blob: 903fecd6c4060df88c7f652e908f1948d463fd65 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Defines `JITModule`.
use crate::{compiled_blob::CompiledBlob, memory::BranchProtection, memory::Memory};
use cranelift_codegen::binemit::Reloc;
use cranelift_codegen::isa::{OwnedTargetIsa, TargetIsa};
use cranelift_codegen::settings::Configurable;
use cranelift_codegen::{ir, settings, FinalizedMachReloc};
use cranelift_control::ControlPlane;
use cranelift_entity::SecondaryMap;
use cranelift_module::{
DataDescription, DataId, FuncId, Init, Linkage, Module, ModuleDeclarations, ModuleError,
ModuleReloc, ModuleRelocTarget, ModuleResult,
use log::info;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ptr;
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};
use target_lexicon::PointerWidth;
/// A builder for `JITModule`.
pub struct JITBuilder {
isa: OwnedTargetIsa,
symbols: HashMap<String, SendWrapper<*const u8>>,
lookup_symbols: Vec<Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> Option<*const u8> + Send>>,
libcall_names: Box<dyn Fn(ir::LibCall) -> String + Send + Sync>,
hotswap_enabled: bool,
impl JITBuilder {
/// Create a new `JITBuilder`.
/// The `libcall_names` function provides a way to translate `cranelift_codegen`'s `ir::LibCall`
/// enum to symbols. LibCalls are inserted in the IR as part of the legalization for certain
/// floating point instructions, and for stack probes. If you don't know what to use for this
/// argument, use `cranelift_module::default_libcall_names()`.
pub fn new(
libcall_names: Box<dyn Fn(ir::LibCall) -> String + Send + Sync>,
) -> ModuleResult<Self> {
Self::with_flags(&[], libcall_names)
/// Create a new `JITBuilder` with the given flags.
/// The `libcall_names` function provides a way to translate `cranelift_codegen`'s `ir::LibCall`
/// enum to symbols. LibCalls are inserted in the IR as part of the legalization for certain
/// floating point instructions, and for stack probes. If you don't know what to use for this
/// argument, use `cranelift_module::default_libcall_names()`.
pub fn with_flags(
flags: &[(&str, &str)],
libcall_names: Box<dyn Fn(ir::LibCall) -> String + Send + Sync>,
) -> ModuleResult<Self> {
let mut flag_builder = settings::builder();
for (name, value) in flags {
flag_builder.set(name, value)?;
// On at least AArch64, "colocated" calls use shorter-range relocations,
// which might not reach all definitions; we can't handle that here, so
// we require long-range relocation types.
flag_builder.set("use_colocated_libcalls", "false").unwrap();
flag_builder.set("is_pic", "true").unwrap();
let isa_builder = cranelift_native::builder().unwrap_or_else(|msg| {
panic!("host machine is not supported: {}", msg);
let isa = isa_builder.finish(settings::Flags::new(flag_builder))?;
Ok(Self::with_isa(isa, libcall_names))
/// Create a new `JITBuilder` with an arbitrary target. This is mainly
/// useful for testing.
/// To create a `JITBuilder` for native use, use the `new` or `with_flags`
/// constructors instead.
/// The `libcall_names` function provides a way to translate `cranelift_codegen`'s `ir::LibCall`
/// enum to symbols. LibCalls are inserted in the IR as part of the legalization for certain
/// floating point instructions, and for stack probes. If you don't know what to use for this
/// argument, use `cranelift_module::default_libcall_names()`.
pub fn with_isa(
isa: OwnedTargetIsa,
libcall_names: Box<dyn Fn(ir::LibCall) -> String + Send + Sync>,
) -> Self {
let symbols = HashMap::new();
let lookup_symbols = vec![Box::new(lookup_with_dlsym) as Box<_>];
Self {
hotswap_enabled: false,
/// Define a symbol in the internal symbol table.
/// The JIT will use the symbol table to resolve names that are declared,
/// but not defined, in the module being compiled. A common example is
/// external functions. With this method, functions and data can be exposed
/// to the code being compiled which are defined by the host.
