blob: 2d1948afe21f84e4ea50fda6f3e9b2d217fd9898 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use crate::{Event, EventPayload, ProfilingData, Timestamp};
use measureme::rustc::*;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::time::SystemTime;
impl ProfilingData {
/// Collects accumulated summary data for the given ProfilingData.
/// The main result we are interested in is the query "self-time". This is the
/// time spent computing the result of a query `q` minus the time spent in
/// any other queries that `q` might have called. This "self-time" can be
/// computed by looking at invocation stacks as follows:
/// When we encounter a query provider event, we first add its entire duration
/// to the self-time counter of the query. Then, when we encounter a direct
/// child of that query provider event, we subtract the duration of the child
/// from the self-time counter of the query. Thus, after we've encountered all
/// direct children we'll end up with the self-time.
/// For example, take the following query invocation trace:
/// ```ignore
/// <== q4 ==>
/// <== q2 ==> <====== q3 ======>
/// <===================== q1 =====================>
/// -------------------------------------------------------> time
/// ```
/// Query `q1` calls `q2` and later `q3`, which in turn calls `q4`. In order
/// to get the self-time of `q1`, we take it's entire duration and subtract the
/// durations of `q2` and `q3`. We do not subtract the duration of `q4` because
/// that is already accounted for by the duration of `q3`.
/// The function below uses an algorithm that computes the self-times of all
/// queries in a single pass over the profiling data. As the algorithm walks the
/// data, it needs to keep track of invocation stacks. Because interval events
/// occur in the stream at their "end" time, a parent event comes after all
/// child events. For this reason we have to walk the events in *reverse order*.
/// This way we always encounter the parent before its children, which makes it
/// simple to keep an up-to-date stack of invocations.
/// The algorithm goes as follows:
/// ```ignore
/// for event in profiling_data.reversed()
/// // Keep the stack up-to-date by popping all events that
/// // don't contain the current event. After this loop, the
/// // parent of the current event will be the top of the stack.
/// while !
/// stack.pop()
/// // Update the parents self-time if needed
/// let parent =
/// if parent.is_some()
/// self_time_for(parent) -= event.duration
/// // Update the self-time for the current-event
/// self_time_for(event) += event.duration
/// // Push the current event onto the stack
/// stack.push(event)
/// ```
/// Here is an example of what updating the stack looks like:
/// ```ignore
/// <--e2--> <--e3-->
/// <-----------e1----------->
/// ```
/// In the event stream this shows up as something like:
/// ```ignore
/// [
/// { label=e2, start= 5, end=10 },
/// { label=e3, start=15, end=20 },
/// { label=e1, start= 0, end=25 },
/// ]
/// ```
/// because events are emitted in the order of their end timestamps. So, as we
/// walk backwards, we
/// 1. encounter `e1`, push it onto the stack, then
/// 2. encounter `e3`, the stack contains `e1`, but that is fine since the
/// time-interval of `e1` includes the time interval of `e3`. `e3` goes onto
/// the stack and then we
/// 3. encounter `e2`. The stack is `[e1, e3]`, but now `e3` needs to be popped
/// because we are past its range, so we pop `e3` and push `e2`.
/// Why is popping done in a `while` loop? consider the following
/// ```ignore
/// <-e4->
/// <--e2--> <--e3-->
/// <-----------e1----------->
/// ```
/// This looks as follows in the stream:
/// ```ignore
/// [
/// { label=e2, start= 5, end=10 },
/// { label=e4, start=17, end=19 },
/// { label=e3, start=15, end=20 },
/// { label=e1, start= 0, end=25 },
/// ]
/// ```
/// In this case when we encounter `e2`, the stack is `[e1, e3, e4]`, and both
/// `e4` and `e3` need to be popped in the same step.
pub fn perform_analysis(self) -> AnalysisResults {
struct PerThreadState<'a> {
stack: Vec<Event<'a>>,
start: SystemTime,
end: SystemTime,
let mut query_data = FxHashMap::<String, QueryData>::default();
let mut artifact_sizes = BTreeMap::<Cow<'_, str>, ArtifactSize>::default();
let mut threads = FxHashMap::<_, PerThreadState<'_>>::default();
let mut record_event_data = |label: &Cow<'_, str>, f: &dyn Fn(&mut QueryData)| {
if let Some(data) = query_data.get_mut(&label[..]) {
} else {
let mut data = QueryData::new(label.clone().into_owned());
f(&mut data);
query_data.insert(label.clone().into_owned(), data);
for current_event in self.iter_full().rev() {
match current_event.payload {
EventPayload::Timestamp(Timestamp::Instant(_)) => {
if &current_event.event_kind[..] == QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND {
record_event_data(&current_event.label, &|data| {
data.number_of_cache_hits += 1;
data.invocation_count += 1;
EventPayload::Timestamp(Timestamp::Interval { start, end }) => {
// This is an interval event
let thread =
.or_insert_with(|| PerThreadState {
stack: Vec::new(),
// Pop all events from the stack that are not parents of the
// current event.
