| // ignore-tidy-linelength |
| |
| #![crate_name = "foo"] |
| #![feature(lazy_type_alias)] |
| #![allow(incomplete_features)] |
| |
| //! # Basic [link](https://example.com), *emphasis*, **_very emphasis_** and `code` |
| //! |
| //! This test case covers TOC entries with rich text inside. |
| //! Rustdoc normally supports headers with links, but for the |
| //! TOC, that would break the layout. |
| //! |
| //! For consistency, emphasis is also filtered out. |
| |
| //@ has foo/index.html |
| // User header |
| //@ has - '//section[@id="rustdoc-toc"]/h3' 'Sections' |
| //@ has - '//section[@id="rustdoc-toc"]/ul[@class="block top-toc"]/li/a[@href="#basic-link-emphasis-very-emphasis-and-code"]/@title' 'Basic link, emphasis, very emphasis and `code`' |
| //@ has - '//section[@id="rustdoc-toc"]/ul[@class="block top-toc"]/li/a[@href="#basic-link-emphasis-very-emphasis-and-code"]' 'Basic link, emphasis, very emphasis and code' |
| //@ count - '//section[@id="rustdoc-toc"]/ul[@class="block top-toc"]/li/a[@href="#basic-link-emphasis-very-emphasis-and-code"]/em' 0 |
| //@ count - '//section[@id="rustdoc-toc"]/ul[@class="block top-toc"]/li/a[@href="#basic-link-emphasis-very-emphasis-and-code"]/a' 0 |
| //@ count - '//section[@id="rustdoc-toc"]/ul[@class="block top-toc"]/li/a[@href="#basic-link-emphasis-very-emphasis-and-code"]/code' 1 |
| //@ has - '//section[@id="rustdoc-toc"]/ul[@class="block top-toc"]/li/a[@href="#basic-link-emphasis-very-emphasis-and-code"]/code' 'code' |