blob: 7df7f9536d3c3533d4e7b2f810013d79859f6a73 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Process-global interrupt handling
//! This module contains facilities to globally request an interrupt, which will cause supporting computations to
//! abort once it is observed.
//! Such checks for interrupts are provided in custom implementations of various traits to transparently add interrupt
//! support to methods who wouldn't otherwise by injecting it. see [`Read`].
#[cfg(feature = "interrupt")]
mod init {
use std::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
static DEREGISTER_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
static REGISTERED_HOOKS: once_cell::sync::Lazy<parking_lot::Mutex<Vec<(i32, signal_hook::SigId)>>> =
static DEFAULT_BEHAVIOUR_HOOKS: once_cell::sync::Lazy<parking_lot::Mutex<Vec<signal_hook::SigId>>> =
/// A type to help deregistering hooks registered with [`init_handler`](super::init_handler());
pub struct Deregister {
do_reset: bool,
pub struct AutoDeregister(Deregister);
impl Deregister {
/// Remove all previously registered handlers, and assure the default behaviour is reinstated, if this is the last available instance.
/// Note that only the instantiation of the default behaviour can fail.
pub fn deregister(self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut hooks = REGISTERED_HOOKS.lock();
let count = DEREGISTER_COUNT.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
if count > 1 || hooks.is_empty() {
return Ok(());
if self.do_reset {
for (_, hook_id) in hooks.iter() {
let hooks = hooks.drain(..);
let mut default_hooks = DEFAULT_BEHAVIOUR_HOOKS.lock();
// Even if dropped, `drain(..)` clears the vec which is a must.
for (sig, _) in hooks {
// * we only register a handler that is specifically designed to run in this environment.
unsafe {
default_hooks.push(signal_hook::low_level::register(sig, move || {
/// If called with `toggle` being `true`, when actually deregistering, we will also reset the trigger by
/// calling [`reset()`](super::reset()).
pub fn with_reset(mut self, toggle: bool) -> Self {
self.do_reset = toggle;
/// Return a type that deregisters all installed signal handlers on drop.
pub fn auto_deregister(self) -> AutoDeregister {
impl Drop for AutoDeregister {
fn drop(&mut self) {
std::mem::take(&mut self.0).deregister().ok();
/// Initialize a signal handler to listen to SIGINT and SIGTERM and trigger our [`trigger()`](super::trigger()) that way.
/// Also trigger `interrupt()` which promises to never use a Mutex, allocate or deallocate, or do anything else that's blocking.
/// Use `grace_count` to determine how often the termination signal can be received before it's terminal, e.g. 1 would only terminate
/// the application the second time the signal is received.
/// Note that only the `grace_count` and `interrupt` of the first call are effective, all others will be ignored.
/// Use the returned `Deregister` type to explicitly deregister hooks, or to do so automatically.
/// # Note
/// It will abort the process on second press and won't inform the user about this behaviour either as we are unable to do so without
/// deadlocking even when trying to write to stderr directly.
/// SAFETY: `interrupt()` will be called from a signal handler. See [`signal_hook::low_level::register()`] for details about.
#[allow(unsafe_code, clippy::missing_safety_doc)]
pub unsafe fn init_handler(
grace_count: usize,
interrupt: impl Fn() + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static,
) -> io::Result<Deregister> {
let prev_count = DEREGISTER_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
if prev_count != 0 {
// Try to obtain the lock before we return just to wait for the signals to actually be registered.
let _guard = REGISTERED_HOOKS.lock();
return Ok(Deregister::default());
let mut guard = REGISTERED_HOOKS.lock();
if !guard.is_empty() {
return Ok(Deregister::default());
let mut hooks = Vec::with_capacity(signal_hook::consts::TERM_SIGNALS.len());
for sig in signal_hook::consts::TERM_SIGNALS {
// * we only set atomics or call functions that do
// * there is no use of the heap
let interrupt = interrupt.clone();
let action = move || {
static INTERRUPT_COUNT: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
if !super::is_triggered() {, Ordering::SeqCst);
let msg_idx = INTERRUPT_COUNT.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
if msg_idx == grace_count {
unsafe {
let hook_id = signal_hook::low_level::register(*sig, action)?;
hooks.push((*sig, hook_id));
for hook_id in DEFAULT_BEHAVIOUR_HOOKS.lock().drain(..) {
// This means that they won't setup a handler allowing us to call them right before we actually abort.
*guard = hooks;
use std::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
#[cfg(feature = "interrupt")]
pub use init::{init_handler, Deregister};
/// A wrapper for an inner iterator which will check for interruptions on each iteration.
pub struct Iter<I, EFN> {
/// The actual iterator to yield elements from.
inner: gix_features::interrupt::IterWithErr<'static, I, EFN>,
impl<I, EFN, E> Iter<I, EFN>
I: Iterator,
EFN: FnOnce() -> E,
/// Create a new iterator over `inner` which checks for interruptions on each iteration and calls `make_err()` to
/// signal an interruption happened, causing no further items to be iterated from that point on.
pub fn new(inner: I, make_err: EFN) -> Self {
Iter {
inner: gix_features::interrupt::IterWithErr::new(inner, make_err, &IS_INTERRUPTED),
/// Return the inner iterator
pub fn into_inner(self) -> I {
/// Return the inner iterator as reference
pub fn inner(&self) -> &I {
impl<I, EFN, E> Iterator for Iter<I, EFN>
I: Iterator,
EFN: FnOnce() -> E,
type Item = Result<I::Item, E>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
/// A wrapper for implementers of [`std::io::Read`] or [`std::io::BufRead`] with interrupt support.
/// It fails a [read][`std::io::Read::read`] while an interrupt was requested.
pub struct Read<R> {
/// The actual implementor of [`std::io::Read`] to which interrupt support will be added.
inner: gix_features::interrupt::Read<'static, R>,
impl<R> Read<R>
R: io::Read,
/// Create a new interruptible reader from `read`.
pub fn new(read: R) -> Self {
Read {
inner: gix_features::interrupt::Read {
inner: read,
should_interrupt: &IS_INTERRUPTED,
/// Return the inner reader
pub fn into_inner(self) -> R {
impl<R> io::Read for Read<R>
R: io::Read,
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
impl<R> io::BufRead for Read<R>
R: io::BufRead,
fn fill_buf(&mut self) -> io::Result<&[u8]> {
fn consume(&mut self, amt: usize) {
/// The flag behind all utility functions in this module.
pub static IS_INTERRUPTED: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
/// Returns true if an interrupt is requested.
pub fn is_triggered() -> bool {
/// Trigger an interrupt, signalling to those checking for [`is_triggered()`] to stop what they are doing.
pub fn trigger() {, Ordering::SeqCst);
/// Sets the interrupt request to false, thus allowing those checking for [`is_triggered()`] to proceed.
pub fn reset() {, Ordering::SeqCst);