blob: ceb9b3de97d5f751037dcf9972a7bda7c9a07986 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Run this test with:
//! `env TZ="$(date +%z)" NOW="$(date +%s)" wasm-pack test --node -- --features wasmbind`
//! The `TZ` and `NOW` variables are used to compare the results inside the WASM environment with
//! the host system.
//! The check will fail if the local timezone does not match one of the timezones defined below.
target_arch = "wasm32",
feature = "wasmbind",
feature = "clock",
not(any(target_os = "emscripten", target_os = "wasi"))
use chrono::prelude::*;
use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
fn now() {
let utc: DateTime<Utc> = Utc::now();
let local: DateTime<Local> = Local::now();
// Ensure time set by the test script is correct
let now = env!("NOW");
let actual = NaiveDateTime::parse_from_str(&now, "%s").unwrap().and_utc();
let diff = utc - actual;
diff < chrono::TimeDelta::try_minutes(5).unwrap(),
"expected {} - {} == {} < 5m (env var: {})",
let tz = env!("TZ");
eprintln!("testing with tz={}", tz);
// Ensure offset retrieved when getting local time is correct
let expected_offset = match tz {
"ACST-9:30" => FixedOffset::east_opt(19 * 30 * 60).unwrap(),
"Asia/Katmandu" => FixedOffset::east_opt(23 * 15 * 60).unwrap(), // No DST thankfully
"EDT" | "EST4" | "-0400" => FixedOffset::east_opt(-4 * 60 * 60).unwrap(),
"EST" | "-0500" => FixedOffset::east_opt(-5 * 60 * 60).unwrap(),
"UTC0" | "+0000" => FixedOffset::east_opt(0).unwrap(),
tz => panic!("unexpected TZ {}", tz),
"expected: {:?} local: {:?}",
fn from_is_exact() {
let now = js_sys::Date::new_0();
let dt = DateTime::<Utc>::from(now.clone());
assert_eq!(now.get_time() as i64, dt.timestamp_millis());
fn local_from_local_datetime() {
let now = Local::now();
let ndt = now.naive_local();
let res = match Local.from_local_datetime(&ndt).single() {
Some(v) => v,
None => panic! {"Required for test!"},
assert_eq!(now, res);
fn convert_all_parts_with_milliseconds() {
let time: DateTime<Utc> = "2020-12-01T03:01:55.974Z".parse().unwrap();
let js_date = js_sys::Date::from(time);
assert_eq!(js_date.get_utc_full_year(), 2020);
assert_eq!(js_date.get_utc_month(), 11); // months are numbered 0..=11
assert_eq!(js_date.get_utc_date(), 1);
assert_eq!(js_date.get_utc_hours(), 3);
assert_eq!(js_date.get_utc_minutes(), 1);
assert_eq!(js_date.get_utc_seconds(), 55);
assert_eq!(js_date.get_utc_milliseconds(), 974);