blob: 0672cb093120823b44bf245639ca2e8fb10e7dbf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Shared settings module.
//! This module defines data structures to access the settings defined in the meta language.
//! Each settings group is translated to a `Flags` struct either in this module or in its
//! ISA-specific `settings` module. The struct provides individual getter methods for all of the
//! settings as well as computed predicate flags.
//! The `Flags` struct is immutable once it has been created. A `Builder` instance is used to
//! create it.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use cranelift_codegen::settings::{self, Configurable};
//! let mut b = settings::builder();
//! b.set("opt_level", "speed_and_size");
//! let f = settings::Flags::new(b);
//! assert_eq!(f.opt_level(), settings::OptLevel::SpeedAndSize);
//! ```
use crate::constant_hash::{probe, simple_hash};
use crate::isa::TargetIsa;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
use core::fmt;
use core::str;
/// A string-based configurator for settings groups.
/// The `Configurable` protocol allows settings to be modified by name before a finished `Flags`
/// struct is created.
pub trait Configurable {
/// Set the string value of any setting by name.
/// This can set any type of setting whether it is numeric, boolean, or enumerated.
fn set(&mut self, name: &str, value: &str) -> SetResult<()>;
/// Enable a boolean setting or apply a preset.
/// If the identified setting isn't a boolean or a preset, a `BadType` error is returned.
fn enable(&mut self, name: &str) -> SetResult<()>;
/// Represents the kind of setting.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum SettingKind {
/// The setting is an enumeration.
/// The setting is a number.
/// The setting is a boolean.
/// The setting is a preset.
/// Represents an available builder setting.
/// This is used for iterating settings in a builder.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Setting {
/// The name of the setting.
pub name: &'static str,
/// The description of the setting.
pub description: &'static str,
/// The kind of the setting.
pub kind: SettingKind,
/// The supported values of the setting (for enum values).
pub values: Option<&'static [&'static str]>,
/// Represents a setting value.
/// This is used for iterating values in `Flags`.
pub struct Value {
/// The name of the setting associated with this value.
pub name: &'static str,
pub(crate) detail: detail::Detail,
pub(crate) values: Option<&'static [&'static str]>,
pub(crate) value: u8,
impl Value {
/// Gets the kind of setting.
pub fn kind(&self) -> SettingKind {
match &self.detail {
detail::Detail::Enum { .. } => SettingKind::Enum,
detail::Detail::Num => SettingKind::Num,
detail::Detail::Bool { .. } => SettingKind::Bool,
detail::Detail::Preset => unreachable!(),
/// Gets the enum value if the value is from an enum setting.
pub fn as_enum(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {|v| v[self.value as usize])
/// Gets the numerical value if the value is from a num setting.
pub fn as_num(&self) -> Option<u8> {
match &self.detail {
detail::Detail::Num => Some(self.value),
_ => None,
/// Gets the boolean value if the value is from a boolean setting.
pub fn as_bool(&self) -> Option<bool> {
match &self.detail {
detail::Detail::Bool { bit } => Some(self.value & (1 << bit) != 0),
_ => None,
/// Builds a string from the current value
pub fn value_string(&self) -> String {
match self.kind() {
SettingKind::Enum => self.as_enum().map(|b| b.to_string()),
SettingKind::Num => self.as_num().map(|b| b.to_string()),
SettingKind::Bool => self.as_bool().map(|b| b.to_string()),
SettingKind::Preset => unreachable!(),
impl fmt::Display for Value {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if let Some(enum_variant) = self.as_enum() {
write!(f, "{}={}",, enum_variant)
} else if let Some(num) = self.as_num() {
write!(f, "{}={}",, num)
} else if let Some(b) = self.as_bool() {
if b {
write!(f, "{}=1",
} else {
write!(f, "{}=0",
} else {
/// Collect settings values based on a template.
#[derive(Clone, Hash)]
pub struct Builder {
template: &'static detail::Template,
bytes: Box<[u8]>,
impl Builder {
/// Create a new builder with defaults and names from the given template.
pub fn new(tmpl: &'static detail::Template) -> Self {
Self {
template: tmpl,
bytes: tmpl.defaults.into(),
/// Extract contents of builder once everything is configured.
pub fn state_for(&self, name: &str) -> &[u8] {
/// Iterates the available settings in the builder.
