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//! This module defines a set of traits that can be used to plug different measurements (eg.
//! Unix's Processor Time, CPU or GPU performance counters, etc.) into It also
//! includes the [WallTime](struct.WallTime.html) struct which defines the default wall-clock time
//! measurement.
use crate::format::short;
use crate::Throughput;
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
/// Trait providing functions to format measured values to string so that they can be displayed on
/// the command line or in the reports. The functions of this trait take measured values in f64
/// form; implementors can assume that the values are of the same scale as those produced by the
/// associated [MeasuredValue](trait.MeasuredValue.html) (eg. if your measurement produces values in
/// nanoseconds, the values passed to the formatter will be in nanoseconds).
/// Implementors are encouraged to format the values in a way that is intuitive for humans and
/// uses the SI prefix system. For example, the format used by [WallTime](struct.WallTime.html)
/// can display the value in units ranging from picoseconds to seconds depending on the magnitude
/// of the elapsed time in nanoseconds.
pub trait ValueFormatter {
/// Format the value (with appropriate unit) and return it as a string.
fn format_value(&self, value: f64) -> String {
let mut values = [value];
let unit = self.scale_values(value, &mut values);
format!("{:>6} {}", short(values[0]), unit)
/// Format the value as a throughput measurement. The value represents the measurement value;
/// the implementor will have to calculate bytes per second, iterations per cycle, etc.
fn format_throughput(&self, throughput: &Throughput, value: f64) -> String {
let mut values = [value];
let unit = self.scale_throughputs(value, throughput, &mut values);
format!("{:>6} {}", short(values[0]), unit)
/// Scale the given values to some appropriate unit and return the unit string.
/// The given typical value should be used to choose the unit. This function may be called
/// multiple times with different datasets; the typical value will remain the same to ensure
/// that the units remain consistent within a graph. The typical value will not be NaN.
/// Values will not contain NaN as input, and the transformed values must not contain NaN.
fn scale_values(&self, typical_value: f64, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str;
/// Convert the given measured values into throughput numbers based on the given throughput
/// value, scale them to some appropriate unit, and return the unit string.
/// The given typical value should be used to choose the unit. This function may be called
/// multiple times with different datasets; the typical value will remain the same to ensure
/// that the units remain consistent within a graph. The typical value will not be NaN.
/// Values will not contain NaN as input, and the transformed values must not contain NaN.
fn scale_throughputs(
typical_value: f64,
throughput: &Throughput,
values: &mut [f64],
) -> &'static str;
/// Scale the values and return a unit string designed for machines.
/// For example, this is used for the CSV file output. Implementations should modify the given
/// values slice to apply the desired scaling (if any) and return a string representing the unit
/// the modified values are in.
fn scale_for_machines(&self, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str;
/// Trait for all types which define something can measure. The only measurement
/// currently provided is [WallTime](struct.WallTime.html), but third party crates or benchmarks
/// may define more.
/// This trait defines two core methods, `start` and `end`. `start` is called at the beginning of
/// a measurement to produce some intermediate value (for example, the wall-clock time at the start
/// of that set of iterations) and `end` is called at the end of the measurement with the value
/// returned by `start`.
pub trait Measurement {
/// This type represents an intermediate value for the measurements. It will be produced by the
/// start function and passed to the end function. An example might be the wall-clock time as
/// of the `start` call.
type Intermediate;
/// This type is the measured value. An example might be the elapsed wall-clock time between the
/// `start` and `end` calls.
type Value;
/// will call this before iterating the benchmark.
fn start(&self) -> Self::Intermediate;
/// will call this after iterating the benchmark to get the measured value.
fn end(&self, i: Self::Intermediate) -> Self::Value;
/// Combine two values. sometimes needs to perform measurements in multiple batches
/// of iterations, so the value from one batch must be added to the sum of the previous batches.
fn add(&self, v1: &Self::Value, v2: &Self::Value) -> Self::Value;
/// Return a "zero" value for the Value type which can be added to another value.
