blob: 0235b291df54066d3615195ac1855c5cbc8e0956 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
fn foo() {
let foos = vec![String::new()];
let bars = vec![""];
let mut baz = vec![];
let mut qux = vec![];
for foo in foos { for bar in &bars { if foo == *bar {
//~^ NOTE this reinitialization might get skipped
//~| NOTE move occurs because `foo` has type `String`
//~| NOTE inside of this loop
//~| HELP consider moving the expression out of the loop
//~| NOTE in this expansion of desugaring of `for` loop
//~^ NOTE value moved here
//~| HELP consider cloning the value
//~^ NOTE verify that your loop breaking logic is correct
//~| NOTE this `continue` advances the loop at $DIR/
} }
//~^ ERROR use of moved value
//~| NOTE value used here
fn main() {
let foos = vec![String::new()];
let bars = vec![""];
let mut baz = vec![];
let mut qux = vec![];
for foo in foos {
//~^ NOTE this reinitialization might get skipped
//~| NOTE move occurs because `foo` has type `String`
for bar in &bars {
//~^ NOTE inside of this loop
//~| HELP consider moving the expression out of the loop
//~| NOTE in this expansion of desugaring of `for` loop
if foo == *bar {
//~^ NOTE value moved here
//~| HELP consider cloning the value
//~^ NOTE verify that your loop breaking logic is correct
//~| NOTE this `continue` advances the loop at line 33
//~^ ERROR use of moved value
//~| NOTE value used here