blob: e5437c552ed08343586a56dc5a6aca0a14a14d71 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Launch commands very similarly to `Command`, but with `git` specific capabilities and adjustments.
#![deny(rust_2018_idioms, missing_docs)]
use std::io::Read;
use std::{
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use bstr::{BString, ByteSlice};
/// A structure to keep settings to use when invoking a command via [`spawn()`][Prepare::spawn()], after creating it with [`prepare()`].
pub struct Prepare {
/// The command to invoke (either with or without shell depending on `use_shell`.
pub command: OsString,
/// Additional information to be passed to the spawned command.
pub context: Option<Context>,
/// The way standard input is configured.
pub stdin: std::process::Stdio,
/// The way standard output is configured.
pub stdout: std::process::Stdio,
/// The way standard error is configured.
pub stderr: std::process::Stdio,
/// The arguments to pass to the spawned process.
pub args: Vec<OsString>,
/// environment variables to set in the spawned process.
pub env: Vec<(OsString, OsString)>,
/// If `true`, we will use `sh` to execute the `command`.
pub use_shell: bool,
/// If `true` (default `true` on windows and `false` everywhere else)
/// we will see if it's safe to manually invoke `command` after splitting
/// its arguments as a shell would do.
/// Note that outside of windows, it's generally not advisable as this
/// removes support for literal shell scripts with shell-builtins.
/// This mimics the behaviour we see with `git` on windows, which also
/// won't invoke the shell there at all.
/// Only effective if `use_shell` is `true` as well, as the shell will
/// be used as a fallback if it's not possible to split arguments as
/// the command-line contains 'scripting'.
pub allow_manual_arg_splitting: bool,
/// Additional information that is relevant to spawned processes, which typically receive
/// a wealth of contextual information when spawned from `git`.
/// See [the git source code](
/// for details.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Context {
/// The `.git` directory that contains the repository.
/// If set, it will be used to set the `GIT_DIR` environment variable.
pub git_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
/// Set the `GIT_WORK_TREE` environment variable with the given path.
pub worktree_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
/// If `true`, set `GIT_NO_REPLACE_OBJECTS` to `1`, which turns off object replacements, or `0` otherwise.
/// If `None`, the variable won't be set.
pub no_replace_objects: Option<bool>,
/// Set the `GIT_NAMESPACE` variable with the given value, effectively namespacing all
/// operations on references.
pub ref_namespace: Option<BString>,
/// If `true`, set `GIT_LITERAL_PATHSPECS` to `1`, which makes globs literal and prefixes as well, or `0` otherwise.
/// If `None`, the variable won't be set.
pub literal_pathspecs: Option<bool>,
/// If `true`, set `GIT_GLOB_PATHSPECS` to `1`, which lets wildcards not match the `/` character, and equals the `:(glob)` prefix.
/// If `false`, set `GIT_NOGLOB_PATHSPECS` to `1` which lets globs match only themselves.
/// If `None`, the variable won't be set.
pub glob_pathspecs: Option<bool>,
/// If `true`, set `GIT_ICASE_PATHSPECS` to `1`, to let patterns match case-insensitively, or `0` otherwise.
/// If `None`, the variable won't be set.
pub icase_pathspecs: Option<bool>,
/// If `true`, inherit `stderr` just like it's the default when spawning processes.
/// If `false`, suppress all stderr output.
/// If not `None`, this will override any value set with [`Prepare::stderr()`].
pub stderr: Option<bool>,
mod prepare {
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::{
process::{Command, Stdio},
use bstr::ByteSlice;
use crate::{extract_interpreter, win_path_lookup, Context, Prepare};
/// Builder
impl Prepare {
/// If called, the command will not be executed directly, but with `sh`, but only if the
/// command passed to [`prepare`](super::prepare()) requires this.
/// This also allows to pass shell scripts as command, or use commands that contain arguments which are subsequently
/// parsed by `sh`.
pub fn with_shell(mut self) -> Self {
self.use_shell = self.command.to_str().map_or(true, |cmd| {
cmd.as_bytes().find_byteset(b"|&;<>()$`\\\"' \t\n*?[#~=%").is_some()
/// Unconditionally turn off using the shell when spawning the command.
/// Note that not using the shell is the default so an effective use of this method
/// is some time after [`with_shell()`][Prepare::with_shell()] was called.
pub fn without_shell(mut self) -> Self {
self.use_shell = false;
/// Set additional `ctx` to be used when spawning the process.
