blob: d9239ef5801aea6ad2baec6cc8aa97b80db9ca5a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// This used to cause an ICE for an internal index out of range due to simd_shuffle_indices being
// passed the wrong Instance, causing issues with inlining. See #67557.
//@ run-pass
//@ compile-flags: -Zmir-opt-level=4
#![feature(intrinsics, repr_simd)]
extern "rust-intrinsic" {
fn simd_shuffle<T, I, U>(x: T, y: T, idx: I) -> U;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Simd2([u8; 2]);
struct SimdShuffleIdx<const LEN: usize>([u32; LEN]);
fn main() {
unsafe {
let _: Simd2 = inline_me();
unsafe fn inline_me() -> Simd2 {
const IDX: SimdShuffleIdx<2> = SimdShuffleIdx([0, 3]);
simd_shuffle(Simd2([10, 11]), Simd2([12, 13]), IDX)