blob: cc93f61e28f376278f3b822210f43a95062be854 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! The symbols are resolved by the linker. It doesn't make sense to change
//! them at runtime, so deny mutable statics with #[linkage].
// FIXME(static_mut_refs): Do not allow `static_mut_refs` lint
fn main() {
extern "C" {
#[linkage = "extern_weak"] //~ ERROR extern mutable statics are not allowed with `#[linkage]`
static mut EXTERN_WEAK: *const u8;
unsafe {
assert_eq!(EXTERN_WEAK as usize, 0);
// static mut is fine here as this is a definition rather than declaration.
#[linkage = "weak"]
static mut WEAK_DEF: u8 = 42;
unsafe {
assert_eq!(WEAK_DEF, 0);