blob: 7b08e2ebc22239655689c20dd56c4871762e74a2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! `fm` is a simple non-backtracking fuzzy text matcher useful for matching multi-line patterns
//! and text. At its most basic the wildcard operator `...` can be used in the following ways:
//! * If a line consists solely of `...` it means "match zero or more lines of text".
//! * If a line starts with `...`, the search is not anchored to the start of the line.
//! * If a line ends with `...`, the search is not anchored to the end of the line.
//! Note that `...` can appear both at the start and end of a line and if a line consists of
//! `......` (i.e. starts and ends with the wildcard with nothing inbetween), it will match exactly
//! one line. If the wildcard operator appears in any other locations, it is matched literally.
//! Wildcard matching does not backtrack, so if a line consists solely of `...` then the next
//! matching line anchors the remainder of the search.
//! The following examples show `fm` in action using its defaults:
//! ```rust
//! use fm::FMatcher;
//! assert!(FMatcher::new("a").unwrap().matches("a").is_ok());
//! assert!(FMatcher::new(" a ").unwrap().matches("a").is_ok());
//! assert!(FMatcher::new("a").unwrap().matches("b").is_err());
//! assert!(FMatcher::new("a\n...\nb").unwrap().matches("a\na\nb").is_ok());
//! assert!(FMatcher::new("a\n...\nb").unwrap().matches("a\na\nb\nb").is_err());
//! ```
//! When a match fails, the matcher returns an error indicating the line number at which the match
//! failed. The error can be formatted for human comprehension using the provided `Display`
//! implementation.
//! If you want to use non-default options, you will first need to use `FMBuilder` before having
//! access to an `FMatcher`. For example, to use "name matching" (where you specify that the same
//! chunk of text must appear at multiple points in the text, but without specifying exactly what
//! the chunk must contain) you can set options as follows:
//! ```rust
//! use {fm::FMBuilder, regex::Regex};
//! let ptn_re = Regex::new(r"\$.+?\b").unwrap();
//! let text_re = Regex::new(r".+?\b").unwrap();
//! let matcher = FMBuilder::new("$1 $1")
//! .unwrap()
//! .name_matcher(ptn_re, text_re)
//! .build()
//! .unwrap();
//! assert!(matcher.matches("a a").is_ok());
//! assert!(matcher.matches("a b").is_err());
//! ```
use std::{
collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap},
use regex::Regex;
const ERROR_CONTEXT: usize = 3;
const WILDCARD: &str = "...";
const ERROR_MARKER: &str = ">>";
struct FMOptions {
name_matchers: Vec<(Regex, Regex)>,
distinct_name_matching: bool,
ignore_leading_whitespace: bool,
ignore_trailing_whitespace: bool,
ignore_surrounding_blank_lines: bool,
impl Default for FMOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
FMOptions {
name_matchers: Vec::new(),
distinct_name_matching: false,
ignore_leading_whitespace: true,
ignore_trailing_whitespace: true,
ignore_surrounding_blank_lines: true,
/// Build up a `FMatcher` allowing the setting of options.
/// ```rust
/// use {fm::FMBuilder, regex::Regex};
/// let ptn_re = Regex::new(r"\$.+?\b").unwrap();
/// let text_re = Regex::new(r".+?\b").unwrap();
/// let matcher = FMBuilder::new("$1 $1")
/// .unwrap()
/// .name_matcher(ptn_re, text_re)
/// .build()
/// .unwrap();
/// assert!(matcher.matches("a a").is_ok());
/// assert!(matcher.matches("a b").is_err());
/// ```
pub struct FMBuilder<'a> {
ptn: &'a str,
options: FMOptions,
impl<'a> FMBuilder<'a> {
/// Create a new `FMBuilder` with default options.
