| Getting Involved |
| ================ |
| |
| LLVM welcomes contributions of all kinds. To get started, please review the following topics: |
| |
| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
| |
| .. toctree:: |
| :hidden: |
| |
| Contributing |
| DeveloperPolicy |
| CodeReview |
| SupportPolicy |
| SphinxQuickstartTemplate |
| HowToSubmitABug |
| BugLifeCycle |
| CodingStandards |
| GitHub |
| GitBisecting |
| GitRepositoryPolicy |
| |
| :doc:`Contributing` |
| An overview on how to contribute to LLVM. |
| |
| :doc:`DeveloperPolicy` |
| The LLVM project's policy towards developers and their contributions. |
| |
| :doc:`CodeReview` |
| The LLVM project's code-review process. |
| |
| :doc:`SupportPolicy` |
| The LLVM support policy for core and non-core components. |
| |
| :doc:`SphinxQuickstartTemplate` |
| A template + tutorial for writing new Sphinx documentation. It is meant |
| to be read in source form. |
| |
| :doc:`HowToSubmitABug` |
| Instructions for properly submitting information about any bugs you run into |
| in the LLVM system. |
| |
| :doc:`BugLifeCycle` |
| Describes how bugs are reported, triaged and closed. |
| |
| :doc:`CodingStandards` |
| Details the LLVM coding standards and provides useful information on writing |
| efficient C++ code. |
| |
| :doc:`GitHub` |
| Describes how to use the llvm-project repository and code reviews on GitHub. |
| |
| :doc:`GitBisecting` |
| Describes how to use ``git bisect`` on LLVM's repository. |
| |
| :doc:`GitRepositoryPolicy` |
| Collection of policies around the git repositories. |
| |
| .. _development-process: |
| |
| Development Process |
| ------------------- |
| |
| Information about LLVM's development process. |
| |
| .. toctree:: |
| :hidden: |
| |
| Projects |
| HowToReleaseLLVM |
| ReleaseProcess |
| HowToAddABuilder |
| ReleaseNotes |
| |
| :doc:`Projects` |
| How-to guide and templates for new projects that *use* the LLVM |
| infrastructure. The templates (directory organization, Makefiles, and test |
| tree) allow the project code to be located outside (or inside) the ``llvm/`` |
| tree, while using LLVM header files and libraries. |
| |
| :doc:`HowToReleaseLLVM` |
| This is a guide to preparing LLVM releases. Most developers can ignore it. |
| |
| :doc:`ReleaseProcess` |
| This is a guide to validate a new release, during the release process. Most developers can ignore it. |
| |
| :doc:`HowToAddABuilder` |
| Instructions for adding new builder to LLVM buildbot master. |
| |
| :doc:`Release notes for the current release <ReleaseNotes>` |
| This describes new features, known bugs, and other limitations. |
| |
| .. _lists-forums: |
| |
| Forums & Mailing Lists |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| If you can't find what you need in these docs, try consulting the |
| Discourse forums. There are also commit mailing lists for all commits to the LLVM Project. |
| The :doc:`CodeOfConduct` applies to all these forums and mailing lists. |
| |
| `LLVM Discourse`__ |
| The forums for all things LLVM and related sub-projects. There are categories and subcategories for a wide variety of areas within LLVM. You can also view tags or search for a specific topic. |
| |
| .. __: https://discourse.llvm.org/ |
| |
| `Commits Archive (llvm-commits)`__ |
| This list contains all commit messages that are made when LLVM developers |
| commit code changes to the repository. It also serves as a forum for |
| patch review (i.e. send patches here). It is useful for those who want to |
| stay on the bleeding edge of LLVM development. This list is very high |
| volume. |
| |
| .. __: http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-commits/ |
| |
| `Bugs & Patches Archive (llvm-bugs)`__ |
| This list gets emailed every time a bug is opened and closed. It is |
| higher volume than the LLVM-dev list. |
| |
| .. __: http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-bugs/ |
| |
| `LLVM Announcements`__ |
| If you just want project wide announcements such as releases, developers meetings, or blog posts, then you should check out the Announcement category on LLVM Discourse. |
