blob: 4f2fe990ee014eadaae53a3f07cd98b0f51c6fc7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::path::Component;
use std::{
ffi::{OsStr, OsString},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use bstr::{BStr, BString};
/// The error type returned by [`into_bstr()`] and others may suffer from failed conversions from or to bytes.
pub struct Utf8Error;
impl std::fmt::Display for Utf8Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
f.write_str("Could not convert to UTF8 or from UTF8 due to ill-formed input")
impl std::error::Error for Utf8Error {}
/// Like [`into_bstr()`], but takes `OsStr` as input for a lossless, but fallible, conversion.
pub fn os_str_into_bstr(path: &OsStr) -> Result<&BStr, Utf8Error> {
let path = try_into_bstr(Cow::Borrowed(path.as_ref()))?;
match path {
Cow::Borrowed(path) => Ok(path),
Cow::Owned(_) => unreachable!("borrowed cows stay borrowed"),
/// Like [`into_bstr()`], but takes `OsString` as input for a lossless, but fallible, conversion.
pub fn os_string_into_bstring(path: OsString) -> Result<BString, Utf8Error> {
let path = try_into_bstr(Cow::Owned(path.into()))?;
match path {
Cow::Borrowed(_path) => unreachable!("borrowed cows stay borrowed"),
Cow::Owned(path) => Ok(path),
/// Like [`into_bstr()`], but takes `Cow<OsStr>` as input for a lossless, but fallible, conversion.
pub fn try_os_str_into_bstr(path: Cow<'_, OsStr>) -> Result<Cow<'_, BStr>, Utf8Error> {
match path {
Cow::Borrowed(path) => os_str_into_bstr(path).map(Cow::Borrowed),
Cow::Owned(path) => os_string_into_bstring(path).map(Cow::Owned),
/// Convert the given path either into its raw bytes on unix or its UTF8 encoded counterpart on windows.
/// On windows, if the source Path contains ill-formed, lone surrogates, the UTF-8 conversion will fail
/// causing `Utf8Error` to be returned.
pub fn try_into_bstr<'a>(path: impl Into<Cow<'a, Path>>) -> Result<Cow<'a, BStr>, Utf8Error> {
let path = path.into();
let path_str = match path {
Cow::Owned(path) => Cow::Owned({
let p: BString = {
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt;
#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
let p: BString = {
use std::os::wasi::ffi::OsStringExt;
#[cfg(not(any(unix, target_os = "wasi")))]
let p: BString = path.into_os_string().into_string().map_err(|_| Utf8Error)?.into();
Cow::Borrowed(path) => Cow::Borrowed({
let p: &BStr = {
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
let p: &BStr = {
use std::os::wasi::ffi::OsStrExt;
#[cfg(not(any(unix, target_os = "wasi")))]
let p: &BStr = path.to_str().ok_or(Utf8Error)?.as_bytes().into();
/// Similar to [`try_into_bstr()`] but **panics** if malformed surrogates are encountered on windows.
pub fn into_bstr<'a>(path: impl Into<Cow<'a, Path>>) -> Cow<'a, BStr> {
try_into_bstr(path).expect("prefix path doesn't contain ill-formed UTF-8")
/// Join `path` to `base` such that they are separated with a `/`, i.e. `base/path`.
pub fn join_bstr_unix_pathsep<'a, 'b>(base: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>, path: impl Into<&'b BStr>) -> Cow<'a, BStr> {
let mut base = base.into();
if !base.is_empty() && base.last() != Some(&b'/') {
/// Given `input` bytes, produce a `Path` from them ignoring encoding entirely if on unix.
/// On windows, the input is required to be valid UTF-8, which is guaranteed if we wrote it before. There are some potential
/// git versions and windows installation which produce mal-formed UTF-16 if certain emojies are in the path. It's as rare as
/// it sounds, but possible.
pub fn try_from_byte_slice(input: &[u8]) -> Result<&Path, Utf8Error> {
let p = {
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
let p: &Path = {
use std::os::wasi::ffi::OsStrExt;
#[cfg(not(any(unix, target_os = "wasi")))]
let p = Path::new(std::str::from_utf8(input).map_err(|_| Utf8Error)?);
/// Similar to [`from_byte_slice()`], but takes either borrowed or owned `input`.
pub fn try_from_bstr<'a>(input: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>) -> Result<Cow<'a, Path>, Utf8Error> {
let input = input.into();
match input {
Cow::Borrowed(input) => try_from_byte_slice(input).map(Cow::Borrowed),
Cow::Owned(input) => try_from_bstring(input).map(Cow::Owned),
/// Similar to [`try_from_bstr()`], but **panics** if malformed surrogates are encountered on windows.
pub fn from_bstr<'a>(input: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>) -> Cow<'a, Path> {
try_from_bstr(input).expect("prefix path doesn't contain ill-formed UTF-8")
/// Similar to [`try_from_bstr()`], but takes and produces owned data.
pub fn try_from_bstring(input: impl Into<BString>) -> Result<PathBuf, Utf8Error> {
let input = input.into();
let p = {
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt;
#[cfg(target_os = "wasi")]
let p: PathBuf = {
use std::os::wasi::ffi::OsStringExt;
#[cfg(not(any(unix, target_os = "wasi")))]
let p = {
use bstr::ByteVec;
let v: Vec<_> = input.into();
.map_err(|_| Utf8Error)?,
/// Similar to [`try_from_bstring()`], but will **panic** if there is ill-formed UTF-8 in the `input`.
