blob: 6d06abb5d785f734cc24289dd70b70a9b57208c9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use std::str;
use bstr::{ByteSlice, ByteVec};
/// A single state in the state machine used by `unescape`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq)]
enum State {
/// The state after seeing a `\`.
/// The state after seeing a `\x`.
/// The state after seeing a `\x[0-9A-Fa-f]`.
/// Default state.
/// Escapes arbitrary bytes into a human readable string.
/// This converts `\t`, `\r` and `\n` into their escaped forms. It also
/// converts the non-printable subset of ASCII in addition to invalid UTF-8
/// bytes to hexadecimal escape sequences. Everything else is left as is.
/// The dual of this routine is [`unescape`](fn.unescape.html).
/// # Example
/// This example shows how to convert a byte string that contains a `\n` and
/// invalid UTF-8 bytes into a `String`.
/// Pay special attention to the use of raw strings. That is, `r"\n"` is
/// equivalent to `"\\n"`.
/// ```
/// use grep_cli::escape;
/// assert_eq!(r"foo\nbar\xFFbaz", escape(b"foo\nbar\xFFbaz"));
/// ```
pub fn escape(bytes: &[u8]) -> String {
let mut escaped = String::new();
for (s, e, ch) in bytes.char_indices() {
if ch == '\u{FFFD}' {
for b in bytes[s..e].bytes() {
escape_byte(b, &mut escaped);
} else {
escape_char(ch, &mut escaped);
/// Escapes an OS string into a human readable string.
/// This is like [`escape`](fn.escape.html), but accepts an OS string.
pub fn escape_os(string: &OsStr) -> String {
/// Unescapes a string.
/// It supports a limited set of escape sequences:
/// * `\t`, `\r` and `\n` are mapped to their corresponding ASCII bytes.
/// * `\xZZ` hexadecimal escapes are mapped to their byte.
/// Everything else is left as is, including non-hexadecimal escapes like
/// `\xGG`.
/// This is useful when it is desirable for a command line argument to be
/// capable of specifying arbitrary bytes or otherwise make it easier to
/// specify non-printable characters.
/// The dual of this routine is [`escape`](fn.escape.html).
/// # Example
/// This example shows how to convert an escaped string (which is valid UTF-8)
/// into a corresponding sequence of bytes. Each escape sequence is mapped to
/// its bytes, which may include invalid UTF-8.
/// Pay special attention to the use of raw strings. That is, `r"\n"` is
/// equivalent to `"\\n"`.
/// ```
/// use grep_cli::unescape;
/// assert_eq!(&b"foo\nbar\xFFbaz"[..], &*unescape(r"foo\nbar\xFFbaz"));
/// ```
pub fn unescape(s: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
use self::State::*;
let mut bytes = vec![];
let mut state = Literal;
for c in s.chars() {
match state {
Escape => match c {
'\\' => {
state = Literal;
'n' => {
state = Literal;
'r' => {
state = Literal;
't' => {
state = Literal;
'x' => {
state = HexFirst;
c => {
bytes.extend(format!(r"\{}", c).into_bytes());
state = Literal;
HexFirst => match c {
'0'..='9' | 'A'..='F' | 'a'..='f' => {
state = HexSecond(c);
c => {
bytes.extend(format!(r"\x{}", c).into_bytes());
state = Literal;
HexSecond(first) => match c {
'0'..='9' | 'A'..='F' | 'a'..='f' => {
let ordinal = format!("{}{}", first, c);
let byte = u8::from_str_radix(&ordinal, 16).unwrap();
state = Literal;
c => {
let original = format!(r"\x{}{}", first, c);
state = Literal;
Literal => match c {
'\\' => {
state = Escape;
c => {
match state {
Escape => bytes.push(b'\\'),
HexFirst => bytes.extend(b"\\x"),
HexSecond(c) => bytes.extend(format!("\\x{}", c).into_bytes()),
Literal => {}
/// Unescapes an OS string.
/// This is like [`unescape`](fn.unescape.html), but accepts an OS string.
/// Note that this first lossily decodes the given OS string as UTF-8. That
/// is, an escaped string (the thing given) should be valid UTF-8.
pub fn unescape_os(string: &OsStr) -> Vec<u8> {
/// Adds the given codepoint to the given string, escaping it if necessary.
fn escape_char(cp: char, into: &mut String) {
if cp.is_ascii() {
escape_byte(cp as u8, into);
} else {
/// Adds the given byte to the given string, escaping it if necessary.
fn escape_byte(byte: u8, into: &mut String) {
match byte {
0x21..=0x5B | 0x5D..=0x7D => into.push(byte as char),
b'\n' => into.push_str(r"\n"),
b'\r' => into.push_str(r"\r"),
b'\t' => into.push_str(r"\t"),
b'\\' => into.push_str(r"\\"),
_ => into.push_str(&format!(r"\x{:02X}", byte)),
mod tests {
use super::{escape, unescape};
fn b(bytes: &'static [u8]) -> Vec<u8> {
fn empty() {
assert_eq!(b(b""), unescape(r""));
assert_eq!(r"", escape(b""));
fn backslash() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\\"), unescape(r"\\"));
assert_eq!(r"\\", escape(b"\\"));
fn nul() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\x00"), unescape(r"\x00"));
assert_eq!(r"\x00", escape(b"\x00"));
fn nl() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\n"), unescape(r"\n"));
assert_eq!(r"\n", escape(b"\n"));
fn tab() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\t"), unescape(r"\t"));
assert_eq!(r"\t", escape(b"\t"));
fn carriage() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\r"), unescape(r"\r"));
assert_eq!(r"\r", escape(b"\r"));
fn nothing_simple() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\\a"), unescape(r"\a"));
assert_eq!(b(b"\\a"), unescape(r"\\a"));
assert_eq!(r"\\a", escape(b"\\a"));
fn nothing_hex0() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\\x"), unescape(r"\x"));
assert_eq!(b(b"\\x"), unescape(r"\\x"));
assert_eq!(r"\\x", escape(b"\\x"));
fn nothing_hex1() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\\xz"), unescape(r"\xz"));
assert_eq!(b(b"\\xz"), unescape(r"\\xz"));
assert_eq!(r"\\xz", escape(b"\\xz"));
fn nothing_hex2() {
assert_eq!(b(b"\\xzz"), unescape(r"\xzz"));
assert_eq!(b(b"\\xzz"), unescape(r"\\xzz"));
assert_eq!(r"\\xzz", escape(b"\\xzz"));
fn invalid_utf8() {
assert_eq!(r"\xFF", escape(b"\xFF"));
assert_eq!(r"a\xFFb", escape(b"a\xFFb"));