| |
| .. __: https://discourse.llvm.org/c/announce/46 |
| |
| .. _online-sync-ups: |
| |
| Online Sync-Ups |
| --------------- |
| |
| A number of regular calls are organized on specific topics. It should be |
| expected that the range of topics will change over time. At the time of |
| writing, the following sync-ups are organized. |
| The :doc:`CodeOfConduct` applies to all online sync-ups. |
| |
| If you'd like to organize a new sync-up, please add the info in the table |
| below. Please also create a calendar event for it and invite [email protected] |
| to the event, so that it'll show up on the :ref:`llvm-community-calendar`. |
| Please see :ref:`llvm-community-calendar-host-guidance` for more guidance on |
| what to add to your calendar invite. |
| |
| .. list-table:: LLVM regular sync-up calls |
| :widths: 25 25 25 25 |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| * - Topic |
| - Frequency |
| - Calendar link |
| - Minutes/docs link |
| * - Loop Optimization Working Group |
| - Every 2 weeks on Wednesday |
| - `ics <./_static/LoopOptWG_invite.ics>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sdzoyB11s0ccTZ3fobqctDpgJmRoFcz0sviKxqczs4g/edit>`__ |
| * - RISC-V |
| - Every 2 weeks on Thursday |
| - `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/lowrisc.org_0n5pkesfjcnp0bh5hps1p0bd80%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/1?cid=bG93cmlzYy5vcmdfMG41cGtlc2ZqY25wMGJoNWhwczFwMGJkODBAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G3ocHm2zE6AYTS2N3_3w2UxFnSEyKkcF57siLWe-NVs>`__ |
| * - ML Guided Compiler Optimizations |
| - Monthly |
| - |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JecbplF09l3swTjze-UVeLh4L48svJxGVy4mz_e9Rhs/edit?usp=gmail#heading=h.ts9cmcjbir1j>`__ |
| * - `LLVM security group <https://llvm.org/docs/Security.html>`__ |
| - Monthly, every 3rd Tuesday |
| - `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/eoh3m9k1l6vqbd1fkp94fv5q74%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=eoh3m9k1l6vqbd1fkp94fv5q74%40group.calendar.google.com>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://discourse.llvm.org/t/llvm-security-group-public-sync-ups/62735>`__ |
| * - `CIRCT <https://github.com/llvm/circt>`__ |
| - Weekly, on Wednesday |
| - |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fOSRdyZR2w75D87yU2Ma9h2-_lEPL4NxvhJGJd-s5pk/edit#heading=h.mulvhjtr8dk9>`__ |
| * - flang |
| - Multiple meeting series, `documented here <https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/flang/docs/GettingInvolved.md#calls>`__ |
| - |
| - |
| * - OpenMP |
| - Multiple meeting series, `documented here <https://openmp.llvm.org/docs/SupportAndFAQ.html>`__ |
| - |
| - |
| * - LLVM Alias Analysis |
| - Every 4 weeks on Tuesdays |
| - `ics <http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/attachments/20201103/a3499a67/attachment-0001.ics>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/17U-WvX8qyKc3S36YUKr3xfF-GHunWyYowXbxEdpHscw>`__ |
| * - LLVM Pointer Authentication |
| - Every month on Mondays |
| - `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/fr1qtmrmt2s9odufjvurkb6j70%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://discourse.llvm.org/t/llvm-pointer-authentication-sync-ups/62661>`__ |
| * - LLVM Embedded Toolchains |
| - Every 4 weeks on Thursdays |
| - `ics <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uNa-PFYkhAfT83kR2Nc4Fi706TAQFBEL/view?usp=sharing>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZDQyc3ZlajJmbjIzNG1jaTUybjFsdjA2dWNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GahxppHJ7o1O_fn1Mbidu1DHEg7V2aOr92LXCtNV1_o/edit?usp=sharing>`__ |
| * - Clang C and C++ Language Working Group |
| - 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month |
| - `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=cW1lZGg0ZXNpMnIyZDN2aTVydGVrdWF1YzRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x5-RbOC6-jnI_NcJ9Dp4pSmGhhNe7lUevuWUIB46TeM/edit?usp=sharing>`__ |
| * - LLVM SPIR-V Backend Working Group |