/// Note that this is a must for most kind of commands that `git` usually spawns,
/// as at least they need to know the correct `git` repository to function.
pub fn with_context(mut self, ctx: Context) -> Self {
self.context = Some(ctx);
/// Use a shell, but try to split arguments by hand if this can be safely done without a shell.
/// If that's not the case, use a shell instead.
pub fn with_shell_allow_argument_splitting(mut self) -> Self {
self.allow_manual_arg_splitting = true;
/// Configure the process to use `stdio` for _stdin.
pub fn stdin(mut self, stdio: Stdio) -> Self {
self.stdin = stdio;
/// Configure the process to use `stdio` for _stdout_.
pub fn stdout(mut self, stdio: Stdio) -> Self {
self.stdout = stdio;
/// Configure the process to use `stdio` for _stderr.
pub fn stderr(mut self, stdio: Stdio) -> Self {
self.stderr = stdio;
/// Add `arg` to the list of arguments to call the command with.
pub fn arg(mut self, arg: impl Into<OsString>) -> Self {
/// Add `args` to the list of arguments to call the command with.
pub fn args(mut self, args: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl Into<OsString>>) -> Self {
.append(&mut args.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<_>>());
/// Add `key` with `value` to the environment of the spawned command.
pub fn env(mut self, key: impl Into<OsString>, value: impl Into<OsString>) -> Self {
self.env.push((key.into(), value.into()));
/// Finalization
impl Prepare {
/// Spawn the command as configured.
pub fn spawn(self) -> std::io::Result<std::process::Child> {
let mut cmd = Command::from(self);
gix_trace::debug!(cmd = ?cmd);
impl From<Prepare> for Command {
fn from(mut prep: Prepare) -> Command {
let mut cmd = if prep.use_shell {
let split_args = prep
.then(|| {
if gix_path::into_bstr(std::borrow::Cow::Borrowed(prep.command.as_ref()))
.and_then(|args| shell_words::split(args).ok().map(Vec::into_iter))
} else {
match split_args {
Some(mut args) => {
let mut cmd = Command::new("non-empty input"));
None => {
let mut cmd = Command::new(if cfg!(windows) { "sh" } else { "/bin/sh" });
if !prep.args.is_empty() {
if prep.command.to_str().map_or(true, |cmd| !cmd.contains("$@")) {
prep.command.push(" \"$@\"");
} else {
"Will not add '$@' to '{:?}' as it seems to contain it already",
} else if cfg!(windows) {
let program: Cow<'_, std::path::Path> = std::env::var_os("PATH")
.and_then(|path| win_path_lookup(prep.command.as_ref(), &path))
if let Some(shebang) = extract_interpreter(program.as_ref()) {
let mut cmd = Command::new(shebang.interpreter);
// For relative paths, we may have picked up a file in the current repository
// for which an attacker could control everything. Hence, strip options just like Git.
// If the file was found in the PATH though, it should be trustworthy.
if program.is_absolute() {
} else {
} else {
if let Some(ctx) = prep.context {
if let Some(git_dir) = ctx.git_dir {
cmd.env("GIT_DIR", &git_dir);
if let Some(worktree_dir) = ctx.worktree_dir {
cmd.env("GIT_WORK_TREE", worktree_dir);
if let Some(value) = ctx.no_replace_objects {
cmd.env("GIT_NO_REPLACE_OBJECTS", usize::from(value).to_string());
if let Some(namespace) = ctx.ref_namespace {
cmd.env("GIT_NAMESPACE", gix_path::from_bstring(namespace));
if let Some(value) = ctx.literal_pathspecs {
cmd.env("GIT_LITERAL_PATHSPECS", usize::from(value).to_string());
if let Some(value) = ctx.glob_pathspecs {
if value {
} else {
if let Some(value) = ctx.icase_pathspecs {
cmd.env("GIT_ICASE_PATHSPECS", usize::from(value).to_string());
if let Some(stderr) = ctx.stderr {
cmd.stderr(if stderr { Stdio::inherit() } else { Stdio::null() });
fn is_exe(executable: &Path) -> bool {
executable.extension() == Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("exe"))
/// Try to find `command` in the `path_value` (the value of `PATH`) as separated by `;`, or return `None`.
/// Has special handling for `.exe` extensions, as these will be appended automatically if needed.