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Setting> {
let template = self.template;
template.descriptors.iter().map(move |d| {
let (kind, values) = match d.detail {
detail::Detail::Enum { last, enumerators } => {
let values = template.enums(last, enumerators);
(SettingKind::Enum, Some(values))
detail::Detail::Num => (SettingKind::Num, None),
detail::Detail::Bool { .. } => (SettingKind::Bool, None),
detail::Detail::Preset => (SettingKind::Preset, None),
Setting {
description: d.description,
/// Set the value of a single bit.
fn set_bit(&mut self, offset: usize, bit: u8, value: bool) {
let byte = &mut self.bytes[offset];
let mask = 1 << bit;
if value {
*byte |= mask;
} else {
*byte &= !mask;
/// Apply a preset. The argument is a slice of (mask, value) bytes.
fn apply_preset(&mut self, values: &[(u8, u8)]) {
for (byte, &(mask, value)) in self.bytes.iter_mut().zip(values) {
*byte = (*byte & !mask) | value;
/// Look up a descriptor by name.
fn lookup(&self, name: &str) -> SetResult<(usize, detail::Detail)> {
match probe(self.template, name, simple_hash(name)) {
Err(_) => Err(SetError::BadName(name.to_string())),
Ok(entry) => {
let d = &self.template.descriptors[self.template.hash_table[entry] as usize];
Ok((d.offset as usize, d.detail))
fn parse_bool_value(value: &str) -> SetResult<bool> {
match value {
"true" | "on" | "yes" | "1" => Ok(true),
"false" | "off" | "no" | "0" => Ok(false),
_ => Err(SetError::BadValue("bool".to_string())),
fn parse_enum_value(value: &str, choices: &[&str]) -> SetResult<u8> {
match choices.iter().position(|&tag| tag == value) {
Some(idx) => Ok(idx as u8),
None => Err(SetError::BadValue(format!(
"any among {}",
choices.join(", ")
impl Configurable for Builder {
fn enable(&mut self, name: &str) -> SetResult<()> {
use self::detail::Detail;
let (offset, detail) = self.lookup(name)?;
match detail {
Detail::Bool { bit } => {
self.set_bit(offset, bit, true);
Detail::Preset => {
_ => Err(SetError::BadType),
fn set(&mut self, name: &str, value: &str) -> SetResult<()> {
use self::detail::Detail;
let (offset, detail) = self.lookup(name)?;
match detail {
Detail::Bool { bit } => {
self.set_bit(offset, bit, parse_bool_value(value)?);
Detail::Num => {
self.bytes[offset] = value
.map_err(|_| SetError::BadValue("number".to_string()))?;
Detail::Enum { last, enumerators } => {
self.bytes[offset] =
parse_enum_value(value, self.template.enums(last, enumerators))?;
Detail::Preset => return Err(SetError::BadName(name.to_string())),
/// An error produced when changing a setting.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum SetError {
/// No setting by this name exists.
/// Type mismatch for setting (e.g., setting an enum setting as a bool).
/// This is not a valid value for this setting.
impl std::error::Error for SetError {}
impl fmt::Display for SetError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
SetError::BadName(name) => write!(f, "No existing setting named '{}'", name),
SetError::BadType => {
write!(f, "Trying to set a setting with the wrong type")
SetError::BadValue(value) => {
write!(f, "Unexpected value for a setting, expected {}", value)
/// A result returned when changing a setting.
pub type SetResult<T> = Result<T, SetError>;
/// A reference to just the boolean predicates of a settings object.
/// The settings objects themselves are generated and appear in the `isa/*/` modules.
/// Each settings object provides a `predicate_view()` method that makes it possible to query
/// ISA predicates by number.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash)]
pub struct PredicateView<'a>(&'a [u8]);
impl<'a> PredicateView<'a> {
/// Create a new view of a precomputed predicate vector.
/// See the `predicate_view()` method on the various `Flags` types defined for each ISA.
pub fn new(bits: &'a [u8]) -> Self {
/// Check a numbered predicate.
pub fn test(self, p: usize) -> bool {
self.0[p / 8] & (1 << (p % 8)) != 0
/// Implementation details for generated code.
/// This module holds definitions that need to be public so the can be instantiated by generated
/// code in other modules.
pub mod detail {
use crate::constant_hash;
use core::fmt;
use core::hash::Hash;
/// An instruction group template.
pub struct Template {
/// Name of the instruction group.
pub name: &'static str,
/// List of setting descriptors.
pub descriptors: &'static [Descriptor],
/// Union of all enumerators.
pub enumerators: &'static [&'static str],
/// Hash table of settings.
pub hash_table: &'static [u16],
/// Default values.
pub defaults: &'static [u8],
/// Pairs of (mask, value) for presets.
pub presets: &'static [(u8, u8)],
impl Template {
/// Get enumerators corresponding to a `Details::Enum`.
pub fn enums(&self, last: u8, enumerators: u16) -> &[&'static str] {
let from = enumerators as usize;
let len = usize::from(last) + 1;
&self.enumerators[from..from + len]
/// Format a setting value as a TOML string. This is mostly for use by the generated
/// `Display` implementation.
pub fn format_toml_value(
detail: Detail,
byte: u8,
f: &mut fmt::Formatter,
) -> fmt::Result {
match detail {
Detail::Bool { bit } => write!(f, "{}", (byte & (1 << bit)) != 0),
Detail::Num => write!(f, "{}", byte),
Detail::Enum { last, enumerators } => {
if byte <= last {
let tags = self.enums(last, enumerators);
write!(f, "\"{}\"", tags[usize::from(byte)])
} else {
write!(f, "{}", byte)
// Presets aren't printed. They are reflected in the other settings.