/// If a symbol is defined more than once, the most recent definition will
/// be retained.
/// If the JIT fails to find a symbol in its internal table, it will fall
/// back to a platform-specific search (this typically involves searching
/// the current process for public symbols, followed by searching the
/// platform's C runtime).
pub fn symbol<K>(&mut self, name: K, ptr: *const u8) -> &mut Self
K: Into<String>,
self.symbols.insert(name.into(), SendWrapper(ptr));
/// Define multiple symbols in the internal symbol table.
/// Using this is equivalent to calling `symbol` on each element.
pub fn symbols<It, K>(&mut self, symbols: It) -> &mut Self
It: IntoIterator<Item = (K, *const u8)>,
K: Into<String>,
for (name, ptr) in symbols {
self.symbols.insert(name.into(), SendWrapper(ptr));
/// Add a symbol lookup fn.
/// Symbol lookup fn's are used to lookup symbols when they couldn't be found in the internal
/// symbol table. Symbol lookup fn's are called in reverse of the order in which they were added.
pub fn symbol_lookup_fn(
&mut self,
symbol_lookup_fn: Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> Option<*const u8> + Send>,
) -> &mut Self {
/// Enable or disable hotswap support. See [`JITModule::prepare_for_function_redefine`]
/// for more information.
/// Enabling hotswap support requires PIC code.
pub fn hotswap(&mut self, enabled: bool) -> &mut Self {
self.hotswap_enabled = enabled;
/// A pending update to the GOT.
struct GotUpdate {
/// The entry that is to be updated.
entry: NonNull<AtomicPtr<u8>>,
/// The new value of the entry.
ptr: *const u8,
unsafe impl Send for GotUpdate {}
/// A wrapper that impls Send for the contents.
/// SAFETY: This must not be used for any types where it would be UB for them to be Send
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct SendWrapper<T>(T);
unsafe impl<T> Send for SendWrapper<T> {}
/// A `JITModule` implements `Module` and emits code and data into memory where it can be
/// directly called and accessed.
/// See the `JITBuilder` for a convenient way to construct `JITModule` instances.
pub struct JITModule {
isa: OwnedTargetIsa,
hotswap_enabled: bool,
symbols: RefCell<HashMap<String, SendWrapper<*const u8>>>,
lookup_symbols: Vec<Box<dyn Fn(&str) -> Option<*const u8> + Send>>,
libcall_names: Box<dyn Fn(ir::LibCall) -> String + Send + Sync>,
memory: MemoryHandle,
declarations: ModuleDeclarations,
function_got_entries: SecondaryMap<FuncId, Option<SendWrapper<NonNull<AtomicPtr<u8>>>>>,
function_plt_entries: SecondaryMap<FuncId, Option<SendWrapper<NonNull<[u8; 16]>>>>,
data_object_got_entries: SecondaryMap<DataId, Option<SendWrapper<NonNull<AtomicPtr<u8>>>>>,
libcall_got_entries: HashMap<ir::LibCall, SendWrapper<NonNull<AtomicPtr<u8>>>>,
libcall_plt_entries: HashMap<ir::LibCall, SendWrapper<NonNull<[u8; 16]>>>,
compiled_functions: SecondaryMap<FuncId, Option<CompiledBlob>>,
compiled_data_objects: SecondaryMap<DataId, Option<CompiledBlob>>,
functions_to_finalize: Vec<FuncId>,
data_objects_to_finalize: Vec<DataId>,
/// Updates to the GOT awaiting relocations to be made and region protections to be set
pending_got_updates: Vec<GotUpdate>,
/// A handle to allow freeing memory allocated by the `Module`.
struct MemoryHandle {
code: Memory,
readonly: Memory,
writable: Memory,
impl JITModule {
/// Free memory allocated for code and data segments of compiled functions.