pub fn from_bstring(input: impl Into<BString>) -> PathBuf {
try_from_bstring(input).expect("well-formed UTF-8 on windows")
/// Similar to [`try_from_byte_slice()`], but will **panic** if there is ill-formed UTF-8 in the `input`.
pub fn from_byte_slice(input: &[u8]) -> &Path {
try_from_byte_slice(input).expect("well-formed UTF-8 on windows")
fn replace<'a>(path: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>, find: u8, replace: u8) -> Cow<'a, BStr> {
let path = path.into();
match path {
Cow::Owned(mut path) => {
for b in path.iter_mut().filter(|b| **b == find) {
*b = replace;
Cow::Borrowed(path) => {
if !path.contains(&find) {
return path.into();
let mut path = path.to_owned();
for b in path.iter_mut().filter(|b| **b == find) {
*b = replace;
/// Assures the given bytes use the native path separator.
pub fn to_native_separators<'a>(path: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>) -> Cow<'a, BStr> {
let p = to_unix_separators(path);
let p = to_windows_separators(path);
/// Convert paths with slashes to backslashes on windows and do nothing on unix, but **panics** if malformed surrogates are encountered on windows.
pub fn to_native_path_on_windows<'a>(path: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>) -> Cow<'a, std::path::Path> {
/// Replaces windows path separators with slashes, but only do so on windows.
pub fn to_unix_separators_on_windows<'a>(path: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>) -> Cow<'a, BStr> {
replace(path, b'\\', b'/')
/// Replaces windows path separators with slashes, unconditionally.
/// **Note** Do not use these and prefer the conditional versions of this method.
// TODO: use to handle escapes
pub fn to_unix_separators<'a>(path: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>) -> Cow<'a, BStr> {
replace(path, b'\\', b'/')
/// Find backslashes and replace them with slashes, which typically resembles a unix path, unconditionally.
/// **Note** Do not use these and prefer the conditional versions of this method.
// TODO: use to handle escapes
pub fn to_windows_separators<'a>(path: impl Into<Cow<'a, BStr>>) -> Cow<'a, BStr> {
replace(path, b'/', b'\\')
/// Resolve relative components virtually without accessing the file system, e.g. turn `a/./b/c/.././..` into `a`,
/// without keeping intermediate `..` and `/a/../b/..` becomes `/`.
/// If the input path was relative and ends up being the `current_dir`, `.` is returned instead of the full path to `current_dir`.
/// Note that single `.` components as well as duplicate separators are left untouched.
/// This is particularly useful when manipulating paths that are based on user input, and not resolving intermediate
/// symlinks keeps the path similar to what the user provided. If that's not desirable, use `[realpath()][crate::realpath()`
/// instead.
/// Note that we might access the `current_dir` if we run out of path components to pop off, which is expected to be absolute
/// as typical return value of `std::env::current_dir()` or `gix_fs::current_dir(…)` when `core.precomposeUnicode` is known.
/// As a `current_dir` like `/c` can be exhausted by paths like `../../r`, `None` will be returned to indicate the inability
/// to produce a logically consistent path.
pub fn normalize<'a>(path: Cow<'a, Path>, current_dir: &Path) -> Option<Cow<'a, Path>> {
use std::path::Component::ParentDir;
if !path.components().any(|c| matches!(c, ParentDir)) {
return Some(path);
let mut current_dir_opt = Some(current_dir);
let was_relative = path.is_relative();
let components = path.components();
let mut path = PathBuf::new();
for component in components {
if let ParentDir = component {
let path_was_dot = path == Path::new(".");
if path.as_os_str().is_empty() || path_was_dot {
if !path.pop() {
return None;
} else {
if (path.as_os_str().is_empty() || path == current_dir) && was_relative {
} else {
/// Rebuild the worktree-relative `relative_path` to be relative to `prefix`, which is the worktree-relative
/// path equivalent to the position of the user, or current working directory.
/// This is a no-op if `prefix` is empty.
/// Note that both `relative_path` and `prefix` are assumed to be [normalized](normalize()), and failure to do so
/// will lead to incorrect results.
/// Note that both input paths are expected to be equal in terms of case too, as comparisons will be case-sensitive.
pub fn relativize_with_prefix<'a>(relative_path: &'a Path, prefix: &Path) -> Cow<'a, Path> {
if prefix.as_os_str().is_empty() {
return Cow::Borrowed(relative_path);
relative_path.components().all(|c| matches!(c, Component::Normal(_))),
"BUG: all input is expected to be normalized, but relative_path was not"
prefix.components().all(|c| matches!(c, Component::Normal(_))),
"BUG: all input is expected to be normalized, but prefix was not"
let mut buf = PathBuf::new();
let mut rpc = relative_path.components().peekable();
let mut equal_thus_far = true;
for pcomp in prefix.components() {
if equal_thus_far {
if let (Component::Normal(pname), Some(Component::Normal(rpname))) = (pcomp, rpc.peek()) {
if &pname == rpname {;
} else {
equal_thus_far = false;
if buf.as_os_str().is_empty() {
} else {