blob: 178803f4d5cbbb2c3def8748845d952e28735fe0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! A DEFLATE-based stream compression/decompression library
//! This library provides support for compression and decompression of
//! DEFLATE-based streams:
//! * the DEFLATE format itself
//! * the zlib format
//! * gzip
//! These three formats are all closely related and largely only differ in their
//! headers/footers. This crate has three types in each submodule for dealing
//! with these three formats.
//! # Implementation
//! In addition to supporting three formats, this crate supports three different
//! backends, controlled through this crate's features:
//! * `default`, or `rust_backend` - this implementation uses the `miniz_oxide`
//! crate which is a port of `miniz.c` (below) to Rust. This feature does not
//! require a C compiler and only requires Rust code.
//! * `miniz-sys` - when enabled this feature will enable this crate to instead
//! use `miniz.c`, distributed with `miniz-sys`, to implement
//! compression/decompression.
//! * `zlib` - finally, this feature will enable linking against the `libz`
//! library, typically found on most Linux systems by default. If the library
//! isn't found to already be on the system it will be compiled from source
//! (this is a C library).
//! There's various tradeoffs associated with each implementation, but in
//! general you probably won't have to tweak the defaults. The default choice is
//! selected to avoid the need for a C compiler at build time. The `miniz-sys`
//! feature is largely a historical artifact at this point and is unlikely to be
//! needed, and `zlib` is often useful if you're already using `zlib` for other
//! C dependencies. The compression ratios and performance of each of these
//! feature should be roughly comparable, but you'll likely want to run your own
//! tests if you're curious about the performance.
//! # Organization
//! This crate consists mainly of three modules, [`read`], [`write`], and
//! [`bufread`]. Each module contains a number of types used to encode and
//! decode various streams of data.
//! All types in the [`write`] module work on instances of [`Write`][write],
//! whereas all types in the [`read`] module work on instances of
//! [`Read`][read] and [`bufread`] works with [`BufRead`][bufread]. If you
//! are decoding directly from a `&[u8]`, use the [`bufread`] types.
//! ```
//! use flate2::write::GzEncoder;
//! use flate2::Compression;
//! use std::io;
//! use std::io::prelude::*;
//! # fn main() { let _ = run(); }
//! # fn run() -> io::Result<()> {
//! let mut encoder = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
//! encoder.write_all(b"Example")?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! Other various types are provided at the top-level of the crate for
//! management and dealing with encoders/decoders. Also note that types which
//! operate over a specific trait often implement the mirroring trait as well.
//! For example a `flate2::read::DeflateDecoder<T>` *also* implements the
//! `Write` trait if `T: Write`. That is, the "dual trait" is forwarded directly
//! to the underlying object if available.
//! [`read`]: read/index.html
//! [`bufread`]: bufread/index.html
//! [`write`]: write/index.html
//! [read]:
//! [write]:
//! [bufread]:
//! # Async I/O
//! This crate optionally can support async I/O streams with the [Tokio stack] via
//! the `tokio` feature of this crate:
//! [Tokio stack]:
//! ```toml
//! flate2 = { version = "0.2", features = ["tokio"] }
//! ```
//! All methods are internally capable of working with streams that may return
//! [`ErrorKind::WouldBlock`] when they're not ready to perform the particular
//! operation.
//! [`ErrorKind::WouldBlock`]:
//! Note that care needs to be taken when using these objects, however. The
//! Tokio runtime, in particular, requires that data is fully flushed before
//! dropping streams. For compatibility with blocking streams all streams are
//! flushed/written when they are dropped, and this is not always a suitable
//! time to perform I/O. If I/O streams are flushed before drop, however, then
//! these operations will be a noop.
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
#![cfg_attr(test, deny(warnings))]
pub use crate::crc::{Crc, CrcReader, CrcWriter};
pub use crate::gz::GzBuilder;
pub use crate::gz::GzHeader;
pub use crate::mem::{Compress, CompressError, Decompress, DecompressError, Status};
pub use crate::mem::{FlushCompress, FlushDecompress};
mod bufreader;
mod crc;
mod deflate;
mod ffi;
mod gz;
mod mem;
mod zio;
mod zlib;
/// Types which operate over [`Read`] streams, both encoders and decoders for
/// various formats.
/// [`Read`]:
pub mod read {
pub use crate::deflate::read::DeflateDecoder;
pub use crate::deflate::read::DeflateEncoder;
pub use crate::gz::read::GzDecoder;
pub use crate::gz::read::GzEncoder;
pub use crate::gz::read::MultiGzDecoder;
pub use crate::zlib::read::ZlibDecoder;
pub use crate::zlib::read::ZlibEncoder;
/// Types which operate over [`Write`] streams, both encoders and decoders for
/// various formats.
/// [`Write`]:
pub mod write {
pub use crate::deflate::write::DeflateDecoder;
pub use crate::deflate::write::DeflateEncoder;
pub use crate::gz::write::GzDecoder;
pub use crate::gz::write::GzEncoder;
pub use crate::zlib::write::ZlibDecoder;
pub use crate::zlib::write::ZlibEncoder;
/// Types which operate over [`BufRead`] streams, both encoders and decoders for
/// various formats.
/// [`BufRead`]:
pub mod bufread {
pub use crate::deflate::bufread::DeflateDecoder;
pub use crate::deflate::bufread::DeflateEncoder;
pub use crate::gz::bufread::GzDecoder;
pub use crate::gz::bufread::GzEncoder;
pub use crate::gz::bufread::MultiGzDecoder;
pub use crate::zlib::bufread::ZlibDecoder;
pub use crate::zlib::bufread::ZlibEncoder;
fn _assert_send_sync() {
fn _assert_send_sync<T: Send + Sync>() {}
/// When compressing data, the compression level can be specified by a value in
/// this enum.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Compression(u32);
impl Compression {
/// Creates a new description of the compression level with an explicitly
/// specified integer.
/// The integer here is typically on a scale of 0-9 where 0 means "no
/// compression" and 9 means "take as long as you'd like".
pub const fn new(level: u32) -> Compression {
/// No compression is to be performed, this may actually inflate data
/// slightly when encoding.
pub const fn none() -> Compression {
/// Optimize for the best speed of encoding.
pub const fn fast() -> Compression {
/// Optimize for the size of data being encoded.
pub const fn best() -> Compression {
/// Returns an integer representing the compression level, typically on a
/// scale of 0-9
pub fn level(&self) -> u32 {
impl Default for Compression {
fn default() -> Compression {
fn random_bytes() -> impl Iterator<Item = u8> {
use rand::Rng;
use std::iter;
iter::repeat(()).map(|_| rand::thread_rng().gen())