pub fn new(ptn: &'a str) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn Error>> {
Ok(FMBuilder {
options: FMOptions::default(),
/// Add a name matcher `(ptn_re, text_re)`. Name matchers allow you to ensure that different
/// parts of the text match without specifying precisely what they match. For example, if you
/// have output where you want to ensure that two locations always match the same name, but the
/// name is non-deterministic you can allow the use of `$` wildcards in your pattern:
/// ```rust
/// use {fm::FMBuilder, regex::Regex};
/// let ptn_re = Regex::new(r"\$.+?\b").unwrap();
/// let text_re = Regex::new(r".+?\b").unwrap();
/// let matcher = FMBuilder::new("$1 b $1")
/// .unwrap()
/// .name_matcher(ptn_re, text_re)
/// .build()
/// .unwrap();
/// assert!(matcher.matches("a b a").is_ok());
/// assert!(matcher.matches("a b b").is_err());
/// ```
/// Note that if a line in the pattern uses name matching, it can *only* use the wildcard
/// operator at the end of the line (so, for the above name matcher, `$1...` is allowed but
/// `...$1` or `...$1...` is not allowed). Invalid combinations of wildcards and name matching
/// are caught when a pattern is built.
/// Multiple name matchers are allowed: they are matched in the order they were added to
/// `FMBuilder`.
pub fn name_matcher(mut self, ptn_re: Regex, text_re: Regex) -> Self {
self.options.name_matchers.push((ptn_re, text_re));
/// If `yes`, then different names cannot match the same text value. For example if `$1` binds
/// to `a` then `$2` will refuse to match against `a` (though `$1` will continue to match
/// against only `a`). Defaults to `false`.
pub fn distinct_name_matching(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self {
self.options.distinct_name_matching = yes;
/// If `yes`, then each line's leading whitespace will be ignored in both pattern and text;
/// otherwise leading whitespace must match. Defaults to `true`.
pub fn ignore_leading_whitespace(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self {
self.options.ignore_leading_whitespace = yes;
/// If `yes`, then each line's trailing whitespace will be ignored in both pattern and text;
/// otherwise trailing whitespace must match. Defaults to `true`.
pub fn ignore_trailing_whitespace(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self {
self.options.ignore_trailing_whitespace = yes;
/// If `yes`, blank lines at the start and end of both the pattern and text are ignored for
/// matching purposes. Defaults to `true`.
pub fn ignore_surrounding_blank_lines(mut self, yes: bool) -> Self {
self.options.ignore_surrounding_blank_lines = yes;
/// Turn this `FMBuilder` into a `FMatcher`.
pub fn build(self) -> Result<FMatcher<'a>, Box<dyn Error>> {
Ok(FMatcher {
ptn: self.ptn,
options: self.options,
fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
let lines = self.ptn.lines().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for i in 0..lines.len() {
if i < lines.len() - 1 {
if lines[i].trim() == WILDCARD && lines[i + 1].trim() == WILDCARD {
return Err(Box::<dyn Error>::from(format!(
"Can't have two consecutive wildcards lines at lines {} and {}.",
i + 1,
i + 2
for (ref ptn_re, _) in &self.options.name_matchers {
for (i, l) in lines.iter().enumerate() {
if l.starts_with("...") && ptn_re.is_match(l) {
return Err(Box::<dyn Error>::from(format!(
"Can't mix name matching with wildcards at start of line {}.",
i + 1
/// The fuzzy matcher.
pub struct FMatcher<'a> {
ptn: &'a str,
options: FMOptions,
impl<'a> FMatcher<'a> {
/// A convenience method that automatically builds a pattern for you using `FMBuilder`'s
/// default options.
pub fn new(ptn: &'a str) -> Result<FMatcher, Box<dyn Error>> {
/// Does this fuzzy matcher match `text`?
