blob: 0685f525dca836df80e5253bba6b65b00242b20b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Helper code for character escaping.
use crate::ascii;
use crate::num::NonZero;
use crate::ops::Range;
const HEX_DIGITS: [ascii::Char; 16] = *b"0123456789abcdef".as_ascii().unwrap();
const fn backslash<const N: usize>(a: ascii::Char) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
const { assert!(N >= 2) };
let mut output = [ascii::Char::Null; N];
output[0] = ascii::Char::ReverseSolidus;
output[1] = a;
(output, 0..2)
const fn hex_escape<const N: usize>(byte: u8) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
const { assert!(N >= 4) };
let mut output = [ascii::Char::Null; N];
let hi = HEX_DIGITS[(byte >> 4) as usize];
let lo = HEX_DIGITS[(byte & 0xf) as usize];
output[0] = ascii::Char::ReverseSolidus;
output[1] = ascii::Char::SmallX;
output[2] = hi;
output[3] = lo;
(output, 0..4)
const fn verbatim<const N: usize>(a: ascii::Char) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
const { assert!(N >= 1) };
let mut output = [ascii::Char::Null; N];
output[0] = a;
(output, 0..1)
/// Escapes an ASCII character.
/// Returns a buffer and the length of the escaped representation.
const fn escape_ascii<const N: usize>(byte: u8) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
const { assert!(N >= 4) };
#[cfg(feature = "optimize_for_size")]
match byte {
b'\t' => backslash(ascii::Char::SmallT),
b'\r' => backslash(ascii::Char::SmallR),
b'\n' => backslash(ascii::Char::SmallN),
b'\\' => backslash(ascii::Char::ReverseSolidus),
b'\'' => backslash(ascii::Char::Apostrophe),
b'"' => backslash(ascii::Char::QuotationMark),
0x00..=0x1F | 0x7F => hex_escape(byte),
_ => match ascii::Char::from_u8(byte) {
Some(a) => verbatim(a),
None => hex_escape(byte),
#[cfg(not(feature = "optimize_for_size"))]
/// Lookup table helps us determine how to display character.
/// Since ASCII characters will always be 7 bits, we can exploit this to store the 8th bit to
/// indicate whether the result is escaped or unescaped.
/// We additionally use 0x80 (escaped NUL character) to indicate hex-escaped bytes, since
/// escaped NUL will not occur.
const LOOKUP: [u8; 256] = {
let mut arr = [0; 256];
let mut idx = 0;
while idx <= 255 {
arr[idx] = match idx as u8 {
// use 8th bit to indicate escaped
b'\t' => 0x80 | b't',
b'\r' => 0x80 | b'r',
b'\n' => 0x80 | b'n',
b'\\' => 0x80 | b'\\',
b'\'' => 0x80 | b'\'',
b'"' => 0x80 | b'"',
// use NUL to indicate hex-escaped
0x00..=0x1F | 0x7F..=0xFF => 0x80 | b'\0',
idx => idx,
idx += 1;
let lookup = LOOKUP[byte as usize];
// 8th bit indicates escape
let lookup_escaped = lookup & 0x80 != 0;
// SAFETY: We explicitly mask out the eighth bit to get a 7-bit ASCII character.
let lookup_ascii = unsafe { ascii::Char::from_u8_unchecked(lookup & 0x7F) };
if lookup_escaped {
// NUL indicates hex-escaped
if matches!(lookup_ascii, ascii::Char::Null) {
} else {
} else {
/// Escapes a character `\u{NNNN}` representation.
/// Returns a buffer and the length of the escaped representation.
const fn escape_unicode<const N: usize>(c: char) -> ([ascii::Char; N], Range<u8>) {
const { assert!(N >= 10 && N < u8::MAX as usize) };
let c = c as u32;
// OR-ing `1` ensures that for `c == 0` the code computes that
// one digit should be printed.
let start = (c | 1).leading_zeros() as usize / 4 - 2;
let mut output = [ascii::Char::Null; N];
output[3] = HEX_DIGITS[((c >> 20) & 15) as usize];
output[4] = HEX_DIGITS[((c >> 16) & 15) as usize];
output[5] = HEX_DIGITS[((c >> 12) & 15) as usize];
output[6] = HEX_DIGITS[((c >> 8) & 15) as usize];
output[7] = HEX_DIGITS[((c >> 4) & 15) as usize];
output[8] = HEX_DIGITS[((c >> 0) & 15) as usize];
output[9] = ascii::Char::RightCurlyBracket;
output[start + 0] = ascii::Char::ReverseSolidus;
output[start + 1] = ascii::Char::SmallU;
output[start + 2] = ascii::Char::LeftCurlyBracket;
(output, (start as u8)..(N as u8))
/// An iterator over an fixed-size array.
/// This is essentially equivalent to array’s IntoIter except that indexes are
/// limited to u8 to reduce size of the structure.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct EscapeIterInner<const N: usize> {
// The element type ensures this is always ASCII, and thus also valid UTF-8.
data: [ascii::Char; N],
// Invariant: `alive.start <= alive.end <= N`
alive: Range<u8>,
impl<const N: usize> EscapeIterInner<N> {
pub const fn backslash(c: ascii::Char) -> Self {
let (data, range) = backslash(c);
Self { data, alive: range }
pub const fn ascii(c: u8) -> Self {
let (data, range) = escape_ascii(c);
Self { data, alive: range }
pub const fn unicode(c: char) -> Self {
let (data, range) = escape_unicode(c);
Self { data, alive: range }
pub const fn empty() -> Self {
Self { data: [ascii::Char::Null; N], alive: 0..0 }
pub fn as_ascii(&self) -> &[ascii::Char] {
// SAFETY: `self.alive` is guaranteed to be a valid range for indexing ``.
unsafe {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
usize::from(self.alive.end - self.alive.start)
pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
let i =;
// SAFETY: `i` is guaranteed to be a valid index for ``.
unsafe { Some( }
pub fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<u8> {
let i = self.alive.next_back()?;
// SAFETY: `i` is guaranteed to be a valid index for ``.
unsafe { Some( }
pub fn advance_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), NonZero<usize>> {
pub fn advance_back_by(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<(), NonZero<usize>> {