| - Every week on Monday |
| - |
| - `Meeting details/agenda <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UjX-LAwPjJ75Nmb8a5jz-Qrm-pPtKtQw0k1S1Lop9jU/edit?usp=sharing>`__ |
| * - SYCL Upstream Working Group |
| - Every 2 weeks on Mondays |
| - `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=c3ljbC5sbHZtLndnQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ>`__ |
| - `Meeting details/agenda <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ivYDSn_5ChTeiZ7TiO64WC_jYJnGwAUiT9Ngi9cAdFU/edit?usp=sharing>`__ |
| * - Floating Point Working Group |
| - Every 3rd Wednesday of the month |
| - `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/02582507bac79d186900712566ec3fc69b33ac24d7de0a8c76c7b19976f190c0%40group.calendar.google.com/private-6e35506dbfe13812e92e9aa8cd5d761d/basic.ics>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=MDI1ODI1MDdiYWM3OWQxODY5MDA3MTI1NjZlYzNmYzY5YjMzYWMyNGQ3ZGUwYThjNzZjN2IxOTk3NmYxOTBjMEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t>`__ |
| - `Meeting details/agenda: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QcmUlWftPlBi-Wz6b6PipqJfvjpJ-OuRMRnN9Dm2t0c>`__ |
| * - Vectorizer Improvement Working Group |
| - Every 3rd Thursday of the month |
| - `ics <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ten-u-4yjOcCoONUtR4_AxsFxRDTUp1b/view?usp=sharing>`__ |
| - `Meeting details/agenda: <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Glzy2JiWuysbD-HBWGUOkZqT09GJ4_Ljodr0lXD5XfQ/edit>`__ |
| |
| Past online sync-ups |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| Some online sync-ups are no longer happening. We keep pointing to them here to |
| keep track of the meeting notes and in case anyone would want to revive them in |
| the future. |
| |
| .. list-table:: LLVM no-longer-happening sync-up calls |
| :widths: 25 25 25 25 |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| * - Topic |
| - Frequency |
| - Calendar link |
| - Minutes/docs link |
| * - Scalable Vectors and Arm SVE |
| - Monthly, every 3rd Tuesday |
| - `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/bjms39pe6k6bo5egtsp7don414%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/[email protected]>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UPH2Hzou5RgGT8XfO39OmVXKEibWPfdYLELSaHr3xzo/edit>`__ |
| * - MemorySSA in LLVM |
| - Every 8 weeks on Mondays |
| - `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_1mincouiltpa24ac14of14lhi4%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_1mincouiltpa24ac14of14lhi4%40group.calendar.google.com>`__ |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-uEEZfmRdPThZlctOq9eXlmUaSSAAi8oKxhrPY_lpjk/edit#>`__ |
| * - GlobalISel |
| - Every 2nd Tuesday of the month |
| - `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=ZDcyMjc0ZjZiZjNhMzFlYmE3NTNkMWM2MGM2NjM5ZWU3ZDE2MjM4MGFlZDc2ZjViY2UyYzMwNzVhZjk4MzQ4ZEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t>`__ |
| - `Meeting details/agenda <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ry8O4-Tm5BFj9AMjr8qTQFU80z-ptiNQ62687NaIvLs/edit?usp=sharing>`__ |
| * - Vector Predication |
| - Every 2 weeks on Tuesdays, 3pm UTC |
| - |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q26ToudQjnqN5x31zk8zgq_s0lem1-BF8pQmciLa4k8/edit?usp=sharing>`__ |
| * - `MLIR <https://mlir.llvm.org>`__ design meetings |
| - Weekly, on Thursdays |
| - |
| - `Minutes/docs <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y_9f1AbfgcoVdJh4_aM6-BaSHvrHl8zuA5G4jv_94K8/edit#heading=h.cite1kolful9>`__ |
| |
| .. _office-hours: |
| |
| Office hours |
| ------------ |
| |
| A number of experienced LLVM contributors make themselves available for a chat |
| on a regular schedule, to anyone who is looking for some guidance. Please find |
| the list of who is available when, through which medium, and what their area of |
| expertise is. Don't be too shy to dial in! |
| |
| Office hours are also listed on the :ref:`llvm-community-calendar`. Of course, |
| people take time off from time to time, so if you dial in and you don't find |
