blob: 3d22df490ef45074fd6f6b354ff7a5ae872f2b1b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Array-based data structures using densely numbered entity references as mapping keys.
//! This crate defines a number of data structures based on arrays. The arrays are not indexed by
//! `usize` as usual, but by *entity references* which are integers wrapped in new-types. This has
//! a couple advantages:
//! - Improved type safety. The various map and set types accept a specific key type, so there is
//! no confusion about the meaning of an array index, as there is with plain arrays.
//! - Smaller indexes. The normal `usize` index is often 64 bits which is way too large for most
//! purposes. The entity reference types can be smaller, allowing for more compact data
//! structures.
//! The `EntityRef` trait should be implemented by types to be used as indexed. The `entity_impl!`
//! macro provides convenient defaults for types wrapping `u32` which is common.
//! - [`PrimaryMap`](struct.PrimaryMap.html) is used to keep track of a vector of entities,
//! assigning a unique entity reference to each.
//! - [`SecondaryMap`](struct.SecondaryMap.html) is used to associate secondary information to an
//! entity. The map is implemented as a simple vector, so it does not keep track of which
//! entities have been inserted. Instead, any unknown entities map to the default value.
//! - [`SparseMap`](struct.SparseMap.html) is used to associate secondary information to a small
//! number of entities. It tracks accurately which entities have been inserted. This is a
//! specialized data structure which can use a lot of memory, so read the documentation before
//! using it.
//! - [`EntitySet`](struct.EntitySet.html) is used to represent a secondary set of entities.
//! The set is implemented as a simple vector, so it does not keep track of which entities have
//! been inserted into the primary map. Instead, any unknown entities are not in the set.
//! - [`EntityList`](struct.EntityList.html) is a compact representation of lists of entity
//! references allocated from an associated memory pool. It has a much smaller footprint than
//! `Vec`.
extern crate alloc;
// Re-export core so that the macros works with both std and no_std crates
pub extern crate core as __core;
use core::iter::FusedIterator;
use core::ops::Range;
/// A type wrapping a small integer index should implement `EntityRef` so it can be used as the key
/// of an `SecondaryMap` or `SparseMap`.
pub trait EntityRef: Copy + Eq {
/// Create a new entity reference from a small integer.
/// This should crash if the requested index is not representable.
fn new(_: usize) -> Self;
/// Get the index that was used to create this entity reference.
fn index(self) -> usize;
/// Iterate over a `Range<E: EntityRef>`, yielding a sequence of `E` items.
pub fn iter_entity_range<E>(range: Range<E>) -> IterEntityRange<E>
E: EntityRef,
IterEntityRange {
range: range.start.index()..range.end.index(),
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData,
/// Iterator type returned by `iter_entity_range`.
pub struct IterEntityRange<E> {
range: Range<usize>,
_phantom: core::marker::PhantomData<E>,
impl<E> Iterator for IterEntityRange<E>
E: EntityRef,
type Item = E;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let i =;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
impl<E> DoubleEndedIterator for IterEntityRange<E>
E: EntityRef,
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let i = self.range.next_back()?;
impl<E> FusedIterator for IterEntityRange<E>
E: EntityRef,
Range<usize>: FusedIterator,
impl<E> ExactSizeIterator for IterEntityRange<E>
E: EntityRef,
Range<usize>: ExactSizeIterator,
/// Macro which provides the common implementation of a 32-bit entity reference.
macro_rules! entity_impl {
// Basic traits.
($entity:ident) => {
impl $crate::EntityRef for $entity {
fn new(index: usize) -> Self {
debug_assert!(index < ($crate::__core::u32::MAX as usize));
$entity(index as u32)
fn index(self) -> usize {
self.0 as usize
impl $crate::packed_option::ReservedValue for $entity {
fn reserved_value() -> $entity {
fn is_reserved_value(&self) -> bool {
self.0 == $crate::__core::u32::MAX
impl $entity {
/// Create a new instance from a `u32`.
pub fn from_u32(x: u32) -> Self {
debug_assert!(x < $crate::__core::u32::MAX);
/// Return the underlying index value as a `u32`.
pub fn as_u32(self) -> u32 {
/// Return the raw bit encoding for this instance.
pub fn as_bits(self) -> u32 {
/// Create a new instance from the raw bit encoding.
pub fn from_bits(x: u32) -> Self {
// Include basic `Display` impl using the given display prefix.
// Display a `Block` reference as "block12".