/// # Safety
/// Because this function invalidates any pointers retrieved from the
/// corresponding module, it should only be used when none of the functions
/// from that module are currently executing and none of the `fn` pointers
/// are called afterwards.
pub unsafe fn free_memory(mut self) {
fn lookup_symbol(&self, name: &str) -> Option<*const u8> {
match self.symbols.borrow_mut().entry(name.to_owned()) {
std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Occupied(occ) => Some(occ.get().0),
std::collections::hash_map::Entry::Vacant(vac) => {
let ptr = self
.rev() // Try last lookup function first
.find_map(|lookup| lookup(name));
if let Some(ptr) = ptr {
fn new_got_entry(&mut self, val: *const u8) -> NonNull<AtomicPtr<u8>> {
let got_entry = self
unsafe {
std::ptr::write(got_entry, AtomicPtr::new(val as *mut _));
fn new_plt_entry(&mut self, got_entry: NonNull<AtomicPtr<u8>>) -> NonNull<[u8; 16]> {
let plt_entry = self
std::mem::size_of::<[u8; 16]>(),
.max(self.isa.function_alignment().minimum as u64),
.cast::<[u8; 16]>();
unsafe {
Self::write_plt_entry_bytes(plt_entry, got_entry);
fn new_func_plt_entry(&mut self, id: FuncId, val: *const u8) {
let got_entry = self.new_got_entry(val);
self.function_got_entries[id] = Some(SendWrapper(got_entry));
let plt_entry = self.new_plt_entry(got_entry);
std::mem::size_of::<[u8; 16]>(),
self.function_plt_entries[id] = Some(SendWrapper(plt_entry));
fn new_data_got_entry(&mut self, id: DataId, val: *const u8) {
let got_entry = self.new_got_entry(val);
self.data_object_got_entries[id] = Some(SendWrapper(got_entry));
unsafe fn write_plt_entry_bytes(plt_ptr: *mut [u8; 16], got_ptr: NonNull<AtomicPtr<u8>>) {
cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64"),
"PLT is currently only supported on x86_64"
// jmp *got_ptr; ud2; ud2; ud2; ud2; ud2
let mut plt_val = [
0xff, 0x25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x0f, 0x0b, 0x0f, 0x0b,
let what = got_ptr.as_ptr() as isize - 4;
let at = plt_ptr as isize + 2;
plt_val[2..6].copy_from_slice(&i32::to_ne_bytes(i32::try_from(what - at).unwrap()));
std::ptr::write(plt_ptr, plt_val);
fn get_address(&self, name: &ModuleRelocTarget) -> *const u8 {
match *name {
ModuleRelocTarget::User { .. } => {
let (name, linkage) = if ModuleDeclarations::is_function(name) {
if self.hotswap_enabled {
return self.get_plt_address(name);
} else {
let func_id = FuncId::from_name(name);
match &self.compiled_functions[func_id] {
Some(compiled) => return compiled.ptr,
None => {
let decl = self.declarations.get_function_decl(func_id);
(&, decl.linkage)
} else {
let data_id = DataId::from_name(name);
match &self.compiled_data_objects[data_id] {
Some(compiled) => return compiled.ptr,
None => {
let decl = self.declarations.get_data_decl(data_id);
(&, decl.linkage)
let name = name
.expect("anonymous symbol must be defined locally");
if let Some(ptr) = self.lookup_symbol(name) {
} else if linkage == Linkage::Preemptible {
0 as *const u8
} else {
panic!("can't resolve symbol {}", name);
ModuleRelocTarget::LibCall(ref libcall) => {
let sym = (self.libcall_names)(*libcall);
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("can't resolve libcall {}", sym))
_ => panic!("invalid name"),
/// Returns the given function's entry in the Global Offset Table.
