blob: a6522d682f1916ac3be69f294f1fe2af75702c97 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#![crate_name = "foo"]
//@ files "foo" "['all.html', 'visible', 'index.html', 'sidebar-items.js', 'hidden', \
// 'struct.Bar.html']"
//@ files "foo/visible" "['trait.Foo.html', 'index.html', 'sidebar-items.js']"
//@ files "foo/hidden" "['inner']"
//@ files "foo/hidden/inner" "['trait.Foo.html']"
// The following five should not fail!
//@ !has 'foo/hidden/index.html'
//@ !has 'foo/hidden/inner/index.html'
// FIXME: Should be `@!has`:
//@ has 'foo/hidden/inner/trait.Foo.html'
//@ matchesraw - '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=../../../foo/visible/trait.Foo.html">'
//@ !has 'foo/hidden/inner/inner_hidden/index.html'
//@ !has 'foo/hidden/inner/inner_hidden/trait.HiddenFoo.html'
pub mod hidden {
pub mod inner {
pub trait Foo {}
pub mod inner_hidden {
pub trait HiddenFoo {}
//@ has 'foo/visible/index.html'
//@ has 'foo/visible/trait.Foo.html'
pub use hidden::inner as visible;
//@ has 'foo/struct.Bar.html'
//@ count - '//*[@id="impl-Foo-for-Bar"]' 1
pub struct Bar;
impl visible::Foo for Bar {}