blob: 3f2ca7a246064473521761c29c70d7c7ca13f6c2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//@ run-pass
// Issue 36278: On an unsized struct with >1 level of nontrivial
// nesting, ensure we are computing dynamic size of prefix correctly.
use std::mem;
const SZ: usize = 100;
struct P<T: ?Sized>([u8; SZ], T);
type Ack<T> = P<P<T>>;
fn main() {
let size_of_sized; let size_of_unsized;
let x: Box<Ack<[u8; 0]>> = Box::new(P([0; SZ], P([0; SZ], [0; 0])));
size_of_sized = mem::size_of_val::<Ack<_>>(&x);
let y: Box<Ack<[u8 ]>> = x;
size_of_unsized = mem::size_of_val::<Ack<_>>(&y);
assert_eq!(size_of_sized, size_of_unsized);