blob: c5cf73ca4599ab51ce6c06f45681bc5c8e08e25e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::path::{Component, Path, PathBuf};
use crate::Stack;
/// Access
impl Stack {
/// Returns the top-level path of the stack.
pub fn root(&self) -> &Path {
/// Returns the absolute path the currently set path.
pub fn current(&self) -> &Path {
/// Returns the currently set path relative to the [`root()`][Stack::root()].
pub fn current_relative(&self) -> &Path {
/// A delegate for use in a [`Stack`].
pub trait Delegate {
/// Called whenever we push a directory on top of the stack, and after the respective call to [`push()`](Self::push).
/// It is only called if the currently acted on path is a directory in itself, which is determined by knowing
/// that it's not the last component of the path.
/// Use [`Stack::current()`] to see the directory.
fn push_directory(&mut self, stack: &Stack) -> std::io::Result<()>;
/// Called after any component was pushed, with the path available at [`Stack::current()`].
/// `is_last_component` is `true` if the path is completely built, which typically means it's not a directory.
fn push(&mut self, is_last_component: bool, stack: &Stack) -> std::io::Result<()>;
/// Called right after a directory-component was popped off the stack.
/// Use it to pop information off internal data structures. Note that no equivalent call exists for popping
/// the file-component.
fn pop_directory(&mut self);
impl Stack {
/// Create a new instance with `root` being the base for all future paths we handle, assuming it to be valid which includes
/// symbolic links to be included in it as well.
pub fn new(root: PathBuf) -> Self {
Stack {
current: root.clone(),
current_relative: PathBuf::with_capacity(128),
valid_components: 0,
current_is_directory: true,
/// Set the current stack to point to the `relative` path and call `push_comp()` each time a new path component is popped
/// along with the stacks state for inspection to perform an operation that produces some data.
/// The full path to `relative` will be returned along with the data returned by `push_comp`.
/// Note that this only works correctly for the delegate's `push_directory()` and `pop_directory()` methods if
/// `relative` paths are terminal, so point to their designated file or directory.
/// The path is also expected to be normalized, and should not contain extra separators, and must not contain `..`
/// or have leading or trailing slashes (or additionally backslashes on Windows).
pub fn make_relative_path_current(&mut self, relative: &Path, delegate: &mut dyn Delegate) -> std::io::Result<()> {
if self.valid_components != 0 && relative.as_os_str().is_empty() {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"empty inputs are not allowed",
if self.valid_components == 0 {
let mut components = relative.components().peekable();
let mut existing_components = self.current_relative.components();
let mut matching_components = 0;
while let (Some(existing_comp), Some(new_comp)) = (, components.peek()) {
if existing_comp == *new_comp {;
matching_components += 1;
} else {
for _ in 0..self.valid_components - matching_components {
if self.current_is_directory {
self.current_is_directory = true;
self.valid_components = matching_components;
if !self.current_is_directory && components.peek().is_some() {
while let Some(comp) = {
if !matches!(comp, Component::Normal(_)) {
return Err(std::io::Error::new(
"Input path \"{}\" contains relative or absolute components",
let is_last_component = components.peek().is_none();
self.current_is_directory = !is_last_component;
self.valid_components += 1;
let res = delegate.push(is_last_component, self);
if self.current_is_directory {
if let Err(err) = res {
self.valid_components -= 1;
return Err(err);