pub fn matches(&self, text: &str) -> Result<(), FMatchError> {
let mut names = HashMap::new();
let mut ptn_lines = self.ptn.lines();
let (mut ptnl, mut ptn_lines_off) = self.skip_blank_lines(&mut ptn_lines, None);
ptn_lines_off += 1;
let mut text_lines = text.lines();
let (mut textl, mut text_lines_off) = self.skip_blank_lines(&mut text_lines, None);
text_lines_off += 1;
loop {
match (ptnl, textl) {
(Some(x), Some(y)) => {
if x.trim() == WILDCARD {
ptnl =;
ptn_lines_off += 1;
match ptnl {
Some(x) => {
while let Some(y) = textl {
text_lines_off += 1;
if self.match_line(&mut names, x, y) {
textl =;
text_lines_off -= 1;
None => return Ok(()),
} else if self.match_line(&mut names, x, y) {
ptnl =;
ptn_lines_off += 1;
textl =;
text_lines_off += 1;
} else {
return Err(FMatchError {
ptn: self.ptn.to_owned(),
text: text.to_owned(),
ptn_line_off: ptn_lines_off,
text_line_off: text_lines_off,
(None, None) => return Ok(()),
(Some(x), None) => {
if x.trim() == WILDCARD {
for ptnl in ptn_lines {
ptn_lines_off += 1;
if !self.match_line(&mut names, ptnl, "") {
return Err(FMatchError {
ptn: self.ptn.to_owned(),
text: text.to_owned(),
ptn_line_off: ptn_lines_off,
text_line_off: text_lines_off,
return Ok(());
} else {
match self.skip_blank_lines(&mut ptn_lines, Some(x)) {
(Some(_), skipped) => {
return Err(FMatchError {
ptn: self.ptn.to_owned(),
text: text.to_owned(),
ptn_line_off: ptn_lines_off + skipped,
text_line_off: text_lines_off,
(None, _) => return Ok(()),
(None, Some(x)) => {
let (x, skipped) = self.skip_blank_lines(&mut text_lines, Some(x));
if x.is_none() {
return Ok(());
return Err(FMatchError {
ptn: self.ptn.to_owned(),
text: text.to_owned(),
ptn_line_off: ptn_lines_off,
text_line_off: text_lines_off + skipped,
/// Skip blank lines in the input if `options.ignore_surrounding_blank_lines` is set. If `line`
/// is `Some(...)` that is taken as the first line of the input and after that is processesd
/// the `lines` iterator is used. The contents of the first non-blank line are returned as well
/// as the number of lines skipped. Notice that this is intended *only* to skip blank lines at
/// the start and end of a string, as it is predicated on the `ignore_surrounding_blank_lines`
/// option (i.e. don't use this to skip blank lines in the middle of the input, because that
/// will fail if the user sets `ignore_surrounding_blank_lines` to `false`!).
fn skip_blank_lines(
lines: &mut Lines<'a>,
line: Option<&'a str>,
) -> (Option<&'a str>, usize) {
if !self.options.ignore_surrounding_blank_lines {
if line.is_some() {
return (line, 0);
return (, 0);
let mut trimmed = 0;
if let Some(l) = line {
if !l.trim().is_empty() {
return (Some(l), 0);
trimmed += 1;
while let Some(l) = {
if !l.trim().is_empty() {
return (Some(l), trimmed);
trimmed += 1;
(None, trimmed)
/// Try matching `ptn` against `text`. If, and only if, the match is successful, `names` will
/// be updated with matched names.
fn match_line<'b>(
names: &mut HashMap<&'a str, &'b str>,
mut ptn: &'a str,
mut text: &'b str,
) -> bool {
if self.options.ignore_leading_whitespace {
ptn = ptn.trim_start();
text = text.trim_start();
if self.options.ignore_trailing_whitespace {
ptn = ptn.trim_end();
text = text.trim_end();
let sww = ptn.starts_with(WILDCARD);
let eww = ptn.ends_with(WILDCARD);
if sww && eww {
text.contains(&ptn[WILDCARD.len()..ptn.len() - WILDCARD.len()])
} else if sww {
} else if self.options.name_matchers.is_empty() {
if eww {
text.starts_with(&ptn[..ptn.len() - WILDCARD.len()])
} else {
ptn == text
} else {
let mut new_names = HashMap::new();
loop {
let mut matched = false;
for (ref ptn_re, ref text_re) in &self.options.name_matchers {
if let Some(ptnm) = ptn_re.find(ptn) {
matched = true;
if ptnm.start() == ptnm.end() {
panic!("Name pattern matched the empty string.");
if ptnm.start() > text.len() || ptn[..ptnm.start()] != text[..ptnm.start()]
return false;
ptn = &ptn[ptnm.end()..];
text = &text[ptnm.start()..];
if let Some(textm) = text_re.find(text) {
if self.options.distinct_name_matching {
for (x, y) in names.iter().chain(new_names.iter()) {
if x != &ptnm.as_str() && y == &textm.as_str() {
return false;
if textm.start() == textm.end() {
panic!("Text pattern matched the empty string.");
match names.entry(ptnm.as_str()) {
Entry::Occupied(e) => {
if e.get() != &textm.as_str() {
return false;
Entry::Vacant(_) => match new_names.entry(ptnm.as_str()) {
Entry::Occupied(e) => {
if e.get() != &textm.as_str() {
return false;
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
text = &text[textm.end()..];
} else {
return false;
if !matched {
if (eww && text.starts_with(&ptn[..ptn.len() - WILDCARD.len()])) || ptn == text {
} else {
/// An error indicating a failed match.
