blob: 475b912b04a56050cd3b9234e929c1b2c883b204 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::fmt;
use bitflags::bitflags;
use bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice};
use crate::{pattern, wildmatch, Pattern};
bitflags! {
/// Information about a [`Pattern`].
/// Its main purpose is to accelerate pattern matching, or to negate the match result or to
/// keep special rules only applicable when matching paths.
/// The mode is typically created when parsing the pattern by inspecting it and isn't typically handled by the user.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Copy, Clone, Ord, PartialOrd)]
pub struct Mode: u32 {
/// The pattern does not contain a sub-directory and - it doesn't contain slashes after removing the trailing one.
const NO_SUB_DIR = 1 << 0;
/// A pattern that is '*literal', meaning that it ends with what's given here
const ENDS_WITH = 1 << 1;
/// The pattern must match a directory, and not a file.
const MUST_BE_DIR = 1 << 2;
/// The pattern matches, but should be negated. Note that this mode has to be checked and applied by the caller.
const NEGATIVE = 1 << 3;
/// The pattern starts with a slash and thus matches only from the beginning.
const ABSOLUTE = 1 << 4;
/// Describes whether to match a path case sensitively or not.
/// Used in [`Pattern::matches_repo_relative_path()`].
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, Hash, Ord, Eq)]
pub enum Case {
/// The case affects the match
/// Ignore the case of ascii characters.
/// Instantiation
impl Pattern {
/// Parse the given `text` as pattern, or return `None` if `text` was empty.
pub fn from_bytes(text: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
crate::parse::pattern(text, true).map(|(text, mode, first_wildcard_pos)| Pattern {
text: text.into(),
/// Parse the given `text` as pattern without supporting leading `!` or `\\!` , or return `None` if `text` was empty.
/// This assures that `text` remains entirely unaltered, but removes built-in support for negation as well.
pub fn from_bytes_without_negation(text: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
crate::parse::pattern(text, false).map(|(text, mode, first_wildcard_pos)| Pattern {
text: text.into(),
/// Access
impl Pattern {
/// Return true if a match is negated.
pub fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
/// Match the given `path` which takes slashes (and only slashes) literally, and is relative to the repository root.
/// Note that `path` is assumed to be relative to the repository.
/// We may take various shortcuts which is when `basename_start_pos` and `is_dir` come into play.
/// `basename_start_pos` is the index at which the `path`'s basename starts.
/// `case` folding can be configured as well.
/// `mode` is used to control how [`crate::wildmatch()`] should operate.
pub fn matches_repo_relative_path(
path: &BStr,
basename_start_pos: Option<usize>,
is_dir: Option<bool>,
case: Case,
mode: wildmatch::Mode,
) -> bool {
let is_dir = is_dir.unwrap_or(false);
if !is_dir && self.mode.contains(pattern::Mode::MUST_BE_DIR) {
return false;
let flags = mode
| match case {
Case::Fold => wildmatch::Mode::IGNORE_CASE,
Case::Sensitive => wildmatch::Mode::empty(),
if basename_start_pos.is_some() {
path.rfind_byte(b'/').map(|p| p + 1),
"BUG: invalid cached basename_start_pos provided"
debug_assert!(!path.starts_with(b"/"), "input path must be relative");
if self.mode.contains(pattern::Mode::NO_SUB_DIR) && !self.mode.contains(pattern::Mode::ABSOLUTE) {
let basename = &path[basename_start_pos.unwrap_or_default()..];
self.matches(basename, flags)
} else {
self.matches(path, flags)
/// See if `value` matches this pattern in the given `mode`.
/// `mode` can identify `value` as path which won't match the slash character, and can match
/// strings with cases ignored as well. Note that the case folding performed here is ASCII only.
/// Note that this method uses some shortcuts to accelerate simple patterns, but falls back to
/// [wildmatch()][crate::wildmatch()] if these fail.
pub fn matches(&self, value: &BStr, mode: wildmatch::Mode) -> bool {
match self.first_wildcard_pos {
// "*literal" case, overrides starts-with
if self.mode.contains(pattern::Mode::ENDS_WITH)
&& (!mode.contains(wildmatch::Mode::NO_MATCH_SLASH_LITERAL) || !value.contains(&b'/')) =>
let text = &self.text[pos + 1..];
if mode.contains(wildmatch::Mode::IGNORE_CASE) {
.map_or(false, |start| text.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&value[start..]))
} else {
Some(pos) => {
if mode.contains(wildmatch::Mode::IGNORE_CASE) {
if !value
.map_or(false, |value| value.eq_ignore_ascii_case(&self.text[..pos]))
return false;
} else if !value.starts_with(&self.text[..pos]) {
return false;
crate::wildmatch(self.text.as_bstr(), value, mode)
None => {
if mode.contains(wildmatch::Mode::IGNORE_CASE) {
} else {
self.text == value
impl fmt::Display for Pattern {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if self.mode.contains(Mode::NEGATIVE) {
if self.mode.contains(Mode::ABSOLUTE) {
if self.mode.contains(Mode::MUST_BE_DIR) {