blob: ac222ed105c4c47ef099da546a7a1682a20da9c2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
pub mod name {
use std::convert::Infallible;
/// The error used in [name()][super::name()] and [`name_partial()`][super::name_partial()]
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("A reference must be a valid tag name as well")]
Tag(#[from] crate::tag::name::Error),
#[error("Standalone references must be all uppercased, like 'HEAD'")]
#[error("A reference name must not start with a slash '/'")]
#[error("Multiple slashes in a row are not allowed as they may change the reference's meaning")]
#[error("Names must not be a single '.', but may contain it.")]
impl From<Infallible> for Error {
fn from(_: Infallible) -> Self {
unreachable!("this impl is needed to allow passing a known valid partial path as parameter")
use bstr::BStr;
/// Validate a reference name running all the tests in the book. This disallows lower-case references, but allows
/// ones like `HEAD`.
pub fn name(path: &BStr) -> Result<&BStr, name::Error> {
validate(path, Mode::Complete)
/// Validate a partial reference name. As it is assumed to be partial, names like `some-name` is allowed
/// even though these would be disallowed with when using [`name()`].
pub fn name_partial(path: &BStr) -> Result<&BStr, name::Error> {
validate(path, Mode::Partial)
enum Mode {
fn validate(path: &BStr, mode: Mode) -> Result<&BStr, name::Error> {
if path[0] == b'/' {
return Err(name::Error::StartsWithSlash);
let mut previous = 0;
let mut one_before_previous = 0;
let mut saw_slash = false;
for byte in path.iter() {
match *byte {
b'/' if previous == b'.' && one_before_previous == b'/' => return Err(name::Error::SingleDot),
b'/' if previous == b'/' => return Err(name::Error::RepeatedSlash),
_ => {}
if *byte == b'/' {
saw_slash = true;
one_before_previous = previous;
previous = *byte;
if let Mode::Complete = mode {
if !saw_slash && !path.iter().all(|c| c.is_ascii_uppercase() || *c == b'_') {
return Err(name::Error::SomeLowercase);