/// Panics if there's no entry in the table for the given function.
pub fn read_got_entry(&self, func_id: FuncId) -> *const u8 {
let got_entry = self.function_got_entries[func_id].unwrap();
unsafe { got_entry.0.as_ref() }.load(Ordering::SeqCst)
fn get_got_address(&self, name: &ModuleRelocTarget) -> NonNull<AtomicPtr<u8>> {
match *name {
ModuleRelocTarget::User { .. } => {
if ModuleDeclarations::is_function(name) {
let func_id = FuncId::from_name(name);
} else {
let data_id = DataId::from_name(name);
ModuleRelocTarget::LibCall(ref libcall) => {
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("can't resolve libcall {}", libcall))
_ => panic!("invalid name"),
fn get_plt_address(&self, name: &ModuleRelocTarget) -> *const u8 {
match *name {
ModuleRelocTarget::User { .. } => {
if ModuleDeclarations::is_function(name) {
let func_id = FuncId::from_name(name);
} else {
unreachable!("PLT relocations can only have functions as target");
ModuleRelocTarget::LibCall(ref libcall) => self
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("can't resolve libcall {}", libcall))
_ => panic!("invalid name"),
/// Returns the address of a finalized function.
/// The pointer remains valid until either [`JITModule::free_memory`] is called or in the future
/// some way of deallocating this individual function is used.
pub fn get_finalized_function(&self, func_id: FuncId) -> *const u8 {
let info = &self.compiled_functions[func_id];
!self.functions_to_finalize.iter().any(|x| *x == func_id),
"function not yet finalized"
.expect("function must be compiled before it can be finalized")
/// Returns the address and size of a finalized data object.
/// The pointer remains valid until either [`JITModule::free_memory`] is called or in the future
/// some way of deallocating this individual data object is used.
pub fn get_finalized_data(&self, data_id: DataId) -> (*const u8, usize) {
let info = &self.compiled_data_objects[data_id];
!self.data_objects_to_finalize.iter().any(|x| *x == data_id),
"data object not yet finalized"
let compiled = info
.expect("data object must be compiled before it can be finalized");
(compiled.ptr, compiled.size)
fn record_function_for_perf(&self, ptr: *mut u8, size: usize, name: &str) {
// The Linux perf tool supports JIT code via a /tmp/perf-$ file,
// which contains memory regions and their associated names. If we
// are profiling with perf and saving binaries to PERF_BUILDID_DIR
// for post-profile analysis, write information about each function
// we define.
if cfg!(unix) && ::std::env::var_os("PERF_BUILDID_DIR").is_some() {
let mut map_file = ::std::fs::OpenOptions::new()
.open(format!("/tmp/perf-{}.map", ::std::process::id()))
let _ = writeln!(map_file, "{:x} {:x} {}", ptr as usize, size, name);
/// Finalize all functions and data objects that are defined but not yet finalized.
/// All symbols referenced in their bodies that are declared as needing a definition
/// must be defined by this point.
/// Use `get_finalized_function` and `get_finalized_data` to obtain the final
/// artifacts.
/// Returns ModuleError in case of allocation or syscall failure
pub fn finalize_definitions(&mut self) -> ModuleResult<()> {
for func in std::mem::take(&mut self.functions_to_finalize) {
let decl = self.declarations.get_function_decl(func);
let func = self.compiled_functions[func]
.expect("function must be compiled before it can be finalized");
|name| self.get_address(name),
|name| self.get_got_address(name).as_ptr().cast(),
|name| self.get_plt_address(name),
for data in std::mem::take(&mut self.data_objects_to_finalize) {
let decl = self.declarations.get_data_decl(data);
let data = self.compiled_data_objects[data]
.expect("data object must be compiled before it can be finalized");
|name| self.get_address(name),
|name| self.get_got_address(name).as_ptr().cast(),
|name| self.get_plt_address(name),
// Now that we're done patching, prepare the memory for execution!
for update in self.pending_got_updates.drain(..) {
unsafe { update.entry.as_ref() }.store(update.ptr as *mut _, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Create a new `JITModule`.