| anyone present, chances are they happen to be off that day. |
| |
| The :doc:`CodeOfConduct` applies to all office hours. |
| |
| .. list-table:: LLVM office hours |
| :widths: 15 40 15 15 15 |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| |
| * - Name |
| - In-scope topics |
| - When? |
| - Where? |
| - Languages |
| * - Kristof Beyls |
| - General questions on how to contribute to LLVM; organizing meetups; |
| submitting talks; and other general LLVM-related topics. Arm/AArch64 |
| codegen. LLVM security group. LLVM Office Hours. |
| - Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at 9.30am CET, for 30 minutes. |
| `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/co0h4ndpvtfe64opn7eraiq3ac%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| - `Jitsi <https://meet.jit.si/KristofBeylsLLVMOfficeHour>`__ |
| - English, Flemish, Dutch |
| * - Alina Sbirlea |
| - General questions on how to contribute to LLVM; women in compilers; |
| MemorySSA, BatchAA, various loop passes, new pass manager. |
| - Monthly, 2nd Tuesdays, 10.00am PT/7:00pm CET, for 30 minutes. |
| `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_pm6e7160iq7n5fcm1s6m3rjhh4%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_pm6e7160iq7n5fcm1s6m3rjhh4%40group.calendar.google.com>`__ |
| - `GoogleMeet <https://meet.google.com/hhk-xpdj-gvx>`__ |
| - English, Romanian |
| * - Aaron Ballman (he/him) |
| - Clang internals; frontend attributes; clang-tidy; clang-query; AST matchers |
| - Monthly, 2nd Monday and 3rd Friday of the month at 10:00am Eastern and again at 2:00pm Eastern, for 60 minutes. |
| `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/npgke5dug0uliud0qapptmps58%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=npgke5dug0uliud0qapptmps58%40group.calendar.google.com>`__ |
| - `GoogleMeet <https://meet.google.com/xok-iqne-gmi>`__ |
| - English, Norwegian (not fluently) |
| * - Johannes Doerfert (he/him) |
| - OpenMP, LLVM-IR, interprocedural optimizations, Attributor, workshops, research, ... |
| - Every week, Wednesdays 9:30am (Pacific Time), for 1 hour. |
| `ics <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E_QkRvirmdJzlXf2EKBUX-v8Xj7-eW3v/view?usp=sharing>`__ |
| - `MS Teams <https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTMxNzU4MWYtYzViNS00OTM2LWJmNWQtMjg5ZWFhNGVjNzgw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22a722dec9-ae4e-4ae3-9d75-fd66e2680a63%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22885bda30-ce8e-46db-aa7e-15de0474831a%22%7d>`__ |
| - English, German |
| * - Tobias Grosser |
| - General questions on how to contribute to LLVM/MLIR, Polly, Loop Optimization, FPL, Research in LLVM, PhD in CS, Summer of Code. |
| - Monthly, last Monday of the month at 18:00 London time (typically 9am PT), for 30 minutes. |
| - `Video Call <https://meet.grosser.science/LLVMOfficeHours>`__ |
| - English, German, Spanish, French |
| * - Anastasia Stulova |
| - Clang internals for C/C++ language extensions and dialects, OpenCL, GPU, SPIR-V, how to contribute, women in compilers. |
| - Monthly, 1st Tuesday of the month at 17:00 BST - London time (9:00am PT except for 2 weeks in spring), 30 mins slot. |
| - `GoogleMeet <https://meet.google.com/kdy-fdbv-nuk>`__ |
| - English, Russian, German (not fluently) |
| * - Alexey Bader |
| - SYCL compiler, offload tools, OpenCL and SPIR-V, how to contribute. |
| - Monthly, 2nd Monday of the month at 9:30am PT, for 30 minutes. |
| - `GoogleMeet <https://meet.google.com/pdz-xhns-uus>`__ |
| - English, Russian |
| * - Maksim Panchenko |
| - BOLT internals, IR, new passes, proposals, etc. |
| - Monthly, 2nd Wednesday of the month at 11:00am PT, for 30 minutes. |
| - `Zoom <https://fb.zoom.us/j/97065697120?pwd=NTFaUWJjZW9uVkJuaVlPTE9qclE3dz09>`__ |
| - English, Russian |
| * - Quentin Colombet (he/him) |
| - LLVM/MLIR; Codegen (Instruction selection (GlobalISel/SDISel), Machine IR, |
| Register allocation, etc.); Optimizations; MCA |
| - Monthly, 1st Wednesday of the month at 8.00am PT, for 30 minutes. |
