blob: 412d4057406e4b6e7e3ab3feac31924dee8023c4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#![crate_name = "issue_78673"]
pub trait Something {}
pub trait AnAmazingTrait {}
impl<T: Something> AnAmazingTrait for T {}
//@ has 'issue_78673/struct.MyStruct.html'
//@ has - '//*[@class="impl"]' 'AnAmazingTrait for MyStruct'
//@ !has - '//*[@class="impl"]' 'AnAmazingTrait for T'
pub struct MyStruct;
impl AnAmazingTrait for MyStruct {}
// generic structs may have _both_ specific and blanket impls that apply
//@ has 'issue_78673/struct.AnotherStruct.html'
//@ has - '//*[@class="impl"]' 'AnAmazingTrait for AnotherStruct<()>'
//@ has - '//*[@class="impl"]' 'AnAmazingTrait for T'
pub struct AnotherStruct<T>(T);
impl<T: Something> Something for AnotherStruct<T> {}
impl AnAmazingTrait for AnotherStruct<()> {}