fn zero(&self) -> Self::Value;
/// Converts the measured value to f64 so that it can be used in statistical analysis.
fn to_f64(&self, value: &Self::Value) -> f64;
/// Return a trait-object reference to the value formatter for this measurement.
fn formatter(&self) -> &dyn ValueFormatter;
pub(crate) struct DurationFormatter;
impl DurationFormatter {
fn bytes_per_second(&self, bytes: f64, typical: f64, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str {
let bytes_per_second = bytes * (1e9 / typical);
let (denominator, unit) = if bytes_per_second < 1024.0 {
(1.0, " B/s")
} else if bytes_per_second < 1024.0 * 1024.0 {
(1024.0, "KiB/s")
} else if bytes_per_second < 1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0 {
(1024.0 * 1024.0, "MiB/s")
} else {
(1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0, "GiB/s")
for val in values {
let bytes_per_second = bytes * (1e9 / *val);
*val = bytes_per_second / denominator;
fn bytes_per_second_decimal(
bytes: f64,
typical: f64,
values: &mut [f64],
) -> &'static str {
let bytes_per_second = bytes * (1e9 / typical);
let (denominator, unit) = if bytes_per_second < 1000.0 {
(1.0, " B/s")
} else if bytes_per_second < 1000.0 * 1000.0 {
(1000.0, "KB/s")
} else if bytes_per_second < 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0 {
(1000.0 * 1000.0, "MB/s")
} else {
(1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0, "GB/s")
for val in values {
let bytes_per_second = bytes * (1e9 / *val);
*val = bytes_per_second / denominator;
fn elements_per_second(&self, elems: f64, typical: f64, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str {
let elems_per_second = elems * (1e9 / typical);
let (denominator, unit) = if elems_per_second < 1000.0 {
(1.0, " elem/s")
} else if elems_per_second < 1000.0 * 1000.0 {
(1000.0, "Kelem/s")
} else if elems_per_second < 1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0 {
(1000.0 * 1000.0, "Melem/s")
} else {
(1000.0 * 1000.0 * 1000.0, "Gelem/s")
for val in values {
let elems_per_second = elems * (1e9 / *val);
*val = elems_per_second / denominator;
impl ValueFormatter for DurationFormatter {
fn scale_throughputs(
typical: f64,
throughput: &Throughput,
values: &mut [f64],
) -> &'static str {
match *throughput {
Throughput::Bytes(bytes) => self.bytes_per_second(bytes as f64, typical, values),
Throughput::BytesDecimal(bytes) => {
self.bytes_per_second_decimal(bytes as f64, typical, values)
Throughput::Elements(elems) => self.elements_per_second(elems as f64, typical, values),
fn scale_values(&self, ns: f64, values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str {
let (factor, unit) = if ns < 10f64.powi(0) {
(10f64.powi(3), "ps")
} else if ns < 10f64.powi(3) {
(10f64.powi(0), "ns")
} else if ns < 10f64.powi(6) {
(10f64.powi(-3), "µs")
} else if ns < 10f64.powi(9) {
(10f64.powi(-6), "ms")
} else {
(10f64.powi(-9), "s")
for val in values {
*val *= factor;
fn scale_for_machines(&self, _values: &mut [f64]) -> &'static str {
// no scaling is needed
/// `WallTime` is the default measurement in It measures the elapsed time from the
/// beginning of a series of iterations to the end.
pub struct WallTime;
impl Measurement for WallTime {
type Intermediate = Instant;
type Value = Duration;
fn start(&self) -> Self::Intermediate {
fn end(&self, i: Self::Intermediate) -> Self::Value {
fn add(&self, v1: &Self::Value, v2: &Self::Value) -> Self::Value {
*v1 + *v2
fn zero(&self) -> Self::Value {
fn to_f64(&self, val: &Self::Value) -> f64 {
val.as_nanos() as f64
fn formatter(&self) -> &dyn ValueFormatter {