blob: 18bd2eb22f99a070076b52b3c051e4adda673bd0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Write colored text, adapting to the terminals capabilities
use std::io::Write;
fn main() -> Result<(), lexopt::Error> {
let args = Args::parse()?;
let stdout = anstream::stdout();
let mut stdout = stdout.lock();
for fixed in 0..16 {
let color = anstyle::Ansi256Color(fixed)
.expect("within 4-bit color range");
let style = style(color, args.layer, args.effects);
let _ = print_number(&mut stdout, fixed, style);
if fixed == 7 || fixed == 15 {
let _ = writeln!(&mut stdout);
for fixed in 16..232 {
let col = (fixed - 16) % 36;
if col == 0 {
let _ = writeln!(stdout);
let color = anstyle::Ansi256Color(fixed);
let style = style(color, args.layer, args.effects);
let _ = print_number(&mut stdout, fixed, style);
let _ = writeln!(stdout);
let _ = writeln!(stdout);
for fixed in 232..=255 {
let color = anstyle::Ansi256Color(fixed);
let style = style(color, args.layer, args.effects);
let _ = print_number(&mut stdout, fixed, style);
let _ = writeln!(stdout);
fn style(
color: impl Into<anstyle::Color>,
layer: Layer,
effects: anstyle::Effects,
) -> anstyle::Style {
let color = color.into();
(match layer {
Layer::Fg => anstyle::Style::new().fg_color(Some(color)),
Layer::Bg => anstyle::Style::new().bg_color(Some(color)),
Layer::Underline => anstyle::Style::new().underline_color(Some(color)),
}) | effects
fn print_number(stdout: &mut impl Write, fixed: u8, style: anstyle::Style) -> std::io::Result<()> {
write!(stdout, "{style}{fixed:>3X}{style:#}",)
struct Args {
effects: anstyle::Effects,
layer: Layer,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
enum Layer {
impl Args {
fn parse() -> Result<Self, lexopt::Error> {
use lexopt::prelude::*;
let mut res = Args::default();
let mut args = lexopt::Parser::from_env();
while let Some(arg) = {
match arg {
Long("layer") => {
res.layer = args.value()?.parse_with(|s| match s {
"fg" => Ok(Layer::Fg),
"bg" => Ok(Layer::Bg),
"underline" => Ok(Layer::Underline),
_ => Err("expected values fg, bg, underline"),
Long("effect") => {
const EFFECTS: [(&str, anstyle::Effects); 12] = [
("bold", anstyle::Effects::BOLD),
("dimmed", anstyle::Effects::DIMMED),
("italic", anstyle::Effects::ITALIC),
("underline", anstyle::Effects::UNDERLINE),
("double_underline", anstyle::Effects::DOUBLE_UNDERLINE),
("curly_underline", anstyle::Effects::CURLY_UNDERLINE),
("dotted_underline", anstyle::Effects::DOTTED_UNDERLINE),
("dashed_underline", anstyle::Effects::DASHED_UNDERLINE),
("blink", anstyle::Effects::BLINK),
("invert", anstyle::Effects::INVERT),
("hidden", anstyle::Effects::HIDDEN),
("strikethrough", anstyle::Effects::STRIKETHROUGH),
let effect = args.value()?.parse_with(|s| {
.find(|(name, _)| *name == s)
.map(|(_, effect)| effect)
.ok_or_else(|| {
"expected one of {}",
.map(|(n, _)| n)
.join(", ")
res.effects = res.effects.insert(effect);
_ => return Err(arg.unexpected()),