blob: c0a6b8d0daca5aa8c4a039910341c4a38f8115c4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//@ compile-flags: --crate-type lib
//@ check-pass
// Regression test for issue #84399
// Tests that we keep the full `ParamEnv` when
// caching predicates with freshened types in the global cache
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub trait Allocator<R> {
type Buffer;
pub struct DefaultAllocator;
impl <R> Allocator<R> for DefaultAllocator {
type Buffer = ();
pub type Owned<R> = <DefaultAllocator as Allocator<R>>::Buffer;
pub type MatrixMN<R> = Matrix<R, Owned<R>>;
pub type Matrix4<N> = Matrix<N, ()>;
pub struct Matrix<R, S> {
pub data: S,
_phantoms: PhantomData<R>,
pub fn set_object_transform(matrix: &Matrix4<()>) {
pub trait Storable {
type Cell;
fn slice_to_items(_buffer: &()) -> &[Self::Cell] {
pub type Cell<T> = <T as Storable>::Cell;
impl<R> Storable for MatrixMN<R>
DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R>,
type Cell = ();
pub trait JsBufferView {
fn js_buffer_view(&self) -> usize {
impl<R> JsBufferView for [MatrixMN<R>]
DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R>,
MatrixMN<R>: Storable,
[Cell<MatrixMN<R>>]: JsBufferView,
fn js_buffer_view(&self) -> usize {
<MatrixMN<R> as Storable>::slice_to_items(&()).js_buffer_view()
impl JsBufferView for [()] {}
impl<R> JsBufferView for MatrixMN<R> where DefaultAllocator: Allocator<R> {}