/// The pattern and text are copied in so that the error isn't tied to their lifetimes.
pub struct FMatchError {
ptn: String,
text: String,
ptn_line_off: usize,
text_line_off: usize,
impl FMatchError {
pub fn ptn_line_off(&self) -> usize {
pub fn text_line_off(&self) -> usize {
impl fmt::Display for FMatchError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
// Figure out how many characters are required for the line numbers margin.
let err_mk_chars = ERROR_MARKER.chars().count() + ' '.len_utf8();
let display_lines = |f: &mut fmt::Formatter, s: &str, mark_line: usize| -> fmt::Result {
let mut i = 1;
if mark_line.checked_sub(ERROR_CONTEXT + 2).is_some() {
writeln!(f, "{}...", " ".repeat(err_mk_chars))?;
for line in s.lines() {
if let Some(j) = mark_line.checked_sub(ERROR_CONTEXT) {
if i < j {
i += 1;
if mark_line == i {
write!(f, "{} ", ERROR_MARKER)?;
} else {
write!(f, "{}", " ".repeat(err_mk_chars))?;
if line.is_empty() {
writeln!(f, "|")?;
} else {
writeln!(f, "|{}", line)?;
i += 1;
if let Some(j) = mark_line.checked_add(ERROR_CONTEXT) {
if i > j {
if mark_line == i {
writeln!(f, "{}", ERROR_MARKER)?;
} else if let Some(j) = mark_line.checked_add(ERROR_CONTEXT) {
if i > j {
writeln!(f, "{}...", " ".repeat(err_mk_chars))?;
writeln!(f, "Pattern (error at line {}):", self.ptn_line_off)?;
display_lines(f, &self.ptn, self.ptn_line_off)?;
writeln!(f, "\nText (error at line {}):", self.text_line_off)?;
display_lines(f, &self.text, self.text_line_off)
/// A short error message. We don't reuse the longer message from `Display` as a Rust panic
/// uses `Debug` and doesn't interpret formatting characters when printing the panic message.