Detail::Preset { .. } => Ok(()),
/// The template contains a hash table for by-name lookup.
impl<'a> constant_hash::Table<&'a str> for Template {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn key(&self, idx: usize) -> Option<&'a str> {
let e = self.hash_table[idx] as usize;
if e < self.descriptors.len() {
} else {
/// A setting descriptor holds the information needed to generically set and print a setting.
/// Each settings group will be represented as a constant DESCRIPTORS array.
pub struct Descriptor {
/// Lower snake-case name of setting as defined in meta.
pub name: &'static str,
/// The description of the setting.
pub description: &'static str,
/// Offset of byte containing this setting.
pub offset: u32,
/// Additional details, depending on the kind of setting.
pub detail: Detail,
/// The different kind of settings along with descriptor bits that depend on the kind.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash)]
pub enum Detail {
/// A boolean setting only uses one bit, numbered from LSB.
Bool {
/// 0-7.
bit: u8,
/// A numerical setting uses the whole byte.
/// An Enum setting uses a range of enumerators.
Enum {
/// Numerical value of last enumerator, allowing for 1-256 enumerators.
last: u8,
/// First enumerator in the ENUMERATORS table.
enumerators: u16,
/// A preset is not an individual setting, it is a collection of settings applied at once.
/// The `Descriptor::offset` field refers to the `PRESETS` table.
impl Detail {
/// Check if a detail is a Detail::Preset. Useful because the Descriptor
/// offset field has a different meaning when the detail is a preset.
pub fn is_preset(self) -> bool {
match self {
Self::Preset => true,
_ => false,
// Include code generated by `meta/`. This file contains a public `Flags` struct
// with an implementation for all of the settings defined in
// `cranelift-codegen/meta/src/shared/`.
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));
/// Wrapper containing flags and optionally a `TargetIsa` trait object.
/// A few passes need to access the flags but only optionally a target ISA. The `FlagsOrIsa`
/// wrapper can be used to pass either, and extract the flags so they are always accessible.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct FlagsOrIsa<'a> {
/// Flags are always present.
pub flags: &'a Flags,
/// The ISA may not be present.
pub isa: Option<&'a dyn TargetIsa>,
impl<'a> From<&'a Flags> for FlagsOrIsa<'a> {
fn from(flags: &'a Flags) -> FlagsOrIsa {
FlagsOrIsa { flags, isa: None }
impl<'a> From<&'a dyn TargetIsa> for FlagsOrIsa<'a> {
fn from(isa: &'a dyn TargetIsa) -> FlagsOrIsa {
FlagsOrIsa {
flags: isa.flags(),
isa: Some(isa),
mod tests {
use super::Configurable;
use super::SetError::*;
use super::{builder, Flags};
use alloc::string::ToString;
fn display_default() {
let b = builder();
let f = Flags::new(b);
let actual = f.to_string();
let expected = r#"[shared]
opt_level = "none"
tls_model = "none"
libcall_call_conv = "isa_default"
probestack_size_log2 = 12
probestack_strategy = "outline"
bb_padding_log2_minus_one = 0
regalloc_checker = false
regalloc_verbose_logs = false
enable_alias_analysis = true
enable_verifier = true
enable_pcc = false
is_pic = false
use_colocated_libcalls = false
enable_float = true
enable_nan_canonicalization = false
enable_pinned_reg = false
enable_atomics = true
enable_safepoints = false
enable_llvm_abi_extensions = false
unwind_info = true
preserve_frame_pointers = false
machine_code_cfg_info = false
enable_probestack = false
enable_jump_tables = true
enable_heap_access_spectre_mitigation = true
enable_table_access_spectre_mitigation = true
enable_incremental_compilation_cache_checks = false
if actual != expected {
"Default settings do not match expectations:\n\n{}",
similar::TextDiff::from_lines(expected, &actual)
.header("expected", "actual")
assert_eq!(f.opt_level(), super::OptLevel::None);
fn modify_bool() {
let mut b = builder();
assert_eq!(b.enable("not_there"), Err(BadName("not_there".to_string())));
assert_eq!(b.enable("enable_atomics"), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(b.set("enable_atomics", "false"), Ok(()));
let f = Flags::new(b);
assert_eq!(f.enable_atomics(), false);
fn modify_string() {
let mut b = builder();
b.set("not_there", "true"),
b.set("enable_atomics", ""),
b.set("enable_atomics", "best"),
b.set("opt_level", "true"),
"any among none, speed, speed_and_size".to_string()
assert_eq!(b.set("opt_level", "speed"), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(b.set("enable_atomics", "0"), Ok(()));
let f = Flags::new(b);
assert_eq!(f.enable_atomics(), false);
assert_eq!(f.opt_level(), super::OptLevel::Speed);