blob: 9553a37c9a82ff09f28aa3c3d6fd7980ddf40f88 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::env;
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::num::NonZero;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::sync::OnceLock;
use colored::*;
use regex::bytes::Regex;
use ui_test::build_manager::BuildManager;
use ui_test::color_eyre::eyre::{Context, Result};
use ui_test::custom_flags::edition::Edition;
use ui_test::dependencies::DependencyBuilder;
use ui_test::per_test_config::TestConfig;
use ui_test::spanned::Spanned;
use ui_test::{CommandBuilder, Config, Format, Match, OutputConflictHandling, status_emitter};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum Mode {
/// Requires annotations
/// Not used for tests, but for `miri run --dep`
fn miri_path() -> PathBuf {
PathBuf::from(env::var("MIRI").unwrap_or_else(|_| env!("CARGO_BIN_EXE_miri").into()))
fn get_host() -> String {
.expect("failed to parse rustc version info")
pub fn flagsplit(flags: &str) -> Vec<String> {
// This code is taken from `RUSTFLAGS` handling in cargo.
flags.split(' ').map(str::trim).filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).map(str::to_string).collect()
// Build the shared object file for testing native function calls.
fn build_native_lib() -> PathBuf {
let cc = env::var("CC").unwrap_or_else(|_| "cc".into());
// Target directory that we can write to.
let so_target_dir =
// Create the directory if it does not already exist.
.expect("Failed to create directory for shared object file");
// We use a platform-neutral file extension to avoid having to hard-code alternatives.
let native_lib_path = so_target_dir.join("native-lib.module");
let cc_output = Command::new(cc)
// We hide all symbols by default and export just the ones we need
// This is to future-proof against a more complex shared object which eg defines its own malloc
// (but we wouldn't want miri to call that, as it would if it was exported).
// FIXME: Automate gathering of all relevant C source files in the directory.
// Ensure we notice serious problems in the C code.
.expect("failed to generate shared object file for testing native function calls");
if !cc_output.status.success() {
"error generating shared object file for testing native function calls:\n{}",
/// Does *not* set any args or env vars, since it is shared between the test runner and
/// run_dep_mode.
fn miri_config(target: &str, path: &str, mode: Mode, with_dependencies: bool) -> Config {
// Miri is rustc-like, so we create a default builder for rustc and modify it
let mut program = CommandBuilder::rustc();
program.program = miri_path();
let mut config = Config {
target: Some(target.to_owned()),
out_dir: PathBuf::from(std::env::var_os("CARGO_TARGET_DIR").unwrap()).join("miri_ui"),
threads: std::env::var("MIRI_TEST_THREADS")
.map(|threads| NonZero::new(threads.parse().unwrap()).unwrap()),
config.comment_defaults.base().exit_status = match mode {
Mode::Pass => Some(0),
Mode::Fail => Some(1),
Mode::RunDep => None,
Mode::Panic => Some(101),
config.comment_defaults.base().require_annotations =
Spanned::dummy(matches!(mode, Mode::Fail)).into();
config.comment_defaults.base().normalize_stderr =
stderr_filters().iter().map(|(m, p)| (m.clone(), p.to_vec())).collect();
config.comment_defaults.base().normalize_stdout =
stdout_filters().iter().map(|(m, p)| (m.clone(), p.to_vec())).collect();
// keep in sync with `./miri run`
config.comment_defaults.base().add_custom("edition", Edition("2021".into()));
if with_dependencies {
config.comment_defaults.base().set_custom("dependencies", DependencyBuilder {
program: CommandBuilder {
// Set the `cargo-miri` binary, which we expect to be in the same folder as the `miri` binary.
// (It's a separate crate, so we don't get an env var from cargo.)
program: miri_path()
.with_file_name(format!("cargo-miri{}", env::consts::EXE_SUFFIX)),
// There is no `cargo miri build` so we just use `cargo miri run`.
args: ["miri", "run"].into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
// Reset `RUSTFLAGS` to work around <>.
envs: vec![("RUSTFLAGS".into(), None)],
crate_manifest_path: Path::new("test_dependencies").join("Cargo.toml"),
build_std: None,
fn run_tests(
mode: Mode,
path: &str,
target: &str,
with_dependencies: bool,
tmpdir: &Path,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut config = miri_config(target, path, mode, with_dependencies);
// Add a test env var to do environment communication tests.
config.program.envs.push(("MIRI_ENV_VAR_TEST".into(), Some("0".into())));
// Let the tests know where to store temp files (they might run for a different target, which can make this hard to find).
config.program.envs.push(("MIRI_TEMP".into(), Some(tmpdir.to_owned().into())));
// If a test ICEs, we want to see a backtrace.
config.program.envs.push(("RUST_BACKTRACE".into(), Some("1".into())));
// Add some flags we always want.
env::var("MIRI_SYSROOT").expect("MIRI_SYSROOT must be set to run the ui test suite")
if let Ok(extra_flags) = env::var("MIRIFLAGS") {
for flag in extra_flags.split_whitespace() {
// If we're testing the native-lib functionality, then build the shared object file for testing
// external C function calls and push the relevant compiler flag.
if path.starts_with("tests/native-lib/") {
let native_lib = build_native_lib();
let mut flag = std::ffi::OsString::from("-Zmiri-native-lib=");
// Handle command-line arguments.
let mut args = ui_test::Args::test()?;
args.bless |= env::var_os("RUSTC_BLESS").is_some_and(|v| v != "0");
config.bless_command = Some("./miri test --bless".into());
if env::var_os("MIRI_SKIP_UI_CHECKS").is_some() {
assert!(!args.bless, "cannot use RUSTC_BLESS and MIRI_SKIP_UI_CHECKS at the same time");
config.output_conflict_handling = OutputConflictHandling::Ignore;
eprintln!(" Compiler: {}", config.program.display());
// Only run one test suite. In the future we can add all test suites to one `Vec` and run
// them all at once, making best use of systems with high parallelism.