| `ics <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/48c4ad60290a4df218e51e1ceec1106fe317b0ebc76938d9273592053f38204e%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics>`__ |
| `gcal <https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=48c4ad60290a4df218e51e1ceec1106fe317b0ebc76938d9273592053f38204e%40group.calendar.google.com>`__ |
| - `Google meet <https://meet.google.com/cbz-grrp-obs>`__ |
| - English, French |
| * - Phoebe Wang (she/her) |
| - X86 backend, General questions to X86, women in compilers. |
| - Monthly, 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8:30am Beijing time, for 30 minutes. |
| - `MS Teams <https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWQ0MjU0NjYtZjUyMi00YTU3LThmM2EtY2Y2YTE4NGM3NmFi%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2246c98d88-e344-4ed4-8496-4ed7712e255d%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%227b309d9c-a9bb-44c8-a940-ab97eef42d4d%22%7d>`__ |
| - English, Chinese |
| * - Amara Emerson |
| - GlobalISel questions. |
| - Monthly, 4th Wednesday of the month at 9:30am PT, for 30 minutes. |
| - `Google meet <https://meet.google.com/pdd-dibg-cwv>`__ |
| - English |
| * - Maksim Levental and Jeremy Kun |
| - MLIR newcomers and general discussion (`livestreamed <https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhxO86S3jsX2k7kOhZaV-qKWm8tNsUdAE>`__) |
| - Every two weeks, Wednesdays at 2:00pm US Pacific, for 90 minutes. |
| - Livestream chat or `Google meet <https://meet.google.com/wit-tvzc-dwc>`__ |
| - English |
| * - Renato Golin |
| - General LLVM, MLIR & Linalg, distributed computing, research, socials. |
| - Every first Tuesday of the month, 11:00am UK time, for 60 minutes. |
| - `Google meet <https://meet.google.com/esg-fggc-hfe>`__ |
| - English, Portuguese |
| * - Rotating hosts |
| - Getting Started, beginner questions, new contributors. |
| - Every Tuesday at 2 PM ET (11 AM PT), for 30 minutes. |
| - `Google meet <https://meet.google.com/nga-uhpf-bbb>`__ |
| - English |
| |
| |
| Guidance for office hours hosts |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| * If you're interested in becoming an office hours host, please add your |
| information to the list above. Please create a calendar event for it and |
| invite [email protected] to the event so that it'll show up on the |
| :ref:`llvm-community-calendar`. |
| Please see :ref:`llvm-community-calendar-host-guidance` for more guidance on |
| what to add to your calendar invite. |
| * When starting an office hours session, consider typing something like "*Hi, |
| I'm available for chats in the next half hour at* video chat URL. *I'm |
| looking forward to having conversations on the video chat or here.*" on the |
| LLVM chat channels that you are already on. These could include: |
| |
| * the `#office-hours Discord channel |
| <https://discord.com/channels/636084430946959380/976196303681896538>`__. |
| * :ref:`IRC` |
| |
| Doing this can help: |
| * overcome potential anxiety to call in for a first time, |
| * people who prefer to first exchange a few messages through text chat |
| before dialing in, and |
| * remind the wider community that office hours do exist. |
| * If you decide to no longer host office hours, please do remove your entry |
| from the list above. |
| |
| |
| .. _IRC: |
| |
| IRC |
| --- |
| |
| Users and developers of the LLVM project (including subprojects such as Clang) |
| can be found in #llvm on `irc.oftc.net <irc://irc.oftc.net/llvm>`_. The channel |
| is actively moderated. |
| |
| The #llvm-build channel has a bot for |
| `LLVM buildbot <http://lab.llvm.org/buildbot/#/console>`_ status changes. The |
| bot will post a message with a link to a build bot and a blamelist when a build |
| goes from passing to failing and again (without the blamelist) when the build |
| goes from failing back to passing. It is a good channel for actively monitoring |
| build statuses, but it is a noisy channel due to the automated messages. The |
| channel is not actively moderated. |
| |
| In addition to the traditional IRC there is a |