impl fmt::Debug for FMatchError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Failed to match at line {}", self.text_line_off)
impl Error for FMatchError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn defaults() {
fn helper(ptn: &str, text: &str) -> bool {
assert!(helper("", ""));
assert!(helper("\n", ""));
assert!(helper("", "\n"));
assert!(helper("a", "a"));
assert!(!helper("a", "ab"));
assert!(helper("...", ""));
assert!(helper("...", "a"));
assert!(helper("...", "a\nb"));
assert!(helper("...\na", "a"));
assert!(helper("...\na\n...", "a"));
assert!(helper("a\n...", "a"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nd", "a\nd"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nd", "a\nb\nc\nd"));
assert!(!helper("a\n...\nd", "a\nb\nc"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nc\n...\ne", "a\nb\nc\nd\ne"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\n...b", "a\nb"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nb...", "a\nb"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nb...", "a\nbc"));
assert!(helper("a\nb...", "a\nbc"));
assert!(!helper("a\nb...", "a\nb\nc"));
assert!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nb"));
assert!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nxbz"));
assert!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nbz"));
assert!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nxb"));
assert!(!helper("a\n...b...", "a\nxb\nc"));
assert!(!helper("a", "a\nb"));
assert!(!helper("a\nb", "a"));
assert!(!helper("a\n...\nb", "a"));
assert!(helper("a\n", "a\n"));
assert!(helper("a\n", "a"));
assert!(helper("a", "a\n"));
assert!(helper("a\n\n", "a\n\n"));
assert!(helper("a\n\n", "a"));
assert!(helper("a", "a\n\n"));
assert!(!helper("a\n\nb", "a\n"));
assert!(!helper("a\n", "a\n\nb"));
fn dont_ignore_surrounding_blank_lines() {
fn helper(ptn: &str, text: &str) -> bool {
assert!(helper("", ""));
assert!(!helper("\n", ""));
assert!(!helper("", "\n"));
assert!(helper("a\n", "a\n"));
assert!(helper("a\n", "a"));
assert!(helper("a", "a\n"));
assert!(helper("a\n\n", "a\n\n"));
assert!(!helper("a\n\n", "a"));
assert!(!helper("a", "a\n\n"));
assert!(!helper("a\n\nb", "a\n"));
assert!(!helper("a\n", "a\n\nb"));
fn name_matcher() {
let nameptn_re = Regex::new(r"\$.+?\b").unwrap();
let name_re = Regex::new(r".+?\b").unwrap();
let helper = |ptn: &str, text: &str| -> bool {
.name_matcher(nameptn_re.clone(), name_re.clone())
assert!(helper("", ""));
assert!(helper("a", "a"));
assert!(!helper("a", "ab"));
assert!(helper("...", ""));
assert!(helper("...", "a"));
assert!(helper("......", "a"));
assert!(!helper("......", ""));
assert!(helper("...", "a\nb"));
assert!(!helper("......", "a\nb"));
assert!(helper("...\na", "a"));
assert!(helper("...\na\n...", "a"));
assert!(helper("a\n...", "a"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nd", "a\nd"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nd", "a\nb\nc\nd"));
assert!(!helper("a\n...\nd", "a\nb\nc"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nc\n...\ne", "a\nb\nc\nd\ne"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\n...b", "a\nb"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nb...", "a\nb"));
assert!(helper("a\n...\nb...", "a\nbc"));
assert!(helper("a\nb...", "a\nbc"));
assert!(!helper("a\nb...", "a\nb\nc"));
assert!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nb"));
assert!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nxbz"));
assert!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nbz"));
assert!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nxb"));
assert!(!helper("a\n...b...", "a\nxb\nc"));
