| #![allow(unused_imports)] |
| // A model for how the `Fn` traits could work. You can implement at |
| // most one of `Go`, `GoMut`, or `GoOnce`, and then the others follow |
| //@ aux-build:go_trait.rs |
| use go_trait::{Go, GoMut, GoOnce, go, go_mut, go_once}; |
| impl Go for SomeGoableThing { |
| fn go(&self, arg: isize) { |
| self.counter.set(self.counter.get() + arg); |
| struct SomeGoOnceableThing { |
| impl GoOnce for SomeGoOnceableThing { |
| fn go_once(self, arg: isize) { |
| self.counter.set(self.counter.get() + arg); |
| let counter = Rc::new(Cell::new(0)); |
| let mut x = SomeGoableThing { counter: counter.clone() }; |
| assert_eq!(counter.get(), 10); |
| assert_eq!(counter.get(), 110); |
| assert_eq!(counter.get(), 1_110); |
| let x = SomeGoOnceableThing { counter: counter.clone() }; |
| assert_eq!(counter.get(), 11_110); |