blob: 51398d74eea472a2bfbcb3a7555ba127a9447b35 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! LoongArch64 CPU feature detection support.
//! This implementation relies on OS-specific APIs for feature detection.
// Evaluate the given `$body` expression any of the supplied target features
// are not enabled. Otherwise returns true.
macro_rules! __unless_target_features {
($($tf:tt),+ => $body:expr ) => {
// Linux runtime detection of target CPU features using `getauxval`.
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
macro_rules! __detect_target_features {
($($tf:tt),+) => {{
let hwcaps = $crate::loongarch64::getauxval_hwcap();
$($crate::check!(hwcaps, $tf) & )+ true
/// Linux helper function for calling `getauxval` to get `AT_HWCAP`.
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub fn getauxval_hwcap() -> u64 {
unsafe { libc::getauxval(libc::AT_HWCAP) }
// Linux `expand_check_macro`
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
macro_rules! __expand_check_macro {
($(($name:tt, $hwcap:ident)),* $(,)?) => {
macro_rules! check {
($hwcaps:expr, $name) => {
(($hwcaps & $crate::loongarch64::hwcaps::$hwcap) != 0)
// Linux `expand_check_macro`
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
__expand_check_macro! {
("cpucfg", CPUCFG), // Enable CPUCFG support.
("lam", LAM), // Enable LAM support.
("ual", UAL), // Enable UAL support.
("fpu", FPU), // Enable FPU support.
("lsx", LSX), // Enable LSX support.
("lasx", LASX), // Enable LASX support.
("crc32", CRC32), // Enable CRC32 support.
("complex", COMPLEX), // Enable COMPLEX support.
("crypto", CRYPTO), // Enable CRYPTO support.
("lvz", LVZ), // Enable LVZ support.
("lbt.x86", LBT_X86), // Enable LBT_X86 support.
("lbt.arm", LBT_ARM), // Enable LBT_ARM support.
("lbt.mips", LBT_MIPS), // Enable LBT_MIPS support.
("ptw", PTW), // Enable PTW support.
/// Linux hardware capabilities mapped to target features.
/// Note that LLVM target features are coarser grained than what Linux supports
/// and imply more capabilities under each feature. This module attempts to
/// provide that mapping accordingly.
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub mod hwcaps {
use libc::c_ulong;
pub const CPUCFG: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_CPUCFG;
pub const LAM: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_LAM;
pub const UAL: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_UAL;
pub const FPU: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_FPU;
pub const LSX: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_LSX;
pub const LASX: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_LASX;
pub const CRC32: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_CRC32;
pub const COMPLEX: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_COMPLEX;
pub const CRYPTO: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_CRYPTO;
pub const LVZ: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_LVZ;
pub const LBT_X86: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_LBT_X86;
pub const LBT_ARM: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_LBT_ARM;
pub const LBT_MIPS: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_LBT_MIPS;
pub const PTW: c_ulong = libc::HWCAP_PTW;
// On other targets, runtime CPU feature detection is unavailable
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"))]
macro_rules! __detect_target_features {
($($tf:tt),+) => {