pub fn new(builder: JITBuilder) -> Self {
if builder.hotswap_enabled {
"Hotswapping requires PIC code"
let branch_protection =
if cfg!(target_arch = "aarch64") && use_bti(&builder.isa.isa_flags()) {
} else {
let mut module = Self {
isa: builder.isa,
hotswap_enabled: builder.hotswap_enabled,
symbols: RefCell::new(builder.symbols),
lookup_symbols: builder.lookup_symbols,
libcall_names: builder.libcall_names,
memory: MemoryHandle {
code: Memory::new(branch_protection),
// Branch protection is not applicable to non-executable memory.
readonly: Memory::new(BranchProtection::None),
writable: Memory::new(BranchProtection::None),
declarations: ModuleDeclarations::default(),
function_got_entries: SecondaryMap::new(),
function_plt_entries: SecondaryMap::new(),
data_object_got_entries: SecondaryMap::new(),
libcall_got_entries: HashMap::new(),
libcall_plt_entries: HashMap::new(),
compiled_functions: SecondaryMap::new(),
compiled_data_objects: SecondaryMap::new(),
functions_to_finalize: Vec::new(),
data_objects_to_finalize: Vec::new(),
pending_got_updates: Vec::new(),
// Pre-create a GOT and PLT entry for each libcall.
let all_libcalls = if module.isa.flags().is_pic() {
} else {
&[] // Not PIC, so no GOT and PLT entries necessary
for &libcall in all_libcalls {
let sym = (module.libcall_names)(libcall);
let addr = if let Some(addr) = module.lookup_symbol(&sym) {
} else {
let got_entry = module.new_got_entry(addr);
.insert(libcall, SendWrapper(got_entry));
let plt_entry = module.new_plt_entry(got_entry);
.insert(libcall, SendWrapper(plt_entry));
/// Allow a single future `define_function` on a previously defined function. This allows for
/// hot code swapping and lazy compilation of functions.
/// This requires hotswap support to be enabled first using [`JITBuilder::hotswap`].
pub fn prepare_for_function_redefine(&mut self, func_id: FuncId) -> ModuleResult<()> {
assert!(self.hotswap_enabled, "Hotswap support is not enabled");
let decl = self.declarations.get_function_decl(func_id);
if !decl.linkage.is_definable() {
return Err(ModuleError::InvalidImportDefinition(
if self.compiled_functions[func_id].is_none() {
return Err(ModuleError::Backend(anyhow::anyhow!(
"Tried to redefine not yet defined function {}",
self.compiled_functions[func_id] = None;
// FIXME return some kind of handle that allows for deallocating the function
impl Module for JITModule {
fn isa(&self) -> &dyn TargetIsa {
fn declarations(&self) -> &ModuleDeclarations {
fn declare_function(
&mut self,
name: &str,
linkage: Linkage,
signature: &ir::Signature,
) -> ModuleResult<FuncId> {
let (id, linkage) = self
.declare_function(name, linkage, signature)?;
if self.function_got_entries[id].is_none() && self.isa.flags().is_pic() {
// FIXME populate got entries with a null pointer when defined
let val = if linkage == Linkage::Import {
} else {
self.new_func_plt_entry(id, val);
fn declare_anonymous_function(&mut self, signature: &ir::Signature) -> ModuleResult<FuncId> {
let id = self.declarations.declare_anonymous_function(signature)?;
if self.isa.flags().is_pic() {
self.new_func_plt_entry(id, std::ptr::null());
fn declare_data(
&mut self,
name: &str,
linkage: Linkage,
writable: bool,
tls: bool,
) -> ModuleResult<DataId> {
assert!(!tls, "JIT doesn't yet support TLS");
let (id, linkage) = self
.declare_data(name, linkage, writable, tls)?;
if self.data_object_got_entries[id].is_none() && self.isa.flags().is_pic() {
// FIXME populate got entries with a null pointer when defined
let val = if linkage == Linkage::Import {
} else {
self.new_data_got_entry(id, val);
fn declare_anonymous_data(&mut self, writable: bool, tls: bool) -> ModuleResult<DataId> {
assert!(!tls, "JIT doesn't yet support TLS");
let id = self.declarations.declare_anonymous_data(writable, tls)?;
if self.isa.flags().is_pic() {
self.new_data_got_entry(id, std::ptr::null());
fn define_function_with_control_plane(
&mut self,
id: FuncId,
ctx: &mut cranelift_codegen::Context,
ctrl_plane: &mut ControlPlane,
) -> ModuleResult<()> {
info!("defining function {}: {}", id, ctx.func.display());
let decl = self.declarations.get_function_decl(id);
if !decl.linkage.is_definable() {
return Err(ModuleError::InvalidImportDefinition(
if !self.compiled_functions[id].is_none() {
return Err(ModuleError::DuplicateDefinition(
if self.hotswap_enabled {
// Disable colocated if hotswapping is enabled to avoid a PLT indirection in case of
// calls and to allow data objects to be hotswapped in the future.