assert!(!helper("$1", ""));
assert!(helper("$1", "a"));
assert!(helper("$1, $1", "a, a"));
assert!(!helper("$1, $1", "a, b"));
assert!(helper("$1, a, $1", "a, a, a"));
assert!(!helper("$1, a, $1", "a, b, a"));
assert!(!helper("$1, a, $1", "a, a, b"));
assert!(helper("$1, $1, a", "a, a, a"));
assert!(!helper("$1, $1, a", "a, a, b"));
assert!(!helper("$1, $1, a", "a, b, a"));
assert!(helper("$1 $2\n...\n$3 $2", "a X\nb Y\nc X"));
assert!(!helper("ab$a", "a"));
assert!(helper("$1\n$1...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("$1\n$1...", "a\nb b c"));
assert!(helper("$1\n$1...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(helper("$1\n$1 b...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(helper("$1\n$1 b c...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("$1\n$1 b c...\n$1", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("$1\n$1 b c...\n$1", "a\na b c\na\nb"));
fn multiple_name_matchers() {
let nameptn1_re = Regex::new(r"\$.+?\b").unwrap();
let nameptn2_re = Regex::new(r"\&.+?\b").unwrap();
let name_re = Regex::new(r".+?\b").unwrap();
let helper = |ptn: &str, text: &str| -> bool {
.name_matcher(nameptn1_re.clone(), name_re.clone())
.name_matcher(nameptn2_re.clone(), name_re.clone())
assert!(!helper("$1", ""));
assert!(helper("$1", "a"));
assert!(helper("$1, $1", "a, a"));
assert!(!helper("$1, $1", "a, b"));
assert!(helper("$1, a, $1", "a, a, a"));
assert!(!helper("$1, a, $1", "a, b, a"));
assert!(!helper("$1, a, $1", "a, a, b"));
assert!(helper("$1, $1, a", "a, a, a"));
assert!(!helper("$1, $1, a", "a, a, b"));
assert!(!helper("$1, $1, a", "a, b, a"));
assert!(helper("$1 $2\n...\n$3 $2", "a X\nb Y\nc X"));
assert!(!helper("ab$a", "a"));
assert!(helper("$1\n$1...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("$1\n$1...", "a\nb b c"));
assert!(helper("$1\n$1...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(helper("$1\n$1 b...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(helper("$1\n$1 b c...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("$1\n$1 b c...\n$1", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("$1\n$1 b c...\n$1", "a\na b c\na\nb"));
assert!(!helper("&1", ""));
assert!(helper("&1", "a"));
assert!(helper("&1, &1", "a, a"));
assert!(!helper("&1, &1", "a, b"));
assert!(helper("&1, a, &1", "a, a, a"));
assert!(!helper("&1, a, &1", "a, b, a"));
assert!(!helper("&1, a, &1", "a, a, b"));
assert!(helper("&1, &1, a", "a, a, a"));
assert!(!helper("&1, &1, a", "a, a, b"));
assert!(!helper("&1, &1, a", "a, b, a"));
assert!(helper("&1 &2\n...\n&3 &2", "a X\nb Y\nc X"));
assert!(!helper("ab&a", "a"));
assert!(helper("&1\n&1...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("&1\n&1...", "a\nb b c"));
assert!(helper("&1\n&1...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(helper("&1\n&1 b...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(helper("&1\n&1 b c...", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("&1\n&1 b c...\n&1", "a\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("&1\n&1 b c...\n&1", "a\na b c\na\nb"));
assert!(helper("$1 &1", "a a"));
assert!(helper("$1 &1", "a b"));
assert!(helper("$1 &1 $1", "a b a"));
assert!(helper("$1 &1 &1", "a b b"));
assert!(!helper("$1 &1 &1", "a b a"));
assert!(helper("$1 &2\n...\n$3 &2", "a X\nb Y\nc X"));
assert!(helper("$1 &1\n$1 &1...", "a b\na b c d"));
assert!(helper("$1 &1\n$1 &1...", "a b\na b"));
assert!(!helper("$1 &1\n$1 &1...", "a b\na a c d"));
assert!(!helper("$1 &1\n$1 &1 c...\n$1", "a b\na b c"));
assert!(!helper("$1 &1\n$1 &1 c...\n$1", "a b\na b c\na\nb"));
fn error_lines() {
let ptn_re = Regex::new("\\$.+?\\b").unwrap();
