blob: 946642ef6f3ad30a4ce1afb1ec289e533dcbfdff [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::ops::Add;
struct Foo;
impl Add for Foo {
type Output = ();
fn add(self, _rhs: Self) -> () {}
impl Foo {
fn use_self(self) {}
fn use_box_self(self: Box<Self>) {}
fn use_pin_box_self(self: Pin<Box<Self>>) {}
fn use_rc_self(self: Rc<Self>) {}
fn use_mut_self(&mut self) -> &mut Self { self }
struct Container(Vec<bool>);
impl Container {
fn custom_into_iter(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = bool> {
fn move_out(val: Container) {
val.0; //~ ERROR use of moved
let foo = Foo;
foo; //~ ERROR use of moved
let second_foo = Foo;
second_foo; //~ ERROR use of moved
let boxed_foo = Box::new(Foo);
boxed_foo; //~ ERROR use of moved
let pin_box_foo = Box::pin(Foo);
pin_box_foo; //~ ERROR use of moved
let mut mut_foo = Foo;
let ret = mut_foo.use_mut_self();
mut_foo; //~ ERROR cannot move out
let rc_foo = Rc::new(Foo);
rc_foo; //~ ERROR use of moved
let foo_add = Foo;
foo_add + Foo;
foo_add; //~ ERROR use of moved
let implicit_into_iter = vec![true];
for _val in implicit_into_iter {}
implicit_into_iter; //~ ERROR use of moved
let explicit_into_iter = vec![true];
for _val in explicit_into_iter.into_iter() {}
explicit_into_iter; //~ ERROR use of moved
let container = Container(vec![]);
for _val in container.custom_into_iter() {}
container; //~ ERROR use of moved
let foo2 = Foo;
loop {
foo2.use_self(); //~ ERROR use of moved
fn main() {}