if you ever attempt to store a LockGuard beyond the scope
/// it was acquired in, it might actually be a `LockGuard(None)` that
/// doesn't actually hold the lock! In this case another thread might
/// acquire the lock and you'll get races this system was intended to
/// avoid!
/// This is why this is "partially unsound". As a public API this would
/// be unacceptable, but this is crate-private, and if you use this in
/// the most obvious and simplistic way it Just Works™.
/// Note however that std specifically bypasses this lock, and uses
/// the `*_unsynchronized` backtrace APIs. This is "fine" because
/// it wraps its own calls to backtrace in a non-reentrant Mutex
/// that prevents two backtraces from getting interleaved during printing.
pub fn lock() -> LockGuard {
// If we're the thread holding this lock, pretend to acquire the lock
// again by returning a LockGuard(None)
if LOCK_HELD.with(|l| l.get()) {
return LockGuard(None);
// Insist that we totally are the thread holding the lock
// (our thread will block until we are)
LOCK_HELD.with(|s| s.set(true));
unsafe {
// lazily allocate the lock if necessary
INIT.call_once(|| {
LOCK = Box::into_raw(Box::new(Mutex::new(())));
// ok *actually* try to acquire the lock, blocking as necessary
target_env = "msvc",
all(target_env = "gnu", any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "arm"))
not(target_vendor = "uwp")
mod dbghelp;
// Auto-generated by windows-bindgen/riddle
mod windows_sys;