| // Test to enforce rules over re-exports inlining from |
| // <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/109449>. |
| |
| #![crate_name = "foo"] |
| |
| mod private_module { |
| #[doc(hidden)] |
| pub struct Public; |
| #[doc(hidden)] |
| pub type Bar = (); |
| } |
| |
| #[doc(hidden)] |
| mod module { |
| pub struct Public2; |
| pub type Bar2 = (); |
| } |
| |
| #[doc(hidden)] |
| pub type Bar3 = (); |
| #[doc(hidden)] |
| pub struct FooFoo; |
| |
| // Checking that re-exporting a `#[doc(hidden)]` item will NOT inline it. |
| pub mod single_reexport { |
| //@ has 'foo/single_reexport/index.html' |
| |
| // First we check that we have 4 type aliases. |
| //@ count - '//*[@id="main-content"]/*[@class="item-table"]//code' 4 |
| |
| // Then we check that we have the correct link for each re-export. |
| |
| //@ !has - '//*[@href="struct.Foo.html"]' 'Foo' |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="reexport.Foo"]/code' 'pub use crate::private_module::Public as Foo;' |
| pub use crate::private_module::Public as Foo; |
| //@ !has - '//*[@href="type.Foo2.html"]' 'Foo2' |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="reexport.Foo2"]/code' 'pub use crate::private_module::Bar as Foo2;' |
| pub use crate::private_module::Bar as Foo2; |
| //@ !has - '//*[@href="type.Yo.html"]' 'Yo' |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="reexport.Yo"]/code' 'pub use crate::Bar3 as Yo;' |
| pub use crate::Bar3 as Yo; |
| //@ !has - '//*[@href="struct.Yo2.html"]' 'Yo2' |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="reexport.Yo2"]/code' 'pub use crate::FooFoo as Yo2;' |
| pub use crate::FooFoo as Yo2; |
| |
| // Checking that each file is also created as expected. |
| //@ !has 'foo/single_reexport/struct.Foo.html' |
| //@ !has 'foo/single_reexport/type.Foo2.html' |
| //@ !has 'foo/single_reexport/type.Yo.html' |
| //@ !has 'foo/single_reexport/struct.Yo2.html' |
| } |
| |
| // However, re-exporting an item inheriting `#[doc(hidden)]` will inline it. |
| pub mod single_reexport_inherit_hidden { |
| //@ has 'foo/single_reexport_inherit_hidden/index.html' |
| |
| //@ has - '//*[@href="struct.Foo3.html"]' 'Foo3' |
| pub use crate::module::Public2 as Foo3; |
| //@ has - '//*[@href="type.Foo4.html"]' 'Foo4' |
| pub use crate::module::Bar2 as Foo4; |
| |
| //@ has 'foo/single_reexport_inherit_hidden/struct.Foo3.html' |
| //@ has 'foo/single_reexport_inherit_hidden/type.Foo4.html' |
| } |
| |
| pub mod single_reexport_no_inline { |
| // First we ensure that we only have re-exports and no inlined items. |
| //@ has 'foo/single_reexport_no_inline/index.html' |
| //@ count - '//*[@id="main-content"]/*[@class="section-header"]' 1 |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]/*[@class="section-header"]' 'Re-exports' |
| |
| // Now we check that we don't have links to the items, just `pub use`. |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::private_module::Public as XFoo;' |
| //@ !has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//a' 'XFoo' |
| #[doc(no_inline)] |
| pub use crate::private_module::Public as XFoo; |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::private_module::Bar as Foo2;' |
| //@ !has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//a' 'Foo2' |
| #[doc(no_inline)] |
| pub use crate::private_module::Bar as Foo2; |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::Bar3 as Yo;' |
| //@ !has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//a' 'Yo' |
| #[doc(no_inline)] |
| pub use crate::Bar3 as Yo; |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::FooFoo as Yo2;' |
| //@ !has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//a' 'Yo2' |
| #[doc(no_inline)] |
| pub use crate::FooFoo as Yo2; |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::module::Public2 as Foo3;' |
| //@ !has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//a' 'Foo3' |
| #[doc(no_inline)] |
| pub use crate::module::Public2 as Foo3; |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::module::Bar2 as Foo4;' |
| //@ !has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//a' 'Foo4' |
| #[doc(no_inline)] |
| pub use crate::module::Bar2 as Foo4; |
| } |
| |
| // Checking that glob re-exports don't inline `#[doc(hidden)]` items. |
| pub mod glob_reexport { |
| // With glob re-exports, we don't inline `#[doc(hidden)]` items so only `module` items |
| // should be inlined. |
| //@ has 'foo/glob_reexport/index.html' |
| //@ count - '//*[@id="main-content"]/*[@class="section-header"]' 3 |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]/*[@class="section-header"]' 'Re-exports' |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]/*[@class="section-header"]' 'Structs' |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]/*[@class="section-header"]' 'Type Aliases' |
| |
| // Now we check we have 1 re-export and 2 inlined items. |
| // If not item from a glob re-export is visible, we don't show the re-export. |
| //@ !has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::private_module::*;' |
| pub use crate::private_module::*; |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::*;' |
| pub use crate::*; |
| // This one should be inlined. |
| //@ !has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//*' 'pub use crate::module::*;' |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//a[@href="struct.Public2.html"]' 'Public2' |
| //@ has - '//*[@id="main-content"]//a[@href="type.Bar2.html"]' 'Bar2' |
| // And we check that the two files were created too. |
| //@ has 'foo/glob_reexport/struct.Public2.html' |
| //@ has 'foo/glob_reexport/type.Bar2.html' |
| pub use crate::module::*; |
| } |
| |
| mod private { |
| /// Original. |
| pub struct Bar3; |
| } |
| |
| // Checking that `#[doc(hidden)]` re-exports documentation isn't generated. |
| pub mod doc_hidden_reexport { |
| //@ has 'foo/doc_hidden_reexport/index.html' |
| // Ensure there is only one item in this page and that it's a struct. |
| //@ count - '//*[@class="item-name"]' 1 |
| //@ has - '//a[@class="struct"]' 'Reexport' |
| // Check that the `#[doc(hidden)]` re-export's attributes are not taken into account. |
| //@ has - '//*[@class="desc docblock-short"]' 'Visible. Original.' |
| /// Visible. |
| pub use self::Bar3 as Reexport; |
| /// Hidden. |
| #[doc(hidden)] |
| pub use crate::private::Bar3; |
| } |