blob: 70cefbe29c16d57b8260b1290abf18d6608d20ab [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//@ run-pass
//@ revisions: default mir-opt
//@[default] compile-flags: -Zinline-mir=false
//@[mir-opt] compile-flags: -Zmir-opt-level=4
use std::panic::Location;
struct Foo;
impl Foo {
fn check_loc(&self, line: u32, col: u32) -> &Self {
let loc = Location::caller();
assert_eq!(loc.file(), file!(), "file mismatch");
assert_eq!(loc.line(), line, "line mismatch");
assert_eq!(loc.column(), col, "column mismatch");
fn main() {
// Tests that when `Location::caller` is used in a method chain,
// it points to the start of the correct call (the first character after the dot)
// instead of to the very first expression in the chain
let foo = Foo;
check_loc(line!(), 9).check_loc(line!(), 31)
.check_loc(line!(), 10);