blob: a5743c633085f785df57106e8ba00ca0a418d0cc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// This file tests the exhaustiveness algorithm on opaque constants. Most of the examples give
// unnecessary warnings because converts a constant pattern to a wildcard when the
// constant is not allowed as a pattern. This is an edge case so we may not care to fix it.
// See also
struct Foo(i32);
impl Eq for Foo {}
const FOO: Foo = Foo(42);
const FOO_REF: &Foo = &Foo(42);
const FOO_REF_REF: &&Foo = &&Foo(42);
struct Bar;
impl Eq for Bar {}
const BAR: Bar = Bar;
enum Baz {
impl Eq for Baz {}
const BAZ: Baz = Baz::Baz1;
fn main() {
match FOO {
FOO => {}
_ => {}
match FOO_REF {
FOO_REF => {}
Foo(_) => {}
// This used to cause an ICE (
match FOO_REF_REF {
Foo(_) => {}
match BAR {
Bar => {}
BAR => {}
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
match BAR {
BAR => {}
Bar => {}
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
match BAR {
BAR => {}
BAR => {} // should not be emitting unreachable warning
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {} // should not be emitting unreachable warning
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
match BAZ {
BAZ => {}
Baz::Baz1 => {} // should not be emitting unreachable warning
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match BAZ {
Baz::Baz1 => {}
BAZ => {}
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
_ => {}
match BAZ {
BAZ => {}
Baz::Baz2 => {}
_ => {} // should not be emitting unreachable warning
//~^ ERROR unreachable pattern
type Quux = fn(usize, usize) -> usize;
fn quux(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize { a + b }
const QUUX: Quux = quux;
match QUUX {
QUUX => {} //~ERROR behave unpredictably
QUUX => {} //~ERROR behave unpredictably
_ => {}
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Wrap<T>(T);
const WRAPQUUX: Wrap<Quux> = Wrap(quux);
match WRAPQUUX {
WRAPQUUX => {} //~ERROR behave unpredictably
WRAPQUUX => {} //~ERROR behave unpredictably
Wrap(_) => {}
match WRAPQUUX {
Wrap(_) => {}
WRAPQUUX => {} //~ERROR behave unpredictably
match WRAPQUUX {
Wrap(_) => {}
match WRAPQUUX {
WRAPQUUX => {} //~ERROR behave unpredictably
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
enum WhoKnows<T> {
const WHOKNOWSQUUX: WhoKnows<Quux> = WhoKnows::Yay(quux);
WHOKNOWSQUUX => {} //~ERROR behave unpredictably
WhoKnows::Yay(_) => {}
WHOKNOWSQUUX => {} //~ERROR behave unpredictably
WhoKnows::Nope => {}