blob: 356f1e777c7d050470347e1b10bee7a76cfcac89 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//@ build-fail
//@ edition: 2021
#![feature(async_closure, noop_waker)]
use std::future::Future;
use std::pin::pin;
use std::task::*;
pub fn block_on<T>(fut: impl Future<Output = T>) -> T {
let mut fut = pin!(fut);
// Poll loop, just to test the future...
let ctx = &mut Context::from_waker(Waker::noop());
loop {
match fut.as_mut().poll(ctx) {
Poll::Pending => {}
Poll::Ready(t) => break t,
trait Blah {
async fn iter<T>(&mut self, iterator: T)
T: IntoIterator<Item = ()>;
impl Blah for () {
async fn iter<T>(&mut self, iterator: T)
//~^ ERROR recursion in an async fn requires boxing
T: IntoIterator<Item = ()>,
Blah::iter(self, iterator).await
struct Wrap<T: Blah> {
t: T,
impl<T: Blah> Wrap<T>
T: Blah,
async fn ice(&mut self) {
//~^ ERROR a cycle occurred during layout computation
let arr: [(); 0] = [];
fn main() {
block_on(async {
let mut t = Wrap { t: () };;