blob: a1d869187a8bbe5e5be655fb60861a91d465d75c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! ANSI escape code parsing state machine
mod codegen;
mod definitions;
mod table;
pub(crate) use definitions::pack;
pub(crate) use definitions::unpack;
pub use definitions::Action;
pub use definitions::State;
/// Transition to next [`State`]
/// Note: This does not directly support UTF-8.
/// - If the data is validated as UTF-8 (e.g. `str`) or single-byte C1 control codes are
/// unsupported, then treat [`Action::BeginUtf8`] and [`Action::Execute`] for UTF-8 continuations
/// as [`Action::Print`].
/// - If the data is not validated, then a UTF-8 state machine will need to be implemented on top,
/// starting with [`Action::BeginUtf8`].
/// Note: When [`State::Anywhere`] is returned, revert back to the prior state.
pub const fn state_change(state: State, byte: u8) -> (State, Action) {
// Handle state changes in the anywhere state before evaluating changes
// for current state.
let mut change = state_change_(State::Anywhere, byte);
if change == 0 {
change = state_change_(state, byte);
// Unpack into a state and action
const fn state_change_(state: State, byte: u8) -> u8 {
let state_idx = state as usize;
let byte_idx = byte as usize;