for func in ctx.func.dfg.ext_funcs.values_mut() {
func.colocated = false;
for gv in ctx.func.global_values.values_mut() {
match gv {
ir::GlobalValueData::Symbol { colocated, .. } => *colocated = false,
_ => {}
// work around borrow-checker to allow reuse of ctx below
let res = ctx.compile(self.isa(), ctrl_plane)?;
let alignment = res.buffer.alignment as u64;
let compiled_code = ctx.compiled_code().unwrap();
let size = compiled_code.code_info().total_size as usize;
let align = alignment
.max(self.isa.function_alignment().minimum as u64)
let ptr = self
.allocate(size, align)
.map_err(|e| ModuleError::Allocation {
message: "unable to alloc function",
err: e,
let mem = unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(ptr, size) };
let relocs = compiled_code
.map(|reloc| ModuleReloc::from_mach_reloc(reloc, &ctx.func, id))
self.record_function_for_perf(ptr, size, &decl.linkage_name(id));
self.compiled_functions[id] = Some(CompiledBlob { ptr, size, relocs });
if self.isa.flags().is_pic() {
self.pending_got_updates.push(GotUpdate {
entry: self.function_got_entries[id].unwrap().0,
if self.hotswap_enabled {
|name| match *name {
ModuleRelocTarget::User { .. } => {
unreachable!("non GOT or PLT relocation in function {} to {}", id, name)
ModuleRelocTarget::LibCall(ref libcall) => self
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("can't resolve libcall {}", libcall))
_ => panic!("invalid name"),
|name| self.get_got_address(name).as_ptr().cast(),
|name| self.get_plt_address(name),
} else {
fn define_function_bytes(
&mut self,
id: FuncId,
func: &ir::Function,
alignment: u64,
bytes: &[u8],
relocs: &[FinalizedMachReloc],
) -> ModuleResult<()> {
info!("defining function {} with bytes", id);
let decl = self.declarations.get_function_decl(id);
if !decl.linkage.is_definable() {
return Err(ModuleError::InvalidImportDefinition(
if !self.compiled_functions[id].is_none() {
return Err(ModuleError::DuplicateDefinition(
let size = bytes.len();
let align = alignment
.max(self.isa.function_alignment().minimum as u64)
let ptr = self
.allocate(size, align)
.map_err(|e| ModuleError::Allocation {
message: "unable to alloc function bytes",
err: e,
unsafe {
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(bytes.as_ptr(), ptr, size);
self.record_function_for_perf(ptr, size, &decl.linkage_name(id));
self.compiled_functions[id] = Some(CompiledBlob {
relocs: relocs
.map(|reloc| ModuleReloc::from_mach_reloc(reloc, func, id))
if self.isa.flags().is_pic() {
self.pending_got_updates.push(GotUpdate {
entry: self.function_got_entries[id].unwrap().0,
if self.hotswap_enabled {
|name| unreachable!("non GOT or PLT relocation in function {} to {}", id, name),
|name| self.get_got_address(name).as_ptr().cast(),
|name| self.get_plt_address(name),
} else {
fn define_data(&mut self, id: DataId, data: &DataDescription) -> ModuleResult<()> {
let decl = self.declarations.get_data_decl(id);
if !decl.linkage.is_definable() {
return Err(ModuleError::InvalidImportDefinition(
if !self.compiled_data_objects[id].is_none() {
return Err(ModuleError::DuplicateDefinition(
assert!(!decl.tls, "JIT doesn't yet support TLS");
let &DataDescription {
ref init,
function_decls: _,
data_decls: _,
function_relocs: _,
data_relocs: _,
custom_segment_section: _,
} = data;
let size = init.size();
let ptr = if size == 0 {
// Return a correctly aligned non-null pointer to avoid UB in write_bytes and
// copy_nonoverlapping.