while let Some(current_top) = thread.stack.last().cloned() {
if current_top.contains(&current_event) {
let current_event_duration = current_event.duration().unwrap();
// If there is something on the stack, subtract the current
// interval from it.
if let Some(current_top) = thread.stack.last() {
&|data| match &current_top.event_kind[..] {
data.self_time -= current_event_duration;
// We are within hashing something. If we now encounter something
// within that event (like the nested "intern-the-dep-node" event)
// then we don't want to attribute that to the hashing time.
data.self_time -= current_event_duration;
data.incremental_hashing_time -= current_event_duration;
data.self_time -= current_event_duration;
data.incremental_load_time -= current_event_duration;
_ => {
// Data sources other than rustc will use their own event kinds so
// just treat this like a GENERIC_ACTIVITY except that we don't
// track cache misses since those may not apply to all data sources.
data.self_time -= current_event_duration;
// Update counters for the current event
match &current_event.event_kind[..] {
record_event_data(&current_event.label, &|data| {
data.self_time += current_event_duration;
data.time += current_event_duration;
data.number_of_cache_misses += 1;
data.invocation_count += 1;
record_event_data(&current_event.label, &|data| {
data.self_time += current_event_duration;
data.time += current_event_duration;
data.blocked_time += current_event_duration;
data.invocation_count += 1;
record_event_data(&current_event.label, &|data| {
data.self_time += current_event_duration;
data.time += current_event_duration;
data.incremental_load_time += current_event_duration;
record_event_data(&current_event.label, &|data| {
// Don't add to data.time since this event happens
// within the query itself which is already contributing
// to data.time
data.self_time += current_event_duration;
data.incremental_hashing_time += current_event_duration;
_ => {
// Data sources other than rustc will use their own event kinds so just
// treat this like a GENERIC_ACTIVITY except that we don't track cache
// misses since those may not apply to all data sources.
record_event_data(&current_event.label, &|data| {
data.self_time += current_event_duration;
data.time += current_event_duration;
data.invocation_count += 1;
// Update the start and end times for thread
thread.start = std::cmp::min(thread.start, start);
thread.end = std::cmp::max(thread.end, end);
// Bring the stack up-to-date
EventPayload::Integer(value) => {
if current_event.event_kind == ARTIFACT_SIZE_EVENT_KIND {
// Dedup artifact size events according to their label
.or_insert_with(|| ArtifactSize::new(current_event.label.into_owned()))
let total_time = threads
.map(|t| t.end.duration_since(t.start).unwrap())
AnalysisResults {
query_data: query_data.drain().map(|(_, value)| value).collect(),
artifact_sizes: artifact_sizes.into_values().collect(),
/// A collection data for an entire rustc invocation
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct AnalysisResults {
pub query_data: Vec<QueryData>,
pub artifact_sizes: Vec<ArtifactSize>,
pub total_time: Duration,
// These are currently only needed for testing
impl AnalysisResults {
pub fn query_data_by_label(&self, label: &str) -> &QueryData {
self.query_data.iter().find(|qd| qd.label == label).unwrap()
pub fn artifact_size_by_label(&self, label: &str) -> &ArtifactSize {
.find(|qd| qd.label == label)
/// Data related to profiling a specific rustc query
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct QueryData {
pub label: String,
pub time: Duration,
pub self_time: Duration,
pub number_of_cache_misses: usize,
pub number_of_cache_hits: usize,
pub invocation_count: usize,
pub blocked_time: Duration,
pub incremental_load_time: Duration,
pub incremental_hashing_time: Duration,
impl QueryData {
pub fn new(label: String) -> QueryData {
QueryData {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ArtifactSize {
pub label: String,
pub value: u64,
impl ArtifactSize {
pub fn new(label: String) -> Self {
Self { label, value: 0 }
pub(crate) fn add_value(&mut self, value: u64) {
self.value += value;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::ProfilingDataBuilder;
fn total_time_and_nesting() {
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "q1", 0, 100, 200, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "q2", 0, 110, 190, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "q3", 0, 120, 180, |_| {});
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(100));
// 10ns in the beginning and 10ns in the end
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(20));
// 10ns in the beginning and 10ns in the end, again
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q2").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(20));
// 60ns of uninterupted self-time
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q3").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(60));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q1").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q2").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q3").invocation_count, 1);
fn events_with_same_starting_time() {
// <--e4-->
// <---e3--->
// <--------e1--------><--------e2-------->
// 100 200 300
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 100, 200, |_| {});
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 0, 200, 300, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 0, 200, 250, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e4", 0, 200, 220, |_| {});
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(200));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(100));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(50));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(30));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e4").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(20));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e4").invocation_count, 1);
fn events_with_same_end_time() {
// <--e4-->
// <---e3--->
// <--------e1--------><--------e2-------->
// 100 200 300
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 100, 200, |_| {});
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 0, 200, 300, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 0, 250, 300, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e4", 0, 280, 300, |_| {});
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(200));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(100));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(50));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(30));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e4").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(20));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e4").invocation_count, 1);
fn same_event_multiple_times() {
// <--e3--> <--e3-->
// <---e2---> <---e2--->
