blob: 20357b02c8da40db8c5c427e9f8b882584e9f9fc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//@ edition:2018
//@ revisions: rpass1
// Regression test for #86753. The `type_implements_trait` query (since moved to a method)
// was encountering an ICE during incremental testing when hashing its arguments.
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Poll, Context};
struct LocalSet {}
struct RunUntil<'a, F> {
_local_set: &'a LocalSet,
_future: F,
impl<'a, F> RunUntil<'a, F> {
fn project<'pin>(self: Pin<&'pin mut Self>) -> Projection<'pin, 'a, F> {
struct Projection<'pin, 'a, F>
RunUntil<'a, F>: 'pin,
pub local_set: &'pin mut &'a LocalSet,
pub future: Pin<&'pin mut F>,
impl LocalSet {
fn with<T>(&self, _f: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> T {
impl<T: Future> Future for RunUntil<'_, T> {
type Output = T::Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
let me = self.project();
me.local_set.with(|| {
let _ = cx.waker();
let f = me.future;
let _ = f.poll(cx);
fn main() {}