blob: ff1263562274da77e91616ddd190de33d7244f25 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//@ run-pass
//! Test that let bindings and destructuring assignments have consistent drop orders
#![allow(unused_variables, unused_assignments)]
use std::cell::RefCell;
thread_local! {
static DROP_ORDER: RefCell<Vec<usize>> = RefCell::new(Vec::new());
struct DropRecorder(usize);
impl Drop for DropRecorder {
fn drop(&mut self) {
DROP_ORDER.with(|d| d.borrow_mut().push(self.0));
fn main() {
let expected_drop_order = vec![1, 4, 5, 3, 2];
// Check the drop order for let bindings:
let _ = DropRecorder(1);
let _val = DropRecorder(2);
let (x, _) = (DropRecorder(3), DropRecorder(4));
DROP_ORDER.with(|d| {
assert_eq!(&*d.borrow(), &expected_drop_order);
// Check that the drop order for destructuring assignment is the same:
let _val;
let x;
_ = DropRecorder(1);
_val = DropRecorder(2);
(x, _) = (DropRecorder(3), DropRecorder(4));
DROP_ORDER.with(|d| assert_eq!(&*d.borrow(), &expected_drop_order));