blob: 16e6b7992ee75cc50963c5ca14ebdf442e4aae32 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use anyhow::{anyhow, Result};
use chrono::offset::FixedOffset;
/// Tries to parse `[-+]\d\d` continued by `\d\d`. Return FixedOffset if possible.
/// It can parse RFC 2822 legacy timezones. If offset cannot be determined, -0000 will be returned.
/// The additional `colon` may be used to parse a mandatory or optional `:` between hours and minutes,
/// and should return a valid FixedOffset or `Err` when parsing fails.
pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<FixedOffset> {
let offset = if s.contains(':') {
parse_offset_internal(s, colon_or_space, false)?
} else {
fn parse_offset_2822(s: &str) -> Result<i32> {
// tries to parse legacy time zone names
let upto = s
.position(|&c| !c.is_ascii_alphabetic())
if upto > 0 {
let name = &s[..upto];
let offset_hours = |o| Ok(o * 3600);
if equals(name, "gmt") || equals(name, "ut") || equals(name, "utc") {
} else if equals(name, "edt") {
} else if equals(name, "est") || equals(name, "cdt") {
} else if equals(name, "cst") || equals(name, "mdt") {
} else if equals(name, "mst") || equals(name, "pdt") {
} else if equals(name, "pst") {
} else {
Ok(0) // recommended by RFC 2822: consume but treat it as -0000
} else {
let offset = parse_offset_internal(s, |s| Ok(s), false)?;
fn parse_offset_internal<F>(
mut s: &str,
mut consume_colon: F,
allow_missing_minutes: bool,
) -> Result<i32>
F: FnMut(&str) -> Result<&str>,
let err_out_of_range = "input is out of range";
let err_invalid = "input contains invalid characters";
let err_too_short = "premature end of input";
let digits = |s: &str| -> Result<(u8, u8)> {
let b = s.as_bytes();
if b.len() < 2 {
} else {
Ok((b[0], b[1]))
let negative = match s.as_bytes().first() {
Some(&b'+') => false,
Some(&b'-') => true,
Some(_) => return Err(anyhow!(err_invalid)),
None => return Err(anyhow!(err_too_short)),
s = &s[1..];
// hours (00--99)
let hours = match digits(s)? {
(h1 @ b'0'..=b'9', h2 @ b'0'..=b'9') => i32::from((h1 - b'0') * 10 + (h2 - b'0')),
_ => return Err(anyhow!(err_invalid)),
s = &s[2..];
// colons (and possibly other separators)
s = consume_colon(s)?;
// minutes (00--59)
// if the next two items are digits then we have to add minutes
let minutes = if let Ok(ds) = digits(s) {
match ds {
(m1 @ b'0'..=b'5', m2 @ b'0'..=b'9') => i32::from((m1 - b'0') * 10 + (m2 - b'0')),
(b'6'..=b'9', b'0'..=b'9') => return Err(anyhow!(err_out_of_range)),
_ => return Err(anyhow!(err_invalid)),
} else if allow_missing_minutes {
} else {
return Err(anyhow!(err_too_short));
let seconds = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60;
Ok(if negative { -seconds } else { seconds })
/// Returns true when two slices are equal case-insensitively (in ASCII).
/// Assumes that the `pattern` is already converted to lower case.
fn equals(s: &str, pattern: &str) -> bool {
let mut xs = s.as_bytes().iter().map(|&c| match c {
b'A'..=b'Z' => c + 32,
_ => c,
let mut ys = pattern.as_bytes().iter().cloned();
loop {
match (, {
(None, None) => return true,
(None, _) | (_, None) => return false,
(Some(x), Some(y)) if x != y => return false,
_ => (),
/// Consumes any number (including zero) of colon or spaces.
fn colon_or_space(s: &str) -> Result<&str> {
Ok(s.trim_start_matches(|c: char| c == ':' || c.is_whitespace()))
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn parse() {
let test_cases = [
("-0800", FixedOffset::west(8 * 3600)),
("+10:00", FixedOffset::east(10 * 3600)),
("PST", FixedOffset::west(8 * 3600)),
("PDT", FixedOffset::west(7 * 3600)),
("UTC", FixedOffset::west(0)),
("GMT", FixedOffset::west(0)),
for &(input, want) in test_cases.iter() {
assert_eq!(super::parse(input).unwrap(), want, "parse/{}", input)