($entity:ident, $display_prefix:expr) => {
impl $crate::__core::fmt::Display for $entity {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, concat!($display_prefix, "{}"), self.0)
impl $crate::__core::fmt::Debug for $entity {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__core::fmt::Result {
(self as &dyn $crate::__core::fmt::Display).fmt(f)
// Alternate form for tuples we can't directly construct; providing "to" and "from" expressions
// to turn an index *into* an entity, or get an index *from* an entity.
($entity:ident, $display_prefix:expr, $arg:ident, $to_expr:expr, $from_expr:expr) => {
impl $crate::EntityRef for $entity {
fn new(index: usize) -> Self {
debug_assert!(index < ($crate::__core::u32::MAX as usize));
let $arg = index as u32;
fn index(self) -> usize {
let $arg = self;
$from_expr as usize
impl $crate::packed_option::ReservedValue for $entity {
fn reserved_value() -> $entity {
fn is_reserved_value(&self) -> bool {
self.as_u32() == $crate::__core::u32::MAX
impl $entity {
/// Create a new instance from a `u32`.
pub fn from_u32(x: u32) -> Self {
debug_assert!(x < $crate::__core::u32::MAX);
let $arg = x;
/// Return the underlying index value as a `u32`.
pub fn as_u32(self) -> u32 {
let $arg = self;
impl $crate::__core::fmt::Display for $entity {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, concat!($display_prefix, "{}"), self.as_u32())
impl $crate::__core::fmt::Debug for $entity {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut $crate::__core::fmt::Formatter) -> $crate::__core::fmt::Result {
(self as &dyn $crate::__core::fmt::Display).fmt(f)
pub mod packed_option;
mod boxed_slice;
mod iter;
mod keys;
mod list;
mod map;
mod primary;
mod set;
mod sparse;
mod unsigned;
pub use self::boxed_slice::BoxedSlice;
pub use self::iter::{Iter, IterMut};
pub use self::keys::Keys;
pub use self::list::{EntityList, ListPool};
pub use self::map::SecondaryMap;
pub use self::primary::PrimaryMap;
pub use self::set::EntitySet;
pub use self::sparse::{SparseMap, SparseMapValue, SparseSet};
pub use self::unsigned::Unsigned;
/// A collection of tests to ensure that use of the different `entity_impl!` forms will generate
/// `EntityRef` implementations that behave the same way.
mod tests {
/// A macro used to emit some basic tests to show that entities behave as we expect.
macro_rules! entity_test {
($entity:ident) => {
fn from_usize_to_u32() {
let e = $entity::new(42);
assert_eq!(e.as_u32(), 42_u32);
fn from_u32_to_usize() {
let e = $entity::from_u32(42);
assert_eq!(e.index(), 42_usize);
fn comparisons_work() {
let a = $entity::from_u32(42);
let b = $entity::new(42);
assert_eq!(a, b);
fn cannot_construct_from_reserved_u32() {
use crate::packed_option::ReservedValue;
let reserved = $entity::reserved_value().as_u32();
let _ = $entity::from_u32(reserved); // panic
fn cannot_construct_from_reserved_usize() {
use crate::packed_option::ReservedValue;
let reserved = $entity::reserved_value().index();
let _ = $entity::new(reserved); // panic
/// Test cases for a plain ol' `EntityRef` implementation.
mod basic_entity {
use crate::EntityRef;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct BasicEntity(u32);
/// Test cases for an `EntityRef` implementation that includes a display prefix.
mod prefix_entity {
use crate::EntityRef;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct PrefixEntity(u32);
entity_impl!(PrefixEntity, "prefix-");
fn display_prefix_works() {
let e = PrefixEntity::new(0);
assert_eq!(alloc::format!("{}", e), "prefix-0");
/// Test cases for an `EntityRef` implementation for a type we can only construct through
/// other means, such as calls to `core::convert::From<u32>`.
mod other_entity {
mod inner {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct InnerEntity(u32);
impl From<u32> for InnerEntity {
fn from(x: u32) -> Self {
impl From<InnerEntity> for u32 {
fn from(x: InnerEntity) -> Self {
use {self::inner::InnerEntity, crate::EntityRef};
entity_impl!(InnerEntity, "inner-", i, InnerEntity::from(i), u32::from(i));
fn display_prefix_works() {
let e = InnerEntity::new(0);
assert_eq!(alloc::format!("{}", e), "inner-0");