// <--------e1--------><--------e1-------->
// 100 200 300
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 100, 200, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 0, 120, 180, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 0, 140, 160, |_| {});
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 200, 300, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 0, 220, 280, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 0, 240, 260, |_| {});
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(200));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(80));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(80));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(40));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").invocation_count, 2);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").invocation_count, 2);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").invocation_count, 2);
fn multiple_threads() {
// <--e3--> <--e3-->
// <---e2---> <---e2--->
// <--------e1--------><--------e1-------->
// T0 100 200 300
// <--e3--> <--e3-->
// <---e2---> <---e2--->
// <--------e1--------><--------e1-------->
// T1 100 200 300
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
// Thread 0
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 100, 200, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 0, 120, 180, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 0, 140, 160, |_| {});
// Thread 1 -- the same as thread 0 with a slight time offset
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 1, 110, 210, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 1, 130, 190, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 1, 150, 170, |_| {});
// Thread 0 -- continued
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 200, 300, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 0, 220, 280, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 0, 240, 260, |_| {});
// Thread 1 -- continued
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 1, 210, 310, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 1, 230, 290, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 1, 250, 270, |_| {});
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(400));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(160));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(160));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(80));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").invocation_count, 4);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").invocation_count, 4);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").invocation_count, 4);
fn instant_events() {
// xyxy
// y <--e3--> x
// x <-----e2-----> x
// <--------e1-------->
// 100 200
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 200, 300, |b| {
b.instant(QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND, "x", 0, 210);
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e2", 0, 220, 280, |b| {
b.instant(QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND, "y", 0, 230);
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e3", 0, 240, 260, |b| {
b.instant(QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND, "x", 0, 241);
b.instant(QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND, "y", 0, 242);
b.instant(QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND, "x", 0, 243);
b.instant(QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND, "y", 0, 244);
b.instant(QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND, "x", 0, 270);
b.instant(QUERY_CACHE_HIT_EVENT_KIND, "x", 0, 290);
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(100));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(40));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(40));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(20));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e2").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e3").invocation_count, 1);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("x").number_of_cache_hits, 5);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("y").number_of_cache_hits, 3);
fn stack_of_same_events() {
// <--e1-->
// <-----e1----->
// <--------e1-------->
// 100 200
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 200, 300, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 220, 280, |b| {
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "e1", 0, 240, 260, |_| {});
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(100));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(100));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").invocation_count, 3);
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("e1").time, Duration::from_nanos(180));
fn query_blocked() {
// T1: <---------------q1--------------->
// T2: <------q1 (blocked)------>
// T3: <----q1 (blocked)---->
// 0 30 40 100
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.interval(QUERY_EVENT_KIND, "q1", 1, 0, 100, |_| {});
b.interval(QUERY_BLOCKED_EVENT_KIND, "q1", 2, 30, 100, |_| {});
b.interval(QUERY_BLOCKED_EVENT_KIND, "q1", 3, 40, 100, |_| {});
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(230));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(230));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q1").blocked_time, Duration::from_nanos(130));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q1").time, Duration::from_nanos(230));
fn query_incr_loading_time() {
// T1: <---------------q1 (loading)----->
// T2: <------q1 (loading)------>
// T3: <----q1 (loading)---->
// 0 30 40 100
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.interval(INCREMENTAL_LOAD_RESULT_EVENT_KIND, "q1", 1, 0, 100, |_| {});
b.interval(INCREMENTAL_LOAD_RESULT_EVENT_KIND, "q1", 2, 30, 100, |_| {});
b.interval(INCREMENTAL_LOAD_RESULT_EVENT_KIND, "q1", 3, 40, 100, |_| {});
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.total_time, Duration::from_nanos(230));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q1").self_time, Duration::from_nanos(230));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q1").incremental_load_time, Duration::from_nanos(230));
assert_eq!(results.query_data_by_label("q1").time, Duration::from_nanos(230));
fn artifact_sizes() {
let mut b = ProfilingDataBuilder::new();
b.integer(ARTIFACT_SIZE_EVENT_KIND, "artifact1", 1, 100);
b.integer(ARTIFACT_SIZE_EVENT_KIND, "artifact1", 2, 50);
b.integer(ARTIFACT_SIZE_EVENT_KIND, "artifact2", 1, 50);
b.integer("OTHER_EVENT", "other_id", 1, 50);
let results = b.into_profiling_data().perform_analysis();
assert_eq!(results.artifact_sizes.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(results.artifact_size_by_label("artifact1").value, 150);
assert_eq!(results.artifact_size_by_label("artifact1").label, "artifact1");
assert_eq!(results.artifact_size_by_label("artifact2").value, 50);
assert_eq!(results.artifact_size_by_label("artifact2").label, "artifact2");