blob: 7ef7fc53d3a3618c32908f5a70bc793a37a35cec [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Elliptic curve arithmetic traits.
use crate::{
ops::{Invert, LinearCombination, MulByGenerator, Reduce, ShrAssign},
scalar::{FromUintUnchecked, IsHigh},
Curve, FieldBytes, PrimeCurve, ScalarPrimitive,
use core::fmt::Debug;
use subtle::{ConditionallySelectable, ConstantTimeEq, CtOption};
use zeroize::DefaultIsZeroes;
/// Elliptic curve with an arithmetic implementation.
pub trait CurveArithmetic: Curve {
/// Elliptic curve point in affine coordinates.
type AffinePoint: 'static
+ AffineCoordinates<FieldRepr = FieldBytes<Self>>
+ Copy
+ ConditionallySelectable
+ ConstantTimeEq
+ Debug
+ Default
+ DefaultIsZeroes
+ Eq
+ PartialEq
+ Sized
+ Send
+ Sync;
/// Elliptic curve point in projective coordinates.
/// Note: the following bounds are provided by [`group::Group`]:
/// - `'static`
/// - [`Copy`]
/// - [`Clone`]
/// - [`Debug`]
/// - [`Eq`]
/// - [`Sized`]
/// - [`Send`]
/// - [`Sync`]
type ProjectivePoint: ConditionallySelectable
+ ConstantTimeEq
+ Default
+ DefaultIsZeroes
+ From<Self::AffinePoint>
+ Into<Self::AffinePoint>
+ LinearCombination
+ MulByGenerator
+ group::Curve<AffineRepr = Self::AffinePoint>
+ group::Group<Scalar = Self::Scalar>;
/// Scalar field modulo this curve's order.
/// Note: the following bounds are provided by [`ff::Field`]:
/// - `'static`
/// - [`Copy`]
/// - [`Clone`]
/// - [`ConditionallySelectable`]
/// - [`ConstantTimeEq`]
/// - [`Debug`]
/// - [`Default`]
/// - [`Send`]
/// - [`Sync`]
type Scalar: AsRef<Self::Scalar>
+ DefaultIsZeroes
+ From<ScalarPrimitive<Self>>
+ FromUintUnchecked<Uint = Self::Uint>
+ Into<FieldBytes<Self>>
+ Into<ScalarPrimitive<Self>>
+ Into<Self::Uint>
+ Invert<Output = CtOption<Self::Scalar>>
+ IsHigh
+ PartialOrd
+ Reduce<Self::Uint, Bytes = FieldBytes<Self>>
+ ShrAssign<usize>
+ ff::Field
+ ff::PrimeField<Repr = FieldBytes<Self>>;
/// Prime order elliptic curve with projective arithmetic implementation.
pub trait PrimeCurveArithmetic:
PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic<ProjectivePoint = Self::CurveGroup>
/// Prime order elliptic curve group.
type CurveGroup: group::prime::PrimeCurve<Affine = <Self as CurveArithmetic>::AffinePoint>;