usize::try_from(align.unwrap_or(WRITABLE_DATA_ALIGNMENT)).unwrap() as *mut u8
} else if decl.writable {
.allocate(size, align.unwrap_or(WRITABLE_DATA_ALIGNMENT))
.map_err(|e| ModuleError::Allocation {
message: "unable to alloc writable data",
err: e,
} else {
.allocate(size, align.unwrap_or(READONLY_DATA_ALIGNMENT))
.map_err(|e| ModuleError::Allocation {
message: "unable to alloc readonly data",
err: e,
if ptr.is_null() {
// FIXME pass a Layout to allocate and only compute the layout once.
match *init {
Init::Uninitialized => {
panic!("data is not initialized yet");
Init::Zeros { .. } => {
unsafe { ptr::write_bytes(ptr, 0, size) };
Init::Bytes { ref contents } => {
let src = contents.as_ptr();
unsafe { ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(src, ptr, size) };
let pointer_reloc = match self.isa.triple().pointer_width().unwrap() {
PointerWidth::U16 => panic!(),
PointerWidth::U32 => Reloc::Abs4,
PointerWidth::U64 => Reloc::Abs8,
let relocs = data.all_relocs(pointer_reloc).collect::<Vec<_>>();
self.compiled_data_objects[id] = Some(CompiledBlob { ptr, size, relocs });
if self.isa.flags().is_pic() {
self.pending_got_updates.push(GotUpdate {
entry: self.data_object_got_entries[id].unwrap().0,
fn get_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<cranelift_module::FuncOrDataId> {
fn target_config(&self) -> cranelift_codegen::isa::TargetFrontendConfig {
fn make_context(&self) -> cranelift_codegen::Context {
let mut ctx = cranelift_codegen::Context::new();
ctx.func.signature.call_conv = self.isa().default_call_conv();
fn clear_context(&self, ctx: &mut cranelift_codegen::Context) {
ctx.func.signature.call_conv = self.isa().default_call_conv();
fn make_signature(&self) -> ir::Signature {
fn clear_signature(&self, sig: &mut ir::Signature) {
fn lookup_with_dlsym(name: &str) -> Option<*const u8> {
let c_str = CString::new(name).unwrap();
let c_str_ptr = c_str.as_ptr();
let sym = unsafe { libc::dlsym(libc::RTLD_DEFAULT, c_str_ptr) };
if sym.is_null() {
} else {
Some(sym as *const u8)
fn lookup_with_dlsym(name: &str) -> Option<*const u8> {
use std::os::windows::io::RawHandle;
use windows_sys::Win32::Foundation::HMODULE;
use windows_sys::Win32::System::LibraryLoader;
const UCRTBASE: &[u8] = b"ucrtbase.dll\0";
let c_str = CString::new(name).unwrap();
let c_str_ptr = c_str.as_ptr();
unsafe {
let handles = [
// try to find the searched symbol in the currently running executable
// try to find the searched symbol in local c runtime
LibraryLoader::GetModuleHandleA(UCRTBASE.as_ptr()) as RawHandle,
for handle in &handles {
let addr = LibraryLoader::GetProcAddress(*handle as HMODULE, c_str_ptr.cast());
match addr {
None => continue,
Some(addr) => return Some(addr as *const u8),
fn use_bti(isa_flags: &Vec<settings::Value>) -> bool {
.find(|&f| == "use_bti")
.map_or(false, |f| f.as_bool().unwrap_or(false))