| `Discord <https://discord.com/channels/636084430946959380/636725486533345280>`_ |
| chat server available. To sign up, please use this |
| `invitation link <https://discord.com/invite/xS7Z362>`_. |
| |
| |
| .. _meetups-social-events: |
| |
| Meetups and social events |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| .. toctree:: |
| :hidden: |
| |
| MeetupGuidelines |
| |
| Besides developer `meetings and conferences <https://llvm.org/devmtg/>`_, |
| there are several user groups called |
| `LLVM Socials <https://www.meetup.com/pro/llvm/>`_. We greatly encourage you to |
| join one in your city. Or start a new one if there is none: |
| |
| :doc:`MeetupGuidelines` |
| |
| .. _community-proposals: |
| |
| Community wide proposals |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| Proposals for massive changes in how the community behaves and how the work flow |
| can be better. |
| |
| .. toctree:: |
| :hidden: |
| |
| Proposals/GitHubMove |
| BugpointRedesign |
| Proposals/TestSuite |
| Proposals/VariableNames |
| Proposals/VectorPredication |
| |
| :doc:`Proposals/GitHubMove` |
| Proposal to move from SVN/Git to GitHub. |
| |
| :doc:`BugpointRedesign` |
| Design doc for a redesign of the Bugpoint tool. |
| |
| :doc:`Proposals/TestSuite` |
| Proposals for additional benchmarks/programs for llvm's test-suite. |
| |
| :doc:`Proposals/VariableNames` |
| Proposal to change the variable names coding standard. |
| |
| :doc:`Proposals/VectorPredication` |
| Proposal for predicated vector instructions in LLVM. |
| |
| .. _llvm-community-calendar: |
| |
| LLVM community calendar |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| We aim to maintain a public calendar view of all events happening in the LLVM |
| community such as :ref:`online-sync-ups` and :ref:`office-hours`. The calendar |
| can be found at |
| https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/[email protected] and can |
| also be seen inline below: |
| |
| .. raw:: html |
| |
| <iframe src="https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?height=600&wkst=1&bgcolor=%23ffffff&ctz=UTC&showCalendars=0&showDate=1&showNav=1&src=Y2FsZW5kYXJAbGx2bS5vcmc&color=%23039BE5" style="border:solid 1px #777" width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> |
| |
| Note that the web view of the LLVM community calendar shows events in |
| Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If you use Google Calendar, consider |
| subscribing to it with the + button in the bottom-right corner to view all |
| events in your local timezone alongside your other calendars. |
| |
| .. _llvm-community-calendar-host-guidance: |
| |
| Guidance on what to put into LLVM community calendar invites |
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |
| |
| To add your event, create a calendar event for it and invite [email protected] |
| on it. Your event should then show up on the community calendar. |
| |
| Please put the following pieces of information in your calendar invite: |
| |
| * Write a single paragraph describing what the event is about. Include things |
| such as who the event is for and what sort of topics are discussed. |
| * State explicitly that the :doc:`CodeOfConduct` applies to this event. |
| * Make it clear who: |
| |
| * the organizer is. |
| |
| * the person to contact is in case of any code-of-conduct issues. Typically, |
| this would be the organizer. |
| |
| * If you have meeting minutes for your event, add a pointer to where those live. |
| A good place for meeting minutes could be as a post on LLVM Discourse. |
| |
| An example invite looks as follows |
| |
| .. code-block:: none |
| |
| This event is a meetup for all developers of LLDB. Meeting agendas are posted |
| on discourse before the event. |
| |
| Attendees are required to adhere to the LLVM Code of Conduct |
| (https://llvm.org/docs/CodeOfConduct.html). For any Code of Conduct reports, |
| please contact the organizers, and also email [email protected]. |
| |
| Agenda/Meeting Minutes: Link to minutes |
| |
| Organizer(s): First Surname ([email protected]) |
| |