// The files we're actually interested in (all `.rs` files).
// This could be used to overwrite the `Config` on a per-test basis.
|_, _| {},
match args.format {
Format::Terse => status_emitter::Text::quiet(),
Format::Pretty => status_emitter::Text::verbose(),
status_emitter::Gha::</* GHA Actions groups*/ false> {
name: format!("{mode:?} {path} ({target})"),
macro_rules! regexes {
($name:ident: $($regex:expr => $replacement:expr,)*) => {
fn $name() -> &'static [(Match, &'static [u8])] {
static S: OnceLock<Vec<(Match, &'static [u8])>> = OnceLock::new();
S.get_or_init(|| vec![
$((Regex::new($regex).unwrap().into(), $replacement.as_bytes()),)*
regexes! {
// Windows file paths
r"\\" => "/",
// erase borrow tags
"<[0-9]+>" => "<TAG>",
"<[0-9]+=" => "<TAG=",
regexes! {
// erase line and column info
r"\.rs:[0-9]+:[0-9]+(: [0-9]+:[0-9]+)?" => ".rs:LL:CC",
// erase alloc ids
"alloc[0-9]+" => "ALLOC",
// erase thread ids
r"unnamed-[0-9]+" => "unnamed-ID",
// erase borrow tags
"<[0-9]+>" => "<TAG>",
"<[0-9]+=" => "<TAG=",
// normalize width of Tree Borrows diagnostic borders (which otherwise leak borrow tag info)
"(─{50})─+" => "$1",
// erase whitespace that differs between platforms
r" +at (.*\.rs)" => " at $1",
// erase generics in backtraces
"([0-9]+: .*)::<.*>" => "$1",
// erase long hexadecimals
r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+[0-9a-fA-F]{2,2}" => "$$HEX",
// erase specific alignments
"alignment [0-9]+" => "alignment ALIGN",
"[0-9]+ byte alignment but found [0-9]+" => "ALIGN byte alignment but found ALIGN",
// erase thread caller ids
r"call [0-9]+" => "call ID",
// erase platform module paths
"sys::pal::[a-z]+::" => "sys::pal::PLATFORM::",
// Windows file paths
r"\\" => "/",
// erase Rust stdlib path
"[^ \n`]*/(rust[^/]*|checkout)/library/" => "RUSTLIB/",
// erase platform file paths
"sys/pal/[a-z]+/" => "sys/pal/PLATFORM/",
// erase paths into the crate registry
r"[^ ]*/\.?cargo/registry/.*/(.*\.rs)" => "CARGO_REGISTRY/.../$1",
enum Dependencies {
use Dependencies::*;
fn ui(
mode: Mode,
path: &str,
target: &str,
with_dependencies: Dependencies,
tmpdir: &Path,
) -> Result<()> {
let msg = format!("## Running ui tests in {path} for {target}");
let with_dependencies = match with_dependencies {
WithDependencies => true,
WithoutDependencies => false,
run_tests(mode, path, target, with_dependencies, tmpdir)
.with_context(|| format!("ui tests in {path} for {target} failed"))
fn get_target() -> String {
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let target = get_target();
let tmpdir = tempfile::Builder::new().prefix("miri-uitest-").tempdir()?;
let mut args = std::env::args_os();
// Skip the program name and check whether this is a `./miri run-dep` invocation
if let Some(first) = args.nth(1) {
if first == "--miri-run-dep-mode" {
return run_dep_mode(target, args);
ui(Mode::Pass, "tests/pass", &target, WithoutDependencies, tmpdir.path())?;
ui(Mode::Pass, "tests/pass-dep", &target, WithDependencies, tmpdir.path())?;
ui(Mode::Panic, "tests/panic", &target, WithDependencies, tmpdir.path())?;
ui(Mode::Fail, "tests/fail", &target, WithoutDependencies, tmpdir.path())?;
ui(Mode::Fail, "tests/fail-dep", &target, WithDependencies, tmpdir.path())?;
if cfg!(unix) {
ui(Mode::Pass, "tests/native-lib/pass", &target, WithoutDependencies, tmpdir.path())?;
ui(Mode::Fail, "tests/native-lib/fail", &target, WithoutDependencies, tmpdir.path())?;
fn run_dep_mode(target: String, args: impl Iterator<Item = OsString>) -> Result<()> {
let mut config = miri_config(&target, "", Mode::RunDep, /* with dependencies */ true);
config.comment_defaults.base().custom.remove("edition"); // `./miri` adds an `--edition` in `args`, so don't set it twice
config.program.args = args.collect();
let test_config = TestConfig::one_off_runner(config.clone(), PathBuf::new());
let build_manager = BuildManager::one_off(config);
let mut cmd =;
// Build dependencies
test_config.apply_custom(&mut cmd, &build_manager).unwrap();
if cmd.spawn()?.wait()?.success() { Ok(()) } else { std::process::exit(1) }