/// Note that just like Git, no lookup is performed if a slash or backslash is in `command`.
fn win_path_lookup(command: &Path, path_value: &std::ffi::OsStr) -> Option<PathBuf> {
fn lookup(root: &bstr::BStr, command: &Path, is_exe: bool) -> Option<PathBuf> {
let mut path = gix_path::try_from_bstr(root).ok()?.join(command);
if !is_exe {
if path.is_file() {
return Some(path);
if is_exe {
return None;
if command.components().take(2).count() == 2 {
return None;
let path = gix_path::os_str_into_bstr(path_value).ok()?;
let is_exe = is_exe(command);
for root in path.split(|b| *b == b';') {
if let Some(executable) = lookup(root.as_bstr(), command, is_exe) {
return Some(executable);
/// Parse the shebang (`#!<path>`) from the first line of `executable`, and return the shebang
/// data when available.
pub fn extract_interpreter(executable: &Path) -> Option<shebang::Data> {
if is_exe(executable) {
return None;
let mut buf = [0; 100]; // Note: just like Git
let mut file = std::fs::File::open(executable).ok()?;
let n = buf).ok()?;
pub mod shebang {
use bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice};
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::path::PathBuf;
/// Parse `buf` to extract all shebang information.
pub fn parse(buf: &BStr) -> Option<Data> {
let mut line = buf.lines().next()?;
line = line.strip_prefix(b"#!")?;
let slash_idx = line.rfind_byteset(b"/\\")?;
Some(match line[slash_idx..].find_byte(b' ') {
Some(space_idx) => {
let space = slash_idx + space_idx;
Data {
interpreter: gix_path::from_byte_slice(line[].trim()).to_owned(),
args: line
.get(space + 1..)
.and_then(|mut r| {
r = r.trim();
if r.is_empty() {
return None;
match r.as_bstr().to_str() {
Ok(args) => shell_words::split(args)
.map(|args| args.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()),
Err(_) => Some(vec![gix_path::from_byte_slice(r).to_owned().into()]),
None => Data {
interpreter: gix_path::from_byte_slice(line.trim()).to_owned(),
args: Vec::new(),
/// Shebang information as [parsed](parse()) from a buffer that should contain at least one line.
/// ### Deviation
/// According to the [shebang documentation](, it will only consider
/// the path of the executable, along with the arguments as the consecutive portion after the space that separates
/// them. Argument splitting would then have to be done elsewhere, probably in the kernel.
/// To make that work without the kernel, we perform the splitting while Git just ignores options.
/// For now it seems more compatible to not ignore options, but if it is important this could be changed.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct Data {
/// The interpreter to run.
pub interpreter: PathBuf,
/// The remainder of the line past the space after `interpreter`, without leading or trailing whitespace,
/// as pre-split arguments just like a shell would do it.
/// Note that we accept that illformed UTF-8 will prevent argument splitting.
pub args: Vec<OsString>,
/// Prepare `cmd` for [spawning][std::process::Command::spawn()] by configuring it with various builder methods.
/// Note that the default IO is configured for typical API usage, that is
/// - `stdin` is null to prevent blocking unexpectedly on consumption of stdin
/// - `stdout` is captured for consumption by the caller
/// - `stderr` is inherited to allow the command to provide context to the user
/// ### Warning
/// When using this method, be sure that the invoked program doesn't rely on the current working dir and/or
/// environment variables to know its context. If so, call instead [`Prepare::with_context()`] to provide
/// additional information.
pub fn prepare(cmd: impl Into<OsString>) -> Prepare {
Prepare {
command: cmd.into(),
context: None,
stdin: std::process::Stdio::null(),
stdout: std::process::Stdio::piped(),
stderr: std::process::Stdio::inherit(),
args: Vec::new(),
env: Vec::new(),
use_shell: false,
allow_manual_arg_splitting: cfg!(windows),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn internal_win_path_lookup() -> gix_testtools::Result {
let root = gix_testtools::scripted_fixture_read_only("")?;
let mut paths: Vec<_> = std::fs::read_dir(&root)?
.map(|e| e.path().to_str().expect("no illformed UTF8").to_owned())
let lookup_path: OsString = paths.join(";").into();
win_path_lookup("a/b".as_ref(), &lookup_path),
"any path with separator is considered ready to use"
win_path_lookup("x".as_ref(), &lookup_path),
"exe will be preferred, and it searches left to right thus doesn't find c/x.exe"
win_path_lookup("x.exe".as_ref(), &lookup_path),
"no matter what, a/x won't be found as it's shadowed by an exe file"
win_path_lookup("exe".as_ref(), &lookup_path),
"it finds files further down the path as well"