let text_re = Regex::new(".+?\\b").unwrap();
let helper = |ptn: &str, text: &str| -> (usize, usize) {
let err = FMBuilder::new(ptn)
.name_matcher(ptn_re.clone(), text_re.clone())
(err.ptn_line_off(), err.text_line_off())
assert_eq!(helper("a\n...\nd", "a\nb\nc"), (3, 3));
assert_eq!(helper("a\nb...", "a\nb\nc"), (3, 3));
assert_eq!(helper("a\n...b...", "a\nxb\nc"), (3, 3));
assert_eq!(helper("a\n\nb", "a\n"), (3, 2));
assert_eq!(helper("a\n", "a\n\nb"), (2, 3));
assert_eq!(helper("$1", ""), (1, 1));
assert_eq!(helper("$1, $1", "a, b"), (1, 1));
assert_eq!(helper("$1, a, $1", "a, b, a"), (1, 1));
assert_eq!(helper("$1, a, $1", "a, a, b"), (1, 1));
assert_eq!(helper("$1, $1, a", "a, a, b"), (1, 1));
assert_eq!(helper("$1, $1, a", "a, b, a"), (1, 1));
assert_eq!(helper("$1", ""), (1, 1));
assert_eq!(helper("$1\n$1", "a\nb"), (2, 2));
assert_eq!(helper("$1\na\n$1", "a\nb\na"), (2, 2));
assert_eq!(helper("$1\na\n$1", "a\na\nb"), (3, 3));
assert_eq!(helper("$1\n$1\na", "a\na\nb"), (3, 3));
assert_eq!(helper("$1\n$1\na", "a\nb\na"), (2, 2));
assert_eq!(helper("...\nb\nc\nd\n", "a\nb\nc\n0\ne"), (4, 4));
assert_eq!(helper("...\nc\nd\n", "a\nb\nc\n0\ne"), (3, 4));
assert_eq!(helper("...\nd\n", "a\nb\nc\n0\ne"), (2, 5));
fn empty_name_pattern() {
let ptn_re = Regex::new("").unwrap();
let text_re = Regex::new(".+?\\b").unwrap();
.name_matcher(ptn_re, text_re)
fn empty_text_pattern() {
let ptn_re = Regex::new("\\$.+?\\b").unwrap();
let text_re = Regex::new("").unwrap();
.name_matcher(ptn_re, text_re)
fn consecutive_wildcards_disallowed() {
match FMatcher::new("...\n...") {
if e.to_string()
== "Can't have two consecutive wildcards lines at lines 1 and 2." =>
_ => panic!(),
match FMatcher::new("...\n...\n...") {
if e.to_string()
== "Can't have two consecutive wildcards lines at lines 1 and 2." =>
_ => panic!(),
match FMatcher::new("a\nb\n...\n...") {
if e.to_string()
== "Can't have two consecutive wildcards lines at lines 3 and 4." =>
_ => panic!(),
fn wildcards_and_names() {
let ptn_re = Regex::new("\\$.+?\\b").unwrap();
let text_re = Regex::new("").unwrap();
let builder = FMBuilder::new("$1\n...$1abc")
.name_matcher(ptn_re, text_re);
"Can't mix name matching with wildcards at start of line 2."
fn distinct_names() {
let nameptn_re = Regex::new(r"\$.+?\b").unwrap();
let name_re = Regex::new(r".+?\b").unwrap();
let helper = |ptn: &str, text: &str| -> bool {
.name_matcher(nameptn_re.clone(), name_re.clone())
assert!(helper("$1 $1", "a a"));
assert!(!helper("$1 $1", "a b"));
assert!(!helper("$1 $2", "a a"));
fn error_display() {
let ptn_re = Regex::new("\\$.+?\\b").unwrap();
let text_re = Regex::new(".+?\\b").unwrap();
let helper = |ptn: &str, text: &str| -> String {
let err = FMBuilder::new(ptn)
.name_matcher(ptn_re.clone(), text_re.clone())
format!("{}", err)
helper("a\nb\nc\nd\n", "a\nb\nc\nz\nd\n"),
"Pattern (error at line 4):
>> |d
Text (error at line 4):
>> |z
helper("a\n", "a\n\nb"),
"Pattern (error at line 2):
Text (error at line 3):
>> |b
let mut ptn = String::new();
let mut text = String::new();
for i in 1..1000 {
ptn.push_str(&format!("a{}\n", i));
text.push_str(&format!("a{}\n", i));
for i in 1000..1100 {
ptn.push_str(&format!("a{}\n", i));
text.push_str(&format!("a{}\n", i + 1));
helper(&ptn, &text),
"Pattern (error at line 1000):
>> |a1000
Text (error at line 1000):
>> |a1001
fn test_allow_whitespace() {
let helper = |ptn: &str, text: &str| -> bool {
assert!(helper("a\na", "a\na"));
assert!(helper("a\n a", "a\n a"));
assert!(!helper("a\n a", "a\na"));
assert!(!helper("a\na", "a\n a"));
assert!(helper("a\na ", "a\na "));
assert!(!helper("a\na", "a\na "));
assert!